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Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

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LIF Adult

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Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Wonder if he sent the pics out while she was battling morning sickness

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Posted 6/8/11 5:45 PM
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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Oh wow - I really feel so bad for this woman. As if going through something like this isn't bad enough, but to do it while pregnant AND in the public eye? Unreal. Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/11 5:49 PM


Member since 2/09

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

That's terrible. I wonder if she will stay with him

Posted 6/8/11 6:06 PM

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

I understand that it's yet another turn of events in this story but is it really "Breaking News" like all of the news channels are saying?

And I do feel bad for his wife - this is a lot to deal with at once.

Posted 6/8/11 6:08 PM

Pookie Love

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Chat Icon OMG

Posted 6/8/11 6:34 PM

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Hey, at least he wasn't neglecting his husbandly duties while tweeting his half nekked pictures to other women! Chat Icon

Posted 6/8/11 6:48 PM


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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Posted by MrsPJB2007

Oh wow - I really feel so bad for this woman. As if going through something like this isn't bad enough, but to do it while pregnant AND in the public eye? Unreal. Chat Icon

My thoughts EXACTLY!!!

Going through this as a private citizen is bad enough. Ugh, I truly feel for anyone who is going through something like this.

But to be a going through it with someone who is a public figureChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon media dissecting every single text, interviewing every woman, photographers, the crews outside of their homeChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

And on top of it, to be pregnant. This is supposed to be such a happy time of life.
I truly feel for her.
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Posted 6/8/11 9:24 PM


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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Message edited 11/12/2011 5:23:52 PM.

Posted 6/8/11 9:29 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

He believed Opie and Anthony? I don't for one second think that Breitbart did not know what he was doing. He had to have known that these guys do that sort of thing and would figure out how to get a copy of the photo. To me it is unfathomable to think otherwise.

As for what Rep. Weiner did - the ramifications he will face are entirely of his own making. What is that saying, you make your bed and now you can lie in it really fits this situation. I am sorry for his wife and family.

Message edited 6/8/2011 9:43:05 PM.

Posted 6/8/11 9:42 PM

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

I still think she should leave him.

Posted 6/8/11 10:06 PM


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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Message edited 11/12/2011 5:22:47 PM.

Posted 6/8/11 10:11 PM

My miracles!

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin

Posted by IrishLass

I still think she should leave him.

to play devil's advocate here for a moment.

if you were in her position, you would leave your husband? seriously, i'm asking.

for texting pics to someone. no physical contact or anything else and you knew he had these tendencies before you married him?

Public humiliation - WORLDWIDE public humiliation - YUP damn straight I would leave him.

Posted 6/8/11 10:16 PM


Member since 5/11

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Oh, that poor woman!!!!Chat Icon Mary

Posted 6/8/11 10:23 PM


Member since 3/07

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Posted by Goldi0218

Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin

Posted by IrishLass

I still think she should leave him.

to play devil's advocate here for a moment.

if you were in her position, you would leave your husband? seriously, i'm asking.

for texting pics to someone. no physical contact or anything else and you knew he had these tendencies before you married him?

Public humiliation - WORLDWIDE public humiliation - YUP damn straight I would leave him.

I agree.
After reading some of those texts and seeing the most recent picture. And I believe there was phone sex involved.
Pregnant or not, I would be kicking him out the door.

Edited to say: That's what I would do. What she decides to do is her business. I won't judge her if she stays. It's her life.

Message edited 6/8/2011 10:27:59 PM.

Posted 6/8/11 10:26 PM


Member since 7/07

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Message edited 11/12/2011 5:22:21 PM.

Posted 6/8/11 10:31 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin

Posted by IrishLass

I still think she should leave him.

to play devil's advocate here for a moment.

if you were in her position, you would leave your husband? seriously, i'm asking.

for texting pics to someone. no physical contact or anything else and you knew he had these tendencies before you married him?

In a New York minute.

This to me is never ever EVER OK.

Posted 6/8/11 10:48 PM

C ♥'s F

Member since 2/07

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Posted by Mrs213

That's terrible. I wonder if she will stay with him

They (politician wive's) almost never leave their husbands. Mcgreevy's wife did bc he was gay.
Their life, their situation and their business.

Posted 6/8/11 11:45 PM

Say Cheese!

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Posted by carolyns4cupcakes

Posted by Mrs213

That's terrible. I wonder if she will stay with him

They (politician wive's) almost never leave their husbands. Mcgreevy's wife did bc he was gay.
Their life, their situation and their business.

Listen, if Hillary stayed, everyone else should as well!Chat Icon

Posted 6/9/11 12:01 AM

I'll be there soon!

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant


Message edited 6/9/2011 6:07:55 AM.

Posted 6/9/11 6:04 AM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin

Posted by Goldi0218

Posted by imthekevinofcindyandkevin

Posted by IrishLass

I still think she should leave him.

to play devil's advocate here for a moment.

if you were in her position, you would leave your husband? seriously, i'm asking.

for texting pics to someone. no physical contact or anything else and you knew he had these tendencies before you married him?

Public humiliation - WORLDWIDE public humiliation - YUP damn straight I would leave him.

i agree
i still can't believe that in this day and age that he thought oh this won't get out and destroy my family & political career

Why are you playing devil's advocate with me and then agreeing??

Seriously? I never would've married him knowing he used to do that.

And yes, i would've left him, even if I had not been publicly humiliated. I know my own limits, I would never trust him again.

Posted 6/9/11 6:11 AM

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Call me a skeptic, but I tend to believe that any woman who marries a politician/celebrity has to have the attitude that I am in this for thick and thin and to stand by his side during any political scandal. Its sort of part of the agreement to have that kind of life. That is why very few politician's wives leave publically right when the scandal is broken.

In this case, its particularly wierd because she knew about this kind of stuff before they got married. Who knows if she tolerated it or ift he lied and said he wouldl never do it again.

His wife is Hilary Clinton's top aide. I am sure she is taking a play from Clinton's book who "stood by her man"despite actually having a physical affair and ten years later, she is a serious canddidate for presidency and the Secretary of State for he US.

Weiner is the biggest fool because he lied to the press about it and made this all news for a week longer than it needed to be. If he would have admitted it right away- done a mea culpa- I beleive it would have disappeared in a few days and would have just been a punchline of many jokes. But denying it and feigning shock and blaming social media- that just took it too far.

Posted 6/9/11 6:57 AM

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

I was not aware she knew the he was like this before marriage, I am assuming he cheated before and she knew? how do we know this? Chat Icon

Either way I feel sorry for her.

He is a jerk IMO.

I doubt she will leave him and really it is none of my business what she chooses to do.

Posted 6/9/11 7:10 AM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Whatever the situation may be, I feel bad for her.

If I found out my DH was doing stuff like that at a time when we should be celebrating the creation of our family, I would be devastated. I don't know that I would be able to get over it. Ever. And that's MY DH...meaning his antics would not be splashed across every media site. I can't imagine how she must feel, which is amplified ten fold by pregnancy hormones.

On a side note...did anyone catch Rudy talking about him? He really had NOTHING nice to say about him. It seemed pretty out of character for Rudy (to me anyway).

Posted 6/9/11 8:25 AM

Love my two girls! xoxo

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Now I am not saying I would stay with my DH if he did this but,..Some people actually do this all the time. Phone sex or online sex. It is a fantasy and some people get off on it. I actually know of a couple who both told us it is something they both enjoy doing. Sometimes they even do this together. I dont judge them to each there own but I did ask if they felt like it was cheating and they said no. Its crazy what people do behind closed doors. But I do feel bad for the wife and all the public knowing everything. I hope this blows over quickly so she can focus on herself and her unborn child.

Posted 6/9/11 8:36 AM


Member since 10/08

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Re: Anthony Weiner's Wife is Pregnant

Posted by DiamondGirl

I was not aware she knew the he was like this before marriage, I am assuming he cheated before and she knew? how do we know this? Chat Icon

Either way I feel sorry for her.

He is a jerk IMO.

I doubt she will leave him and really it is none of my business what she chooses to do.

He's admitted that he told his wife he used to sext/chat with women online before they were married. She didn't know he was still doing it.

He IS a jerk. I doubt she will leave him- Hillary Clinton is like her mentor! Supposedly Bill is very angry with anthony...Ummm- Monica Lewinsky anyone??!!

I'd leave. But, then again, I probably never would have married him knowing he'd done this while we were together, but not married. The public humiliation is bad, but the fact that my FAMILY & FRIENDS know...would be too much for me. I'd always have the thought of how do I know they never met up? How do I know it won't happen again?
I feel bad for her. She's preggo, so probably ridiculously hormonal, in the spotlight, it's a HARD place to be in.

Posted 6/9/11 9:15 AM
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