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And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
Do you get more milk out of a bigger boob than you would a smaller boob?
For example: Does Blissful (Maria) have more milk in her boob b/c she has M cups versus me with a C cup?
Sad, but I'm being serious.
Posted 8/26/09 2:20 PM |
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Name: Randi
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
As a larger boobed girl (a BFing F-cup), I don't think so. AND, I think it would be easier to BF with smaller boobs.
Posted 8/26/09 2:22 PM |
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Member since 6/08 4985 total posts
Name: Maria
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
Posted by Cakes
Do you get more milk out of a bigger boob than you would a smaller boob?
For example: Does Blissful (Maria) have more milk in her boob b/c she has M cups versus me with a C cup?
Sad, but I'm being serious.
and I have an "I" cup not "M"
and NO... supposedly having bigger boobs does NOT affect you milk supply!! A woman with a B cup can produce as much or more then Me with my "ZZZ" boobs!
Posted 8/26/09 2:22 PM |
A new beginning

Member since 2/07 3600 total posts
Name: LeShelle
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
I don't think it's that dumb of a question. My left boob is larger than my right and I get a lot more milk out of the bigger boob. This is probably not helping you though.
Posted 8/26/09 2:42 PM |

Member since 8/06 7945 total posts
Name: M-lo
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
As President of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, I can tell you, I got nothing when I tried.
Posted 8/26/09 3:00 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/08 1001 total posts
Name: Indira
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
Originally a B..after birth a D a nice plump C...and I'm the milkiest mama around...size shouldn't play a role...good luck!
Posted 8/26/09 3:04 PM |
My Girls

Member since 11/06 9543 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
I have tiny boobs and made alot of milk, so I vote no
Posted 8/26/09 8:25 PM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
i won't vote but i will say that my left boob is probably a half or a full cup size bigger than my right and i always got much more from the left side.
"M" cup
Posted 8/26/09 8:30 PM |
I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05 20105 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
I have small boobs and have been able to breast feed twins.
Posted 8/26/09 8:31 PM |
Real Estate Professional

Member since 11/07 17227 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
OMG I jsut PIMP....I had D's before PG, while BF'ing E's now DD, and I had a normal amount of milk, not too much and not too don't know how that helped you...
Posted 8/26/09 8:35 PM |
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Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
I was told it did not make a difference.
I have larger than average. I was literaly a cow and pumped 32 oz of milk per day with DS was an infant.
Posted 8/26/09 8:35 PM |
Member since 6/08 3195 total posts
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
i was a large c cup, a D cup when i BF'D and had a very LOW supply..i wish it went by size lol
Posted 8/26/09 8:38 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/07 1430 total posts
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
nope...actually it seems that more milk comes from the lil booby!
Posted 8/26/09 8:59 PM |
big sister status may 2012!!

Member since 5/08 3242 total posts
Name: Lupe
Re: And the dumb question of the day goes to ME!
i have microscopic boobs and although i don't get alot, i get enough to feed DD throughout the day, but i do have to suppliment. i asked the same question when i was preggo cause i was terrified i wouldn't be able to BF (my boob size has not changed EVER! i so got jipped w the pregnancy=bigger boobs myth!) but the ladies all reassured me that boob size doesn't affect milk production
Posted 8/26/09 9:47 PM |