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Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question

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Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question

This may sound wierd, but what do you do while you are in the hospital? I will be there for 4 days. People tell me I will not need to bring anything to entertain myself, but I'm not so sure. I won't have too many visitors (pretty much my DH. mom and sister and a couple of friends). Can you keep the baby with you while you are there?


Posted 4/10/06 1:13 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

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Re: Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question

I either watched TV or talked on the phone or people were there.. I wasn't ever bored really.. and whenever i was alone, I would jsut stare at my baby =:)

Where are you delivering? Every hospital has different policies. I delivered my kids at NSUH-Manhasset and my baby was with me pretty much 24/7. I would just have my DH wheel them into the nursery before he left at night. (although he too can stay if he wants too).

Posted 4/10/06 1:16 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question

Jared was with me from 9am-5pm, so I was occupied for the day. Plus visiting hours at night and in the afternoon was also helpful. After my DH left me at 9pm I was bored so he left me the portable DVD player and rented me some movies from blockbuster.

Posted 4/10/06 1:23 PM

My girls

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Re: Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question

The baby was with me from very early in the AM until 11PM, then I would just sleep, watch TV or talk on the phone. I also read a little.
Try to get some sleep if you can, you will need to recoop from surgery.

Posted 4/10/06 1:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2246 total posts


Re: Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question

Jack was with me pretty much the whole time. I only sent him to the nursery when they required otherwise he slept in my room with me. I didn't have a roommate so I was lucky.

Message edited 4/10/2006 1:47:46 PM.

Posted 4/10/06 1:46 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question

I don't know if it's different when you have a C-section, but my son was with me the entire time. The only time he went to the nursery was when I needed to take a shower and no one was was with me. Check with your hospital to see what the policy is.

Posted 4/10/06 2:12 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question

SLEEP. Seriously, I was soooo exhausted from surgery, visitors and BFing those early days, that any down time I had in the hospital I would nap. I don't know what your hospital policy is, but we kept Alex in our room with us at all times. She left only for routine examinations but they would bring her right back. I wanted it that way so I could establish a good BFing relationship.

Posted 4/10/06 2:17 PM

Making big changes

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Re: Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question

I mostly slept, ate, and spent time with Christopher. Otherwise there were visitors or doctors constantly coming in. On the rare occasion that I had nothing else to do, I watched TV.

Posted 4/10/06 2:20 PM

My children are a blessing!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question

I agree with Beth about the sleeping. I knew I'd never get the opportunity to rest like that again!

Posted 4/10/06 2:23 PM

Where it all began....

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Re: Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question


If you end up being bored you can have someone bring you a magazine or something.

I had my son in the room with me from 9am till 9pmChat Icon

Posted 4/10/06 2:53 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question

I guess the answer is not much. I did bring notecards to write thank you notes for the baby gifts, but I'm a bit anal when it comes to getting that done (eg I wrote my wedding thank yous on my 11 hr flight to my honeymoon).

eta. you can keep the baby there depending on the hospital. While sleeping, all babies go back to the nursery for security issues.

Message edited 4/10/2006 2:56:45 PM.

Posted 4/10/06 2:55 PM

Daylight savings :)

Member since 5/05

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Re: Another question before I become a mom- Hospital question

Shelly, I am lurking and just wanted to say best wishes for a speedy delivery!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/10/06 8:14 PM

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