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Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07

799 total posts


Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

And the tech being right? I went for my scan today at 11w5d and the tech guessed girl because the genitalia area was flat. Nothing was protruding out or up. Can anyone share their experience with me?

P.s. I know not to go crazy until I have an official scan at 20 wks

Posted 3/15/12 6:10 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my Boys!

Member since 7/09

4440 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

Yes, they guessed boy and they were right. We also thought boy, it was pretty obvious!!!

Posted 3/15/12 6:35 PM

Party of 5 - 2015

Member since 4/06

7390 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

she guessed by and it was right...... she also said she's very accurate.

Posted 3/15/12 7:33 PM

Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09

7155 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

My understanding is that if they see the penis it's most likely to be right whereas if they don't, it's still too early to say for sure because sometimes the genitals haven't "come out" yet.

They wouldn't even guess for me last time (I was 11 w 4 d I think) -- this time I'll be 12 w 2 d so we'll see if they'll give me a guess. :)

Posted 3/15/12 10:04 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 4/09

404 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

I had a guess of a girl at 12 weeks, and just found out it was a boy at 19 weeks!!! we were shocked! We are very excited for our little boyChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 3/16/12 8:34 AM

Baby Girl #2 is Here!

Member since 7/11

1652 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

my tech guessed Chat Icon at 13w and she was right

Posted 3/16/12 8:43 AM

mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12

1952 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

my friend was told at her NT scan that it was going to be a girl but at the anatomy scan a few weeks later, they found out it's a boy.

Posted 3/16/12 9:25 AM

2 girls <3

Member since 6/08

3037 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

my tech told me Chat Icon at 12 weeks then at 16 weeks and again at 20 weeks

Posted 3/16/12 2:47 PM

i got a mama's boy!!

Member since 10/11

1132 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

although team green ( not sure why anymore), we clearly could tell which team we were at the 12 week. The tech as well could tell and questionedif i had wanted to know because it was pretty obvious.. The 20 week confirmed it.. although we werent supposed to see anything or find out.. but we definetely know which team we arehaving at this time.. just not letting it on to family adn friends..

Posted 3/16/12 3:52 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07

799 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

ladies..thank you all for responding! i wanted to get a general idea of what everyone's experience was. i have a friend and she was told at her 12wk scan that she was having a boy and then it was reconfirmed at 15wks.

this is my 2nd DC and with my first- the tech never guessed and i didnt even think to ask. so this is a first for me.

Posted 3/16/12 4:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

5981 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

Yes both boys were discovered at the nt scan Chat Icon

Posted 3/16/12 11:18 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/07

799 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

for fun, I did the baking soda test and the results were girl. this morning at 5am i did the Gender Maker test and once again the results were girl. soooo we'll see!

Posted 3/17/12 6:24 AM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

13160 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

my sono tech refused to guess!! good luck!

Posted 3/18/12 8:42 AM


Member since 2/06

5285 total posts


Re: Anyone had a gender guess at their nt scan?....

we have an intial guess of girl too because it looked flat.

We'll see. My 20 wk appt in on the 27th.

Posted 3/18/12 2:37 PM

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