Another Sit n' Stand stroller question...
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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Another Sit n' Stand stroller question...
For those of you that have this stroller, how comfortable is it for those who sit in the back part. Of course I went and bought a Duo glider off of Craigslist for this very reason, now I wish I didn't. I had a problem when I was trying out a Sit n' Stand stroller, I don't know which brand it was of course, but when the child would sit down, the seat in front would take up some of the room of the sitting part in the back and it would make sitting impossible. Have you had this problem? I'm really interested in it. Caiden is almost 40lbs, but he's been almost 40 lbs for over a year now. He's been getting taller though. I was just thinking of this because Connor is already out of his infant seat and Caiden doesn't care to stay in the double stroller I have already. This looks like something he might enjoy. But that problem with the front seat being in the way kept us from buying it the first time. Thank you!
Baby Trend Sit-n-Stand LX with Parent Tray
Posted 1/25/07 11:31 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Another Sit n' Stand stroller question...
The kind where the front seat gets in the way is the Joovy brand. the Baby Trend one in Target, or bought on line or even gotten at One Step Ahead, is ok. I would get one of these instead.
Posted 1/25/07 11:54 AM |
My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Another Sit n' Stand stroller question...
Thanks!!! How long do you think I could use it for? Caiden is only 3 but he's about 38.5 lbs. (same weight for a year now). I'm not worried about Connor since he's only 4 months. I just can't see Caiden in the Duo Glider anymore and I still can't just let him walk around because he doesn't listen to me a lot of the times and thinks running around is a game. I wish I would of known about this stroller then I wouldn't of bought the Duoglider. Oh well!
Posted 1/25/07 2:49 PM |
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