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LIF Adult
Member since 10/07 3915 total posts
another babysitter question
If you leave DC w/ a family member or in - home daycare, what "equipment" did you leave for them?
I'm thinking he will need his swing, his pack and play......
Posted 12/18/08 12:21 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07 7364 total posts
Name: aka marriedinportjeff
Re: another babysitter question
my mom is taking over on monday.... this is what I got for her:
a top of the line pack-n-play that matches her room (with a sturdy changing table area) plug-in swing (FP powerplus... DS likes it!) boppy that matches her decor a basket filled with clothing... footie pjs, sleepsacks, blankets, bibs, socks, mittens, hats diapers, lotions bottles and formula thermometer nose bulb and saline spray toys
Posted 12/18/08 12:33 AM |
My love muffin!
Member since 1/07 5819 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: another babysitter question
I got her a pack and play, an activity gym, extra clothes and onesies, a swaddle me, diapers, bottles, formula, nasal spray and bulb and some toys. She has a bouncer and swing there but I was going to get him a take a long swing.
Posted 12/18/08 4:38 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/07 3915 total posts
Re: another babysitter question
thanks ladies! anyone else?
Posted 12/18/08 8:40 AM |
Drama Momma

Member since 9/06 9947 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: another babysitter question
Mom's house has a bouncy seat and a swing. We JUST got her a highchair (thanks kara!)
She also has her own stash of diapers, wipes, burp cloths, change of clothes, a few toys and bibs.
I bring her bottles daily and she returns them at the end of the day.
Once she's a bit older I think I'll give her the PNP.
Posted 12/18/08 8:51 AM |
wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07 16106 total posts
Name: Tina
Re: another babysitter question
My sis watches dd at her house.. Only brought the bounce seat when she was few months old, then when she started sitting up i brought the bumbo seat too. Now Nothing just her diaper bag. My sis has 3 kids already so has alot of stuff already for her.
Posted 12/18/08 8:59 AM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: another babysitter question
I babysit for a family member. They bring me:
Diapers Wipes Ointments Tylenol Her Pack & Play Every Monday A Clean Sheet (I send her sheet home every Friday) Her Favorite Stuffed Animal to sleep with. Blanket Bibsters Bibs Snacks A Notebook where we write to each other every day on diaper changes, what she ate, Nap Time, and what she did all day.
As for the Swing & Excersaucer, she just used DS'
Posted 12/18/08 9:34 AM |