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any very tall girls on here?

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/06

4357 total posts


any very tall girls on here?

i am 5ft10 and big boned..haha that means fat....

well in a week i will be 5 months pg and no one can tell. i mean it just looks like my belly is fatter.

my huge knockers make my shirts tent out so i just look like a wall of flesh. if i wear an empire shirt you can kinda tell that MAYBE i might be veryyy early but eh.

when did you pop or have people ask if you are preggo? ty

ps...side note what stroller are you getting...bc the reg ones are too short for me! ty

Posted 12/7/11 6:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: any very tall girls on here?

I'm 5'9 and feel so bloated, I'm only 6.5w, but being that this is my 2nd pg, I'm definitely bigger faster than last time. Did you try the city mini stroller in stores? That is the highest handle bar I found.

Posted 12/7/11 6:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

1165 total posts


Re: any very tall girls on here?

I'm 5'9" but I have a very long torso. I'm almost 18 weeks and still wearning regular clothes for the most part. I'm fairly thin, but just look a little rounder, not pregnant. I went on an interview last week, and don't even think anyone even suspected I'm pregnant.

I'm guessing I won't really look pregnant until sometime in the mid 20 weeks.

I haven't looked at strollers in person yet, but I'm stongly considering the new city mini gt whic has adjustable handles.

Posted 12/7/11 6:14 PM


Member since 8/05

3498 total posts


Re: any very tall girls on here?

Im also 5'11

Im 14 weeks and have a little belly. This is my second pregnancy so I popped sooner

With my first pregnancy I didnt look pregnant until I was 5 months or you said I just looked like I had a pudgy belly

Posted 12/7/11 6:22 PM

Two girls!

Member since 12/09

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Re: any very tall girls on here?

I'm 5'10 - almost 12 weeks so I don't know how when I'll pop. I do feel like I am looking pregnant, but no one else can tell.

My sister is 5'10 as well and has the city mini stroller.

Posted 12/7/11 7:11 PM

I think I got this

Member since 11/10

1523 total posts


Re: any very tall girls on here?

I am 6' tall and never looked pregnant, but delivered early (29 wks).
The day I delivered, I had dinner with my cousin who said that she looked more pregnant than I did.

Posted 12/9/11 7:46 PM


Member since 3/09

7721 total posts


Re: any very tall girls on here?

I'm 5'8"

That's shorter than all of you... but I consider myself tall Chat Icon

I'm really normal weight. I do have above average boobs though... and now that I'm preggo...

Started looking really pregnant at around 17-18 weeks... but some coworkers thought I had just gained weight at almost 30 weeks.

Honestly, I went into maternity styles early... because non-maternity stuff just made me look chubby. The tight maternity shirts look the best... make me look thinner than the loose ones.

I love the citimini. It just felt right. I'm on #2 now... and am mourning the loss of my mini.

Posted 12/12/11 8:03 AM

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Member since 2/10

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Re: any very tall girls on here?

I am 5'9. I started showing pretty early and now at 26 weeks people keep commenting on how huge I am Chat Icon. I was of average weight to begin with (but could spare to lose 15 lbs) but I'm also carrying a big baby so maybe that's why. We registered the britax b-agile. Both myself and dh (who is 6'1ish) tried it out and it seems like it will work well for us.

Posted 12/12/11 8:11 AM

Happy boy!

Member since 5/10

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Re: any very tall girls on here?

Me! 5'10" and I feel like I started to show pretty early but my height is mostly in my legs. I tried out the chicco cortina in the store and felt that the height was good. I think it's best to try out whatever stroller you're looking at to be sure.

Posted 12/12/11 8:37 AM

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Member since 4/11

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Re: any very tall girls on here?

I'm 5'9" and i felt like I bloated really early and my middle definitely got pudgier around 12 weeks. At 13 weeks a coworker asked me if I was expecting.

But I was in pretty good shape before getting pregnant and she said that's why she noticed the difference.

I was either 16 or 18 weeks when people (like saleswomen) asked when I was due.

I think it depends a Lot on what you're wearing as well.

There are some belly pics in my album if you want to judge when i looked "pregnant" for yourself Chat Icon

I don't know what stroller we'regetting yet but getting some ideas now from this thread, thanks!

Posted 12/12/11 10:40 AM

sometimes 1+1= 4 <3

Member since 8/09

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the lucky one

Re: any very tall girls on here?

i'm 5'9" and average weight. when i was pregnant with my DD i started popping around 16 weeks (well I had a little belly which wasn't normal for me). you could tell that i was pregnant in weeks 20-25.

i have a chicco, graco and a maclaren and they both are fine for me.

Posted 12/13/11 5:15 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/07

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Re: any very tall girls on here?

i'm 5'10 and didn't pop for a while. i actually appreciated it, b/c i was able to get away w wearing regular clothes for a while. but i also didn't tell many people until about 5 months b/c i'd had a miscarriage and i was afraid to tell people outside of family and friends. work-related people only knew once they looked at me funny and i blushed. lol

as for the stroller, we got the chicco cortina keyfit travel system which was the only one DH felt comfortable enough with. we spent a disney vaca w family and he was very aware of how low their stroller handles were so that was very important to him. he is 6'3 so this one is definitely good for us taller folks!

Posted 12/13/11 11:30 PM

Mr. Handsome

Member since 5/06

13481 total posts


Re: any very tall girls on here?

**crashing** Chat Icon

I'm 6 feet tall and you could tell that I was pregnant around the 13-14 week mark - there are pics in my "Baby B" album.

I used the Graco Snap-N-Go for the first 5 months, then switched to the City Mini. I also have a baby Trend jogger that I can use comfortably.

Posted 12/14/11 8:23 AM

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