Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Anyone else have a 6th sense "security system"?
So, I feel like all my life, upon meeting a new person, I can instantly figure them out. I'm not saying that I don't need to get to know someone's personality, but every single person I've ever met that has been a toxic person, I instantly had red flags in my head about them upon meeting them. I might not know what it is about them until I know them better, but I seriously can sense someone's true nature without really knowing them. I look back through my life and every piece of sh-t boyfriend I've ever had or sh-tty friend I've had, I absolutely knew that they would end up that way, even though I may have chosen to ignore those signs. I think that's why I knew that I was going to marry JT the night I met him. I just have this sense of people. I bring this up because from the moment I met a person in my current life, I had instant trepidation about them. They were really nice and bubbly and reassuring and encouraging, but something in me just told me something wasn't right about this person. All around me, people were saying how great this person was and how happy they were to know them, but I kind of kept it inside how I felt...and sure enough, time has passed and people are now seeing this person's true colors. The people in my life are horrified about having trusted this person and thinking they were good, and I feel like I could have told them this ages ago, but who's going to trust a feeling I have other than me? Anyway, I hope I'm making sense, but I just feel like it's weird how well I can get a feel for people at an introduction. Wondering if anyone else is like this?