Anyone else not where they thought they would be?
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The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Anyone else not where they thought they would be?
We've been married for over a year and when we got married I thought by now we'd be saying for a home or thinking about TTC.
I have to be honest, neither of those things appeals to me right now. I'm really happy with not having the expense and responsibility of either a home or a baby right now. SOOOO enjoying just being married and being together. Love that we can travel or go out to dinner at a moment's notice without having to worry too much about money or getting a babysitter or anything like that.
I also love that now if the house is a mess, whatever. I'm so not ready to have to baby proof.
I'm not that young, so i know I should be thinking about soon, but I'm really just not there yet.
Anyone else?
Message edited 8/10/2012 12:24:24 PM.
Posted 8/10/12 12:24 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/12 1215 total posts
Anyone else not where they thought they would be?
I think its perfectly reasonable not to have the baby feeling. You are still newly married and you should enjoy your time with your DH - when the time is right, you'll know.
Posted 8/16/12 2:05 PM |
The Disney Lady

Member since 5/05 18163 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Anyone else not where they thought they would be?
I don't feel bad about it, just trying to start a discussion
Posted 8/24/12 12:45 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 12/11 136 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: Anyone else not where they thought they would be?
i feel the same way about babies as you do. i really dont want the extra burden / expense and im really not "there" yet
i'm 27, so i figure i have a little bit of time. we already have a house and it's eating us alive - we literally have $200 a month to spend on things that aren't necessities - e.g. vacations, dinner out, etc. finding it hard to prepare for a future with a baby on our current salaries with all the bills of the house
Posted 9/3/12 12:41 AM |
Mommy to 3 Boys :)

Member since 5/05 19978 total posts
Name: Jen - counting my blessings...
Re: Anyone else not where they thought they would be?
Sorry to highjack (I was browsing the forums) and came across this post..I will be married 9 years next should definitely enjoy this time :) It's a very special time and when the time is right for TTC you will know. Having a baby completely changes everything - including your relationship with your DH - and then on top of that, adds expenses (daycare, formula, diapers, etc). So I say take it in and make the most of it! Not that having kids isn't wonderful - it is - I truly knew what the meaning of "joy" was when I had my DS - but when it feels right you will know.
Posted 9/20/12 4:50 PM |
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