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My princess!
Member since 5/05 6548 total posts
Advice did you wean from bottles to cup??
Silly question but I am so confused..
I want to start weaning Megan off of her bottles. I have no problem keeping her morning and night time bottles but she gets 2 more during the day. I would like to eliminate the 2 during the day. She just turned one and is on whole milk.
How do you do this? She refuses to actually drink from ANY kind of sip cup. How do you make sure they get enough milk?? If she drank out of a sippy, I would just give her a cup of milk when she would have gotten her bottle. What did you do? How did you go about it?
Besides her not drinking from a cup, I think she will be totally fine without these bottles. She doesnt really like drinking from them anymore but I just want to make sure she gets enough milk throughout the day. Please tell me how you did it!!!
Posted 8/25/07 12:38 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 4/07 2080 total posts
Name: Summer
Re: Advice did you wean from bottles to cup??
well, they say that even just 12 oz of milk is good enough (thank God, thats what DD has)....but it makes me feel better that DD loves cheese and yogurt and, that being said, that morning and nite bottle should be good enough, so i would go cold turkey in the middle of the day for the other bottles....i would try the avent sippy cups (they are pretty good) or try this....i drink a lot of water from a huge thing with a straw- when DD was 6/7 months old, she was wanting to have what i had, so she learned how to sip out of a straw this way, and ever since ive been giving her the playtex straw sippys...and she love love loves them- so try that in the middle of the day- if shes thirsty, shell drink....if u want, get one of those straw sippys and fill it up with 3/4 water 1/4 juice (i use vitamin water) and YOU drink from it- if shes like every other kid, shell want to try what u have, and give it to her. make a big deal about how good it is (or do this with the avent sippys or with wahtever sippys u like, no matter)...wait til she hasnt drank for a while, make sure shes thirsty, and make a big deal about it being so good or whatever. im sure shell get it....
then again, what do i know...? i dont know what everyone else did, and DD was BFed, but i think this is how i might try if she wasnt and had a bottle.....
Posted 8/25/07 4:29 AM |
Little Angel

Member since 10/05 1745 total posts
Name: Kristi
Re: Advice did you wean from bottles to cup??
I started replacing one bottle for a cup 2 months ago. I took a while before she would drink milk/formula from it. I never offered her a bottle at that feeding. It was the cup or nothing. I felt that if she didn't drink it she was only missing one feeding daily. Eventually she started drinking it and once she did I replaced another bottle with a cup. Her one year appointment is Monday after that I'm getting rid of the last one!
Good luck!
Message edited 8/25/2007 6:24:58 AM.
Posted 8/25/07 6:23 AM |
My princess!
Member since 5/05 6548 total posts
Re: Advice did you wean from bottles to cup??
Thanks for the advice ladies.
Now my big problem is getting her to drink from the cup. I have so many different kinds but she cant actually SIP from them. Heck, I tried out of all them and its HARD to get liquid out. When I take out the stopper, it goes too fast for her and she winds up choking.
I have tried a straw one and she just doenst get the concept to sip it in. DO you guys know of any sip cups that wont break your face trying to get liquid out of them???
Posted 8/25/07 11:33 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Advice did you wean from bottles to cup??
I really like the Nuby soft spout sippy cups. Molly is 10months and has no problems getting the liquid out. Maybe try those. Then start by replacing her mid day bottle in a cup. Don't sweat it if she doesn't drink it...her nutrition will not suffer. To ease your mind, offer yogurt and cheese with that meal.
Posted 8/25/07 11:37 AM |
Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Advice did you wean from bottles to cup??
The day of her birthday was the last day for a bottle for her.
I just put everything in a sippy cup now. The dr said it isn't a big deal if she doesn't drink a lot of milk so I am not worried. She will drink from a water bottle and straw so I just did it cold turkey.
Posted 8/25/07 1:10 PM |