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Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

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LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

171 total posts


Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

My GYN believes I have PCOS, we are just waiting for the blood work to come back to confirm. Has anyone with PCOS gotten pregnant and if so, what meds were you on? I'm looking for some hope, feeling pretty down today. Any insight would help me greatly.

ThanksChat Icon

Posted 10/30/07 8:19 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my Baby Boy!

Member since 4/07

5191 total posts


Re: Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

my friend has it and got preggo 1st try...go figure!!

Posted 10/30/07 8:50 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07

515 total posts


Re: Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

you have fm.

Posted 10/30/07 9:44 AM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

PCOS is supposedly one of the "easier" fertility issues to fix. You can try posting on IF as there would probably be more ladies over there who have experienced it.

Posted 10/30/07 9:48 AM


Member since 10/06

2938 total posts


Re: Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

me Chat Icon me Chat Icon I have PCOS and I am 29 weeks pregnant today. Try not to worry to much. For the most part PCOS is very treatable. And before I get flamed I said for the most part.
Just to give you even more hope I have beyond pcos and I am pregnant. I have PCOS, 3 genetic thrombophilias and 2 aquired auto immune antibodies.
I was Dx'ed in October of last year and put on 1500mg of Metformin. I started ovulating on my own in January. We got the ok to start trying in February and we were pregnant in April. I stayed on the Met till I was out of the first trimester then they weaned me off. I am now carrying a healthy baby who will be making its arrival in January. If you have any questions please feel free to fm me Chat Icon Chat Icon .

Message edited 10/30/2007 10:34:23 AM.

Posted 10/30/07 10:34 AM

baby boy coming spring '11

Member since 5/05

3133 total posts


Re: Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

I'm 38 weeks pg and have PCOS. I was supposed to start clomid this past summer, but somehow I ovulated on my own (for the first time since I've been married) in Feb. and got pregnant. We were shocked to say the least. I don't know...I tried going low carb with my diet and I started drinking gojii juice. Who knows if that helped.

Posted 10/30/07 11:52 AM

going along for the ride...

Member since 5/05

16253 total posts


Re: Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

I have PCOS and very irregular periods - I was on metformin - the dr told me I was going to have a very hard time without help getting pregnant - but after charting, and trying everything we could we lucked out the first month -DH and I totally couldn't believe it.

Posted 10/30/07 12:00 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/06

171 total posts


Re: Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

Thanks everyone!

Posted 10/30/07 2:26 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

SIL has PCOS and she just gave birth 2 weeks ago. She got pregnant her second month trying with Femara. Good Luck! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/30/07 2:55 PM

Hey baby!

Member since 6/05

1855 total posts


Re: Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

I have PCOS. I was diagnosed with it quite early (around 16). I guess you would say I have a mild case based on physical symptoms (not a diabetic, no weight issues, etc); however, I do not ovulate on my own and sonogram after sonogram you see the cysts all over my ovaries.

Because I knew from an early age that I had PCOS, I already knew it would be difficult to get pregnant on my own.

Before I was even ready to TTC, my GYN and I decided that I would go off the pill to see if I ovulated on my own...I did ovulate the first month off, but then I stopped. Based on that, we knew that when it was time to TTC, I wouldn't waste my time with that whole try for one year without any fertility meds, thing...we went straight for the drugs.

This currently pregnancy, I got pregnant on my first cycle (I took clomid, metformin and dexmethasone).

With my first pregnancy (DS is now 15 months), I got pregnant also very quickly, I think it was my third month of trying, but my first cycle taking all three drugs. The first few months I was on just clomid.

I hope this helps you see that the diagnosis PCOS does not automatically mean you will certainly have a long road of TTC. Yes, for many it is, but there are some of us that are fortunately and have conceived quickly.

Good luck, and please FM me if you have any questions.

PS: let me know if you'd like the name of my specialist (he strictly specializes in PCOS, he's in NYC).

Posted 10/30/07 6:23 PM

Hey baby!

Member since 6/05

1855 total posts


Re: Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

Posted by melijane

PCOS is supposedly one of the "easier" fertility issues to fix. You can try posting on IF as there would probably be more ladies over there who have experienced it.

I think it depends on the severity of PCOS. People with insulin issues and obesity issues (classic signs of PCOS) have very a difficult time getting pregnant even with fertility treatments.

Posted 10/30/07 6:25 PM

My three little miracles

Member since 4/06

2628 total posts


Re: Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 19. At that time I asked my dr if this would impact ttc (in the future) and I guess he did not want to scare me... he told me not to worry. Well, after going off the pill and never getting AF I tried clomid (about 8 months) and never ovulated. My RE was confident that even though I never ovulated on clomid (before I went to him... my regular ob/gyn gave it to me), I would respond well to injectibles. Since I a lucky to have good IF coverage, he felt that is he could get me to have a couple of good follicles (what's needed for IUI), he could get me to have many (what's desired for IVF). So, after some bumps in the road, we tried IVF in late March/early April... it didn't work. We had several to freeze, though. We did a FET in early July and it worked! (well, one of the two stuck!). So, I will be 19 weeks an a couple of days!!!! Yeah!!!!!

Best wishes! Hang in thereChat Icon

Posted 10/30/07 6:59 PM

Love my Kiddos!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Any PCOS Pregnancy Stories??

My friend has PCOS. She got pregnant with Clomid. She is due in two weeks!! Chat Icon Good Luck!

Posted 10/30/07 9:31 PM

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