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Allergy testing?

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Happy New Year

Member since 5/05

17334 total posts


Allergy testing?

Has anyone taken their baby to an Immunologist? Have you had the baby tested for allergies? What exactly is the procedure?

Posted 1/16/06 10:31 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

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Re: Allergy testing?

i have, it is usually a blood draw and then they get all the allergen levels. When I went t eh allergist they did skin tests, they applied histamine to my daughters skin which carried different allergens (eggs, milk, peanuts, wheat, dander, etc) and they came back 5 min min to check for a reaction, but the blood results were the most important, it is fast I think they draw 2 tubes.

Message edited 1/16/2006 12:06:20 PM.

Posted 1/16/06 12:05 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: Allergy testing?

Scotty was probably 3 when he had his testing, and they did the skin test...they make little scratches on their back/arm. Honestly, if there's a blood test you could do to forgo the scratch test, I'd highly recommend it.

Posted 1/16/06 12:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Allergy testing?

Posted by Scotty-CassidysMom

Scotty was probably 3 when he had his testing, and they did the skin test...they make little scratches on their back/arm. Honestly, if there's a blood test you could do to forgo the scratch test, I'd highly recommend it.

Why? Does the scratch test hurt??? Sidney is having it done next week Chat Icon

Posted 1/16/06 11:43 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: Allergy testing?

Posted by dree

Posted by Scotty-CassidysMom

Scotty was probably 3 when he had his testing, and they did the skin test...they make little scratches on their back/arm. Honestly, if there's a blood test you could do to forgo the scratch test, I'd highly recommend it.

Why? Does the scratch test hurt??? Sidney is having it done next week Chat Icon

Well, I probably wouldn't say that it hurts as much as it's uncomfortable. Plus, after they put whatever they put on the scratches, they have to lay still, and Scotty was incredibly itchy on the scratches that he was allergic to. It's hard enough to imagine adults having to lay there while someone scratches them and then be totally itchy and not be able to do anything about it, so imagine explaining that to a child.
If it's what has to be done, then definately do it. The discomfort is worth knowing and treating her allergies. I was just saying that if there is a blood test that they can do and get the same results, it's probably much easier on the child.

Posted 1/17/06 8:55 AM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: Allergy testing?

Posted by dree

Posted by Scotty-CassidysMom

Scotty was probably 3 when he had his testing, and they did the skin test...they make little scratches on their back/arm. Honestly, if there's a blood test you could do to forgo the scratch test, I'd highly recommend it.

Why? Does the scratch test hurt??? Sidney is having it done next week Chat Icon


I guess it depends who does it, because my daughter was only 15 months old and she didn't even flinch. They didnt scratch her skin at all, they just out the histamines on her skin surface and rubbed it around a bit, they came back every few monutes to check on her, but they romoved the substance after 5 min regardless, it was totoally fine.

Posted 1/17/06 9:51 AM

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