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Any runners still run when pregnant?

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

1180 total posts


Any runners still run when pregnant?

I am an avid runner and very early in my pregnancy. My doctor told me to not get my heart rate above 140 for more than 20 minutes. For my running, that is impossible.

Have any of the runners still run while pregnant or did you modify your running?

Thanks :)

Posted 8/14/08 11:55 AM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my kids

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Re: Any runners still run when pregnant?

I was a runner before my BFP, but since I am too sick and tired to think about it, I am waiting for the 2nd Tri to hit so I can think about my workout again..

Posted 8/14/08 11:56 AM

Love my Babes

Member since 8/05

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Re: Any runners still run when pregnant?

Posted by secretbabymaker

I was a runner before my BFP, but since I am too sick and tired to think about it, I am waiting for the 2nd Tri to hit so I can think about my workout again..

Me 11 weeks and still waiting to feel like a human again. once i do, ill get right back into the swing of things.

Posted 8/14/08 11:59 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

1180 total posts


Re: Any runners still run when pregnant?

When did you start to experience fatigue?

I am 5 weeks and besides not being able to sleep, I feel fine.

Posted 8/14/08 12:01 PM

I love my kids

Member since 12/06

2503 total posts


Re: Any runners still run when pregnant?

At 6weeks the nauseau and vomiting hit and the tiredness, I am almost 12 weeks now and hoping it ends soon

Posted 8/14/08 12:03 PM

you rang?

Member since 6/08

5573 total posts


Re: Any runners still run when pregnant?

I haven't. The first trimester is too tough to get through as it is. I do go walking alot though and maybe I'll start jogging again in a couple of weeks if I feel up to it, but somehow once the belly starts to protrude, I don't see the running happening.

Posted 8/14/08 12:03 PM

Two Under Two Mommy

Member since 3/08

10420 total posts


Re: Any runners still run when pregnant?

Posted by lakadema

When did you start to experience fatigue?

I am 5 weeks and besides not being able to sleep, I feel fine.

My pregnancy symptoms didn't hit until 6 weeks. I haven't been able to do anything due to my morning sickness.

If you feel great, I say keep running. I was told that working out is fine as long as you don't overexert yourself.

Posted 8/14/08 12:04 PM

Fitness Junkie!

Member since 6/06

6470 total posts


Re: Any runners still run when pregnant?

I haven't. I'm 11weeks and for the past 3 days the fatigue has finally subsided but I've decided to ride my bike instead of run...or do the eliptical at the gym. I'm too nervous that the baby would feel all the bouncing around from the running!!

Posted 8/14/08 12:59 PM

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