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anyone doing natural

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Get Out!

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anyone doing natural

hildbirth? As in no drugs. I'm going to try and hold off on an epidural if at all possible. If I even can take an epidural.

Posted 7/18/07 9:37 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My Girls

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Re: anyone doing natural

If I don't have to have a c-section (breech baby), I would like to try to go natural....but I am open to the epidural if the pain gets too severe.

Posted 7/18/07 9:41 AM

I am an amazing bakist

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Re: anyone doing natural

I had every intention of going naturally....and when i went to the hospital after my water broke, I told everyone who would listen that I didn't want the epidural unless necessary. body had other plans and I never had contractions on my own, so I had to have Pitocin, which brought on really strong and frequent contractions.
I asked for the epidural just so I could breathe.

If you can go naturally though - go for it!

Posted 7/18/07 10:09 AM

Love my Babes

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Re: anyone doing natural

I am going in with the mindset that i wont have drugs/epi but we'll see what happens when the time comes. Im not dead set against it, but i will hold out as long as i can without help.

Posted 7/18/07 10:11 AM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

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Re: anyone doing natural

I lasted without it until and hour before I delivered. i will try to go without it again.

Posted 7/18/07 10:19 AM

Then there was 2

Member since 3/06

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Re: anyone doing natural

i hope i dont need drugs but i guess we really dont know until we are in labor. good luck to all you ladiesChat Icon

Posted 7/18/07 10:19 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: anyone doing natural

I'm going to try but I know anything can happen!

Posted 7/18/07 10:39 AM

Mommy of 2

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Re: anyone doing natural

I am trying not to go in with certain expectations..I am not opposed to drugs if I need the help.

Posted 7/18/07 11:30 AM

I lvoe the fall :)

Member since 6/06

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Re: anyone doing natural


I am going in with the mindset that i wont have drugs/epi but we'll see what happens when the time comes. Im not dead set against it, but i will hold out as long as i can without help.

same with me but as you read other girls stories hey you never know what could happen and what you and the baby might need :)

Posted 7/18/07 11:32 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 5/07

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Re: anyone doing natural

I am of the mindset that anything that helps me get through labor and delivery is a GOOD thing Chat Icon With my first, my labor lasted 18 hours. Had it not been for the epi, I would not have gotten any rest at all and would not have been able to get through it (I ended up with a c/s anyway though). With my 2nd, my cx were so insanely intense right away, that there was no way I was getting through that without some kind of relief either.

Labor is not something you can really plan for in my opinion. You take it as it comes and do what is best for you. No one gets a medal at the end for going natural vs. with an epi vs. a c-section.

To all those out there who do manage to do it without drugs... Chat Icon
Seriously... I could never do it.

Posted 7/18/07 11:41 AM

Life is good.

Member since 1/07

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Re: anyone doing natural

My mindset as of today is I don't want any needles in my back, unless I have to get a c-section.

That being said, I have never been in labor before and I have no idea what the pain will be like.

SO, going into the whole situation, I plan to not have an epi, but I am keeping an open mind if the pain becomes too much for me to handle!

Posted 7/18/07 11:44 AM


Member since 2/07

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Re: anyone doing natural

Ive never had any and this will be my 4th delivery. I go really quick so there isnt really any time to get one. I'll have to see how this delivery matches up to those Ive had in the past...I would like to not have to have the epi. Its nice b/c once the baby is born you feel like a million bucks and you dont have to wait until the epi wears off..

With that said....

My best advice...from a BTDT to go in with an open mind..everyones labor and delivery experience is different and what has worked for someone else might not work for you.

Posted 7/18/07 12:07 PM

06ers Rock!!

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Re: anyone doing natural

Based on what I've read on this board previously on this topic it appears that everyone that is not having a scheduled c-section would like to try to have a completely natural childbirth, yet they are still open to whatever happens happens, and will get an epi if necessary.

Posted 7/18/07 12:29 PM

5 weeks till I'm a big sister

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Re: anyone doing natural

with my first birth I tried to go natural but after they broke my water the contractions were so bad and strong that I couldn't hold out any longer so I had to give in and get the epidural. I felt so much better that I got it though.

Posted 7/18/07 12:33 PM

The Perfect Pair

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Re: anyone doing natural

NO, I do not plan to go natural. I ahve a low tolerance for pain.

Posted 7/18/07 12:34 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

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Re: anyone doing natural

i have no idea what i will do. if it's not so bad, which it isn't for some people, then i will go without. if it's hellish, i will get the epi and not think twice. i am just going to play it by ear and not go in with any expectations.

Posted 7/18/07 1:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/05

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Re: anyone doing natural

no way!
Anything to take the pain away is my BFF!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/07 1:54 PM

I <3 Gabriella

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Re: anyone doing natural

Posted by BellaPaige

NO, I do not plan to go natural. I ahve a low tolerance for pain.

Same here.... Ive already told the doctor to call in to the anesthesiologist when Im en route....Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I wish they would give me one now to help sleep for one night!!!

Posted 7/18/07 2:07 PM

Texting king

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Re: anyone doing natural

Posted by BellaPaige

NO, I do not plan to go natural. I ahve a low tolerance for pain.

My sentiments, exactly!!

Posted 7/18/07 2:59 PM

Welcome 2010!

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Re: anyone doing natural

I'd like to try, though my tolerance for pain is not the greatest either. I'll probably wind up punching DH at some point!Chat Icon

Of course, he thinks it's a great idea, but he's not delivering. I'll see how it goes.

Posted 7/18/07 3:14 PM

I'm cranky

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Mama Cranky

Re: anyone doing natural

Posted by DancinBarefoot

Based on what I've read on this board previously on this topic it appears that everyone that is not having a scheduled c-section would like to try to have a completely natural childbirth, yet they are still open to whatever happens happens, and will get an epi if necessary.

Not me-I want the epi as soon as possible.

Posted 7/18/07 3:15 PM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

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Re: anyone doing natural

Posted by Mrs

no way!
Anything to take the pain away is my BFF!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I totally agree! Bring on the drugs!

Posted 7/18/07 6:34 PM

Life is good.

Member since 1/07

9164 total posts


Re: anyone doing natural

Posted by cjik

I'd like to try, though my tolerance for pain is not the greatest either. I'll probably wind up punching DH at some point!Chat Icon

Of course, he thinks it's a great idea, but he's not delivering. I'll see how it goes.

Don't you just love how the men have such wonderful ideas about how the pregnancy and delivery should go... must be nice when you don't have to push something large out of a small hole!!!

Posted 7/18/07 6:44 PM

3 babies for me :)

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Re: anyone doing natural

Posted by niikki-8-18-06

Posted by Mrs

no way!
Anything to take the pain away is my BFF!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I totally agree! Bring on the drugs!

I said that with my 1st and I am sayin' it again Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/18/07 7:21 PM

My two Girls=)

Member since 7/07

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Re: anyone doing natural

I'm going to try natural....but if the pain is unbearable I will go for the drugs. I'm going in with an open mind. But again you can't really plan labor. I'm going with a midwife, so hopefully things go smoothly!!

Posted 7/18/07 8:58 PM
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