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she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
one of the crafts we are doing is a "make your own" sheep.
I am getting white paper plates, and bags of cotton balls for the fleece.
figured we could draw faces on the paper plate and then cover the rest with cotton balls so the question is......would you let your lil one work with a glue stick, with help from an adult to make sure no eating occurs ?
Posted 9/30/10 11:05 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/07 8806 total posts
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
As long as they're being supervised, I think it would be okay.
I gotta tell you...I'm having this vision of kids covered in glue and caramel . The moms are gonna LOVE you .
Posted 9/30/10 11:13 AM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
Posted by MrsA714
As long as they're being supervised, I think it would be okay.
I gotta tell you...I'm having this vision of kids covered in glue and caramel . The moms are gonna LOVE you .
maybe I should skip the coloring book and give out new shirts as the favor
Posted 9/30/10 11:13 AM |
Baby #2 is here!

Member since 8/07 8806 total posts
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
Posted by Ophelia
Posted by MrsA714
As long as they're being supervised, I think it would be okay.
I gotta tell you...I'm having this vision of kids covered in glue and caramel . The moms are gonna LOVE you .
maybe I should skip the coloring book and give out new shirts as the favor
Not a bad idea . But seriously, I think it's ok. Just keep damp washcloths around to clean up and mishaps and/or sticky fingers and hands.
Posted 9/30/10 11:17 AM |
you rang?

Member since 6/08 5573 total posts
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
They use glue sticks in our Mommy & Me class, it doesn't get too messy at all.
Posted 9/30/10 11:19 AM |
Welcome 2010!
Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
You can use a glue stick or (if you are brave) you can pass out small containers of glue with the twist top set so very little glue comes out--show them how to make dots with the containers (kind of like the dot-dot markers).
I would just try the glue stick out at first and make sure things will adhere well enough, sometimes they don't stick as well as the liquid glue.
Good luck!
Posted 9/30/10 11:41 AM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 8/06 425 total posts
Name: me
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
I would suggest having an adult use a glue stick and spread it on the whole paper plate, then giving it to the child to stick the cotton balls on, this way kids dont use the glue
Posted 9/30/10 12:13 PM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
Posted by Ophelia
maybe I should skip the coloring book and give out new shirts as the favor
How about t-shirts they can decorate with fabric markers? Then they can wear them to do the other crafts?
Posted 9/30/10 12:36 PM |
My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07 13625 total posts
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
From my experience working with cotton, glue sticks never worked very well and the kids get a little freaked out when the cotton sticks to their hands ( again just my experience )
Not sure how much time you have or if you were going to be placing any Oriental Trading orders, but this collage paper is wonderful for crafts like this.(and no mess!)..
Just thought I'd throw that out there to you in case you could somehow incorporate this into the sheep thing
Posted 9/30/10 12:41 PM |
Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
Hmm....could you use double sided tape instead? And have the tape already on the plate, this way all they have to do is stick the cotton balls on?
Posted 9/30/10 12:43 PM |
My Girls

Member since 11/06 9543 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
I have to tell you that I have no issue with my kids using glue(or anything messy) but i do not think the glue stick will work with the cotton. can you just use regular Elmers? Have the parents put it on the plate and then the kids just have to place the cottonballs. Also babywipes make for a quick n easy clean up
Posted 9/30/10 1:02 PM |
she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06 23378 total posts
Name: remember, when Gulliver traveled....
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
this would be great but it got bad reviews. have you ever used it.
what if I used tape? booo. I feel like this craft is getting FUBAR before my eyes.
Posted 9/30/10 2:09 PM |
My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07 13625 total posts
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
Posted by Ophelia
this would be great but it got bad reviews. have you ever used it.
what if I used tape? booo. I feel like this craft is getting FUBAR before my eyes.
I've never used it specifcally for cotton balls, but have used it for other projects...I noticed the reviews were both for Dec 2008 so its is possible that was a bad batch, kwim ?
If you do use the glue, I would go with something like Elmers as opposed to glue sticks ...Not sure how good tape would work ( though maybe double sided tape )
Good luck!
Posted 9/30/10 2:59 PM |
I love Gary too..on a plate!
Member since 5/06 32461 total posts
Name: me
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
We used liquid school glue first to learn to squeeze the bottle and interact with "gooey" stuff.
We now use a glue stick.
I find the liquid glue to be easier at the beginning. Squeeze glue on paper. Put paper, cotton on top of glue. So much easier.
Message edited 9/30/2010 4:01:09 PM.
Posted 9/30/10 4:00 PM |
Welcome 2010!
Member since 2/06 8879 total posts
Re: Another question...GLUE. how do you craft?
How about foam shape stickers? They have pumpkins and Halloween type ones at Michael's now, and even the really young kids can pick out shapes and (with adult help peeling) can stick them somewhere, hopefully on the door hangar or pumpkin.
Posted 9/30/10 5:26 PM |