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Do you have a home security system?

Forum Opinion Poll
Yes - I wouldn't live in a house without it 13 44.83%
Yes - my home came with it so I just kept it up 0 0.00%
Yes - other 7 24.14%
No - I don't think they're necessary 5 17.24%
Other? 4 13.79%

Home Security System

Posted By Message

my loves...

Member since 5/05

9129 total posts


Home Security System

Do you have a HSS? Was it important to you to either find a house that had one or get one installed once you bought? Or was it irrelevant?

If you have a system, what are your pros & cons?

What are some of the advantages - aside from the obvious and saving money on HO insurance? Does anyone have added features such as fire alarm, temperature sensors for the basement?

How does a motion detector work with pets?!?

Message edited 2/21/2007 10:36:22 AM.

Posted 2/21/07 10:13 AM

Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06

13519 total posts


Re: Home Security System

yes, its important to us not only for the 20% savings in home owners insurance, but for our own safety.

Posted 2/21/07 10:16 AM


Member since 11/05

8749 total posts


Re: Home Security System

I voted yes-other because it was 100% a must have for my DH. We had a new system installed.

Posted 2/21/07 10:17 AM

Our Baby Boy Is Here!!!

Member since 11/06

13241 total posts


Re: Home Security System

We don't have one. We lock our doors at night and windows. We have neighbors/friends/family who watch the house when we're away and help us out, plus is helps that we live next door to a COP.

Posted 2/21/07 10:18 AM


Member since 5/06

1687 total posts


Re: Home Security System

We dont have one but are thinking of getting one in the future. They are just very expensive and we cant afford it right now.

Posted 2/21/07 10:20 AM


Member since 6/05

9987 total posts

Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: Home Security System

The home we're buying does not have one, but it is on our list of "must haves".

Posted 2/21/07 10:20 AM

So blessed!

Member since 11/06

10348 total posts


Re: Home Security System

Our house doesn't have one but we are going to get one. They have great deals going on and it is important to us. Not to mention the savings on homeowner's insurance.

Posted 2/21/07 10:24 AM

my loves...

Member since 5/05

9129 total posts


Re: Home Security System

The home we bought had a system and I never thought to have one until we bought this house. We've lived in this neighborhood for almost 8 years and have never had an issue so I'm inclined to just live as is (without it) especially since I didn't grow up with one.

We're torn on which company to go with and whether we really need/want one.

What are some of the advantages - aside from the obvious and saving money on HO insurance? Does anyone have added features such as fire alarm, temperature sensors for the basement?

How does a motion detector work with pets?!?

Posted 2/21/07 10:26 AM

My greatest joy is my baby boy

Member since 1/07

2772 total posts


Re: Home Security System

Posted by lorich

The home we're buying does not have one, but it is on our list of "must haves".

Same here. As soon as we move in, we are installing one.

Posted 2/21/07 10:33 AM

my loves...

Member since 5/05

9129 total posts


Re: Home Security System

Curious what makes it a "must have". Are you uncomfortable about where you live?

I'm just trying to justify the "need" for one since I've never had one.

When I asked the guy about my cat and the motion detector he said the MD is necessary in case someone breaks the window (the window alarm is only good if it's opened, not broken). I mentioned the cat and he suggested we put the MD in our bedroom and close the door. Chat Icon Doesn't that defeat the purpose??

I'm just not sold on it as a necessity and was hoping to be enlightened.

Posted 2/21/07 2:27 PM

I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05

22334 total posts

Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: Home Security System

I picked yes - other

I never had one growing up so I didnt feel the need to have one in my current home but we had a few "incidents" happen in the neighborhood and when my DH said that he wanted to get on, I didnt protest too much. Chat Icon

the thing that really sold me on our using was the remote controls that we got. Its so much easier than running in the house and trying to fiddle with the keypad...IMO!

Posted 2/21/07 2:37 PM

Mom of 2 beautiful boys!!

Member since 6/06

13519 total posts


Re: Home Security System

we are still undecided on doing either MD or window alarms. I'm still not sure, but how I justfy getting an alarm is simple, if that sticker on the window makes people go next door instead of my house, its money well spent. Now we aren't moving to a crime area, but its for my own safety and the 20% discount off my homeowners policy. So far Slomin's and GenSecurity will be under $100 for instillation and Slomin's is $91 every 3 months and GenSecurity is $81 every 3 months (hence why we are most likely choosing GenSecurity). So for $324 a year, I can relax a little. Its not too much money, and I'm saving over $50 in my homeowner policy, so really its just $275 per year. Not too bad for the sense of security. How I also justify it, break in's happen in the best and the worst of areas. Sometimes they happen around the corner and you'll never know. I would rather be prepared. Plus, you can use it as a tax write off!!

Posted 2/21/07 2:37 PM


Member since 5/05

15952 total posts


Re: Home Security System

I never had one growing up but have one now.
We got it installed when we move into this house.

The company we used said their motion detector is good for cats and small dogs up to 60 lbs.

ETA: We have ours on all of the time and the cat has never tripped the motion detector.

Message edited 2/21/2007 2:40:51 PM.

Posted 2/21/07 2:39 PM

My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

17826 total posts


Re: Home Security System

i never had one growing up & never felt threatened. When we purchased our home in 2005, we had a house broken into 3 doors down. This was also when all the home invasions were going on. I didn't feel comfortable in my house anymore & DH didn't like me being so scared.

We got one & now I can't live without it!!!!

Posted 2/21/07 2:41 PM


Member since 8/06

4376 total posts


Re: Home Security System

I've got one but personally didn't think it was necessary. I live in a very safe neighborhood. But it was really important to DH so we got one. He has a tendancy to be over-protective of me when it comes to safety....kinda cute.

I don't have motion detectors b/c of pets, so instead we got glass breaker detectors.

Posted 2/21/07 2:42 PM

my loves...

Member since 5/05

9129 total posts


Re: Home Security System

Thank you!

Lisa - the one company we're considering was going to "throw in" the well as some fire alarm (that would be connected to the FD) and some other things.

We're already wired through ADT so we wouldn't be charged to start it up again but they're not throwing in any extras.

Gen Security is charging $2 more/month than ADT and the initial wiring fee is over $300 but they're throwing in extras - such as the remote, FA, MD and some window alarms.

We have Optimum Voice and I understand we need a separate thingamajig (an an additional $5/month) because of this - is that right?

Posted 2/21/07 2:50 PM

my girls!

Member since 2/06

1491 total posts


Re: Home Security System

I'd be curious about Opt Online myself because that's the one drawback we're facing now too.

Our house came with an older system but it doesn't work well - it wasn't a requirement for us to have one. I grew up with an alarm (my father was a copChat Icon Chat Icon ) but honestly, as nice as it was, it was also a PITA when it was older and would go off accidentially - scared the hell out of my mom and I several times at 3 am.

Anyway, we will eventually look into one but the only added feature I'd want is the fire service too. Ours back home had that which was a nice added service.

Posted 2/21/07 7:40 PM

I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05

22334 total posts

Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: Home Security System

Posted by ~Colleen~

We have Optimum Voice and I understand we need a separate thingamajig (an an additional $5/month) because of this - is that right?

we have Optimum Voice also and we do not pay any extra

Posted 2/21/07 7:52 PM

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