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Anyone else get hip pain at night?

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Member since 5/06

2423 total posts


Anyone else get hip pain at night?

I've been waking up to sharp pain in my hips... is this preggo related? I'm 20 weeks.

If so, what helps to alleviate it? Is there something special I should do with my legs when I'm sleeping?

Posted 11/29/06 4:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Anyone else get hip pain at night?

It's def preggo related. Try sleeping with a pillow between your legs to ease the pressure on your hips and keep them alined.

That pillow was the only thing that let me sleep that last 1/2 of pg, it's weird at first to keep the pillow between your legs but you get used it.

I used a fluffy square couch pillow at first then went to a regular pillow.

Posted 11/29/06 4:03 PM

Our family is complete

Member since 6/06

16494 total posts


Re: Anyone else get hip pain at night?

I have suffered with this my entire pregnancy. I think for me it's due to weight distribution and that I can't roll all the way onto my belly.
Try putting pillows between your knees and legs. It helps for me sometimes, but it's a pain I can't get rid of!

Posted 11/29/06 4:04 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: Anyone else get hip pain at night?

Totally pregnancy related! I always get them if I sleep on one side too long. Unfortunately the pillow thing didn't work for meChat Icon I just keep switching sides!!

Posted 11/29/06 4:04 PM

life is good

Member since 10/06

9258 total posts


Re: Anyone else get hip pain at night?

This is already happening to me at 10 weeks! It's hard for me to get up from a sitting position (esp. the couch) w/o having severe pain in my hips. Doesn't sound like it's going to get better, huh ...Chat Icon.

Posted 11/29/06 4:44 PM

Joining Team Blue with Baby #2

Member since 5/06

1155 total posts


Re: Anyone else get hip pain at night?

I have been getting that for about 2-3 weeks now...only at night when I am sleeping. I have had to see a back specialist through the pregnancy and she said that the baby's head is probably resting in my hip socket!! She showed me with a skeleton and a doll...the head fits right in there. I feel your pain!! It is the worst!!!

Posted 11/29/06 5:14 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Anyone else get hip pain at night?

I get it too. I dont think its from the baby in the hip socket because my baby is breech. Darn pressure. Pillows are all that help.

Posted 11/29/06 5:36 PM

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