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an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

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she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

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remember, when Gulliver traveled....

an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

so, I was walking to my office from the train and passed (as I do every day) the corner store.

the gent that minds the flower stand (a mexican gent) stops to say hi to me.

as he is doing this a woman wants flowers.

so she says "excuse me...MEEDA"

as in "mira" or "mirar" or "look" in the english translation.

she did it within a nano-second of saying "excuse me" and while he was still getting the words "good morning" out of his mouth to me.

I really wanted to slap this lady. I felt it was disrespectful to say the least. and kind of degrading. like he wouldn't understand "excuse me" even though he's working there...

forget about the part where she was so effing self-absorbed she didn't care that he was talking to someone.

but just that "MEEDA" (her pronunciation) got UNDER MY SKIN.

I am prone to overeacting on occasion. so I let it go. but it is still bothering me.

any thoughts? do you say "MEEDA" to someone...even if you don't speak their get their attention?

Posted 12/13/07 11:17 AM
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Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

oooo you have no idea how much that is SUCH A PET PEEVE to me!!! i'm hispanic and nothing annoys me more when non-spanish speaking ppl talk that way. sounds to me like that lady would be rude in any well as quite presumptious thinking she had to talk to him that way.

when i was about 14 or so i was hit by a car in bay shore--granted the area has a large hispanic population. well there i am laying on the ground, face full of 5th ave., and the white cop comes running and says "HABLA!!! HABLA INGLES!!!???!" while banging the pavement next to my head. i screamed "I SPEAK ENGLISH ASSSHOLE!"

i also hate ppl who raise their voice while trying to talk to someone they think doesn't understand english---yes cause volume makes a difference

Message edited 12/13/2007 11:23:19 AM.

Posted 12/13/07 11:22 AM

life is a carousel

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Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

It's just plain rude.

Posted 12/13/07 11:22 AM

Mother Mary Pray for us

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Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

That is horrible... even if you he spoke english I would never to say to someone ... look??? Obviously he has eyes and sees that you are there and he will get to you when he is done saying hello or whatever....
it does not matter that we do not speak the same language it is it is just plain RUDE. I hate people like that.

Posted 12/13/07 11:24 AM

I'm a PANK!!!

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Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

IMO Meeda is like a way of saying YO....and I think its rude to address someone like that.....unless its a friend

Posted 12/13/07 11:24 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

the woman was a 50-ish black woman.

I wondered how she would have reacted if he would have responded to her with a "YO" or some other way associated with black peope.

I SPEAK spanish, and I talk to them in either english or spanish...but I don't do that with strangers.

b/c I am white. look white. and I don't want them to think I am disrespecting them with an assumption that they can't speak english.

Posted 12/13/07 11:25 AM

LIF Toddler

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Jaclyn (former '07 LIW'er)

Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

That would have angered me too...and I probably would have said something to her because I tend to not have a very high tolerance for ignorant people. It sounds like she was incredibly rude! Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/07 11:27 AM

Happy Days!

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Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

I wonder if he knows the Big Issue seller downstairs from my office...

Posted 12/13/07 11:27 AM


Member since 5/07

2197 total posts


Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

am i just being blonde..but i dunno why she said "meeda"? lol

im as white as they come, but i know how to speak spanish. and if a spanish speaking person comes across my way, yes i might speak a few words of it.
is that rude?

Posted 12/13/07 11:27 AM


Member since 5/06

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Message edited 9/2/2009 10:16:01 AM.

Posted 12/13/07 11:28 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

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Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

She was definitely rude just because she wasn't being patient enough to wait the nano-second that common courtesy dictates you should...

But just to play devils advocate here, are you sure she wasn't Domenican and says 'mira'/'meeda' all the time?

Posted 12/13/07 11:32 AM

it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07

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Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

I think it's rude that she interrupted him while he was talking to someone else.
I don't think it was as rude to speak non sensical spanish. If I was selling flowers in China, and someone said to me- "excuse me look here", I'd be more preturbed that they are so self absorbed that they can't wait their turn.

Posted 12/13/07 11:34 AM


Member since 12/06

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Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

Defenitely very rude.

Posted 12/13/07 11:35 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

Posted by eroxgirl

But just to play devils advocate here, are you sure she wasn't Domenican and says 'mira'/'meeda' all the time?

I am about 98.5% sure. that 1.5% is what stopped me from saying anything.

either way, the manner in which she said a barking tone...was rude.

but I am that sure she was a non-spanish speaker.

Posted 12/13/07 11:35 AM

We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06

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Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

Posted by photoshopbabe

am i just being blonde..but i dunno why she said "meeda"? lol

im as white as they come, but i know how to speak spanish. and if a spanish speaking person comes across my way, yes i might speak a few words of it.
is that rude?

I guess she thought that was the only way to switch the attention from the OP to herself.
I don't think its rude to talk to someone in their language if you can. I just think in this situation, this lady was annoyed that he wasn't paying attention to her

Posted 12/13/07 11:44 AM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

Posted by MrsF519

Posted by photoshopbabe

am i just being blonde..but i dunno why she said "meeda"? lol

im as white as they come, but i know how to speak spanish. and if a spanish speaking person comes across my way, yes i might speak a few words of it.
is that rude?

I guess she thought that was the only way to switch the attention from the OP to herself.
I don't think its rude to talk to someone in their language if you can. I just think in this situation, this lady was annoyed that he wasn't paying attention to her

see, that's the thing.

I don't think this lady knows a LICK of spanish besides words like "MEEDA"

like she threw it out there.

THAT is what bothered me about it's usage.

maybe I am pulling a Sharpton here....I don't know.

Posted 12/13/07 11:46 AM

We're gonna be big sisters!

Member since 6/06

14887 total posts


Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

Posted by Ophelia

Posted by MrsF519

Posted by photoshopbabe

am i just being blonde..but i dunno why she said "meeda"? lol

im as white as they come, but i know how to speak spanish. and if a spanish speaking person comes across my way, yes i might speak a few words of it.
is that rude?

I guess she thought that was the only way to switch the attention from the OP to herself.
I don't think its rude to talk to someone in their language if you can. I just think in this situation, this lady was annoyed that he wasn't paying attention to her

see, that's the thing.

I don't think this lady knows a LICK of spanish besides words like "MEEDA"

like she threw it out there.

THAT is what bothered me about it's usage.

maybe I am pulling a Sharpton here....I don't know. you don't think she even knew what she was saying. I mean, I don't speak spanish but I know "Mira" and I'm pretty sure if she just told him "excuse me" he wouldn't have a hard time understanding her. OR...she could have just waited the 2.5 seconds it took him to finish saying "good morning" Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/07 11:50 AM

Becoming a different woman

Member since 5/05

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Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

omg that's so freaking RUDE!!!

this people should have at least given him the benefit of the doubt, give me a freaking break.Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/13/07 11:55 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

First off, barking at anyone is rude, no matter what language it is in. She sounded rude, regardless of the language. She should have waited a minute for him.

Butother than that, what is so offensive about what you described? You don't know that this woman didn't speak Spanish herself. Her speaking Spanish was not necessarily an implication that the flower gentleman didn't speak English. I think that may be reading too much into the situation.

When I know I am speakign to someone whose native tongue is not English, and if I speak the language, i will address them in such a language. My DH always speaks to other Israelis in Hebrew. I do it too. It doesn't mean that I assume they can't speak English. For example, I will speak to Israelis in Hebrew if I can (my vocabulary and grammar suck). I am not implying that they don't know English. Like I was in the subway and some Israeli tour came down. I said "excuse me" in Hebrew to them. don't mean to imply that someoen doesn't know basic English.

Also, I see this all the time that people go up to others and speak Spanish. This happens on line at the deli, Starbucks at the newstand and at my local fruit stand. Is that offensive?

Posted 12/13/07 12:15 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

Posted by Shelly

First off, barking at anyone is rude, no matter what language it is in. She sounded rude, regardless of the language. She should have waited a minute for him.

Butother than that, what is so offensive about what you described? You don't know that this woman didn't speak Spanish herself. Her speaking Spanish was not necessarily an implication that the flower gentleman didn't speak English. I think that may be reading too much into the situation.

When I know I am speakign to someone whose native tongue is not English, and if I speak the language, i will address them in such a language. My DH always speaks to other Israelis in Hebrew. I do it too. It doesn't mean that I assume they can't speak English. For example, I will speak to Israelis in Hebrew if I can (my vocabulary and grammar suck). I am not implying that they don't know English. Like I was in the subway and some Israeli tour came down. I said "excuse me" in Hebrew to them. don't mean to imply that someoen doesn't know basic English.

Also, I see this all the time that people go up to others and speak Spanish. This happens on line at the deli, Starbucks at the newstand and at my local fruit stand. Is that offensive?

like I said in another post, I am almost 100% sure this lady DID NOT speak spanish.

did I go an ask her if she spoke spanish, NO. but it was the ONLY thing she said, even when telling him was she wanted.

she said "excuse me..MEEDA" "I want those pink flowers...UP..Up there..PINK."

a spanish speaker, if starting the convo in spanish, would have continued speaking in the language.

that is what was offensive.

If I used the ONE word I know in Hebrew to get your attention, you may not like it much either.

Posted 12/13/07 12:19 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

Posted by Ophelia
like I said in another post, I am almost 100% sure this lady DID NOT speak spanish.

did I go an ask her if she spoke spanish, NO. but it was the ONLY thing she said, even when telling him was she wanted.

she said "excuse me..MEEDA" "I want those pink flowers...UP..Up there..PINK."

a spanish speaker, if starting the convo in spanish, would have continued speaking in the language.

that is what was offensive.

If I used the ONE word I know in Hebrew to get your attention, you may not like it much either.

Well I do this often with Hebrew. We go to restautants where the waitresses are Israeli. I speak what I can because i want to practice, but then I switch to English because I am more comfortable with it and I would rather just get my order out than stammer for a few minutes trying to express what I want. Its not meant to be an implication that they don't speak English. I never thought it could be interpreted that way.

ETA: I think its just about the tone. I think that whether this woman spoke Spanish or not, she was rude.

Message edited 12/13/2007 12:37:39 PM.

Posted 12/13/07 12:26 PM


Member since 8/06

2759 total posts


Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

I agree with you, it was from what you described very disrespectful of the woman to address him that way...I have also been witness to exchanges such as these many times as I work with people from many different backgrounds, and it bothers me to no end as well

Message edited 12/13/2007 12:29:44 PM.

Posted 12/13/07 12:27 PM


Member since 9/06

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Me!! All about ME!

Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

Jess... I totally get what your saying. I understand why you thought that was offensive. It is all about the way you present yourself.
The way your describing the situation, it seems like the woman was being extremely rude.

Message edited 12/13/2007 12:29:31 PM.

Posted 12/13/07 12:28 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: an observation today...could be a hot topic on the cold day

I think the woman was disrepectful in her "serve me" attitude but not for using Spanish.

If she, in her limited language of the tongue, said "Gracias", would that have been offensive?

Posted 12/13/07 12:47 PM

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