Am I doing something wrong? Nap related
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Member since 7/07 2089 total posts
Am I doing something wrong? Nap related
So my DD has not been in her crib once...she sleeps in my room in a bassinett. Shes only 3 weeks now. But for nap time during the day, I let her sleep in her swing...she'll only nap in there for about 30 min. She only REALLY naps when shes lying on my chest. Then she can sleep for 2 hours or so. Once I try putting her in her pack n play bassinett (in living room) she cries and wakes. Am I creating a problem for naps when shes older? On a side note...I think she sleeps at night and not during the day lying flat because of her swaddle. I dont swaddle during daytime naps because they are so sporatic and not routine. Should I be beginning a nap time schedule?
Message edited 12/20/2008 6:33:32 PM.
Posted 12/20/08 6:29 PM |
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Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: Am I doing something wrong? Nap related
In the book "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" it states that at about 7 weeks is when you can start looking for "sleepy signs" (glazed eyes, yawning, quieting, less activity) and use that as a cue to put down for a nap.
Currently, my DD is 6 weeks old and her naps are VERY sporadic. When she falls asleep on me, I just swaddle her up and put her down. Sometimes she'll sleep a couple of hours, sometimes she just wakes right up.
Posted 12/20/08 6:35 PM |
my two loves

Member since 10/06 5133 total posts
Name: Megan
Re: Am I doing something wrong? Nap related
DS is 12 weeks and still doesn't have a nap schedule! At 3 weeks I think you should just let her sleep when she wants to sleep. DS slept in the swing ALL the time, but when he was ready (about 8 weeks) he had no problem transitioning into the crib. The key for you right now is just to find what makes her happy and stick to it. Don't worry about bad habits yet, I was the same way and you find that they adjust pretty easily when you need them to! At one point I even had DS sleeping in the swing for part of the night and the ped said that was fine.
Posted 12/20/08 6:47 PM |
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