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Member since 6/05 6030 total posts
After a loss, do you start fearing other people in your life will die?
After I lost my parent Ive started having kind of paranoid worry about losing my child. Losing my parent was bad enough, but I made it through. If I lost my baby I dont think I would make it.
Posted 1/22/13 8:53 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Yes it is! Going as planned:)
Member since 6/07 5339 total posts
After a loss, do you start fearing other people in your life will die?
I accidentally clicked on this board and normally don't come here but I saw your post title and thought, yep! That's me!! After my mom passed 3 1/2 years ago, I've had this huge fear of other close people in my life Dying. I get very paranoid. I thought It would go away after time, but It hasn't :/. Sorry for your loss!
Posted 1/24/13 10:14 PM |
<3 my family

Member since 1/06 7465 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: After a loss, do you start fearing other people in your life will die?
I lost my son almost 8 years ago. Ever since, I fear losing my DH the most. If he is home a tad late I panic a bit. I have nightmares about losing him My oldest daughter has T1 diabetes and I am always afraid she will slip away in her sleep. I have constant and sometimes really irrational thoughts about losing them. Hate the fear the loss has brought me. Sorry you are dealing with fears too
Posted 1/28/13 3:02 PM |
We are complete <3

Member since 3/11 1750 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: After a loss, do you start fearing other people in your life will die?
I lost my sister a little over a month ago and I fear either myself or someone else I love will die. I think that is only normal. I am sorry for your loss.
Posted 1/31/13 9:59 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/10 507 total posts
Name: jessica
Re: After a loss, do you start fearing other people in your life will die?
i had my baby girl june 20,2011 father died july 21, 2011 exactly one month and a day . It was unexpected and i still break down alot. When he first passed i was a wreck ...i didnt want my husband to go anywhere without me i was so parinoid to loose him . I still from time to time find myself in a day dream or sometimes a nap dream and it is me loosing someone in my family it kills me and puts me in a panic ....but i have to push through and live life in the moment for my little girl othersiwse i would be a wreck everyday and would miss many precious moments with her.
SOrry for your loss . :(
Posted 2/8/13 10:17 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 8/13 11 total posts
Re: After a loss, do you start fearing other people in your life will die?
Yes, my parents passed away in March. I never had a true tragedy in my life before. Now I feel like anything can happened and anyone can leave me. Losing someone changes a lot of things.
Posted 9/8/13 4:08 PM |
Mommy of 3!
Member since 5/05 2967 total posts
Name: Mommy to two boys and a girl
Re: After a loss, do you start fearing other people in your life will die?
My mom passed in May- from cancer.
Last week, my dad was diagnosed with stage IV lymphoma.
I'm an only child and I feel like I will have no one left from my family of origin.
I feel now like life is so fleeting- never felt like that before.
Posted 9/23/13 11:41 AM |