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Anyone have a sinus infection while pregnant?

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life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Anyone have a sinus infection while pregnant?

I have really bad sinus congestion and it ALWAYS turns into a sinus infection... can I be put on antibiotics if I'm 7-8 weeks?
UGH! This *****, morning sickness and sinus issues Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/30/06 7:00 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

24065 total posts


Re: Anyone have a sinus infection while pregnant?

I always get sinus infection and am waiting for it to get me this time. I had one when I pregnant with Damien and I was put on antibiotics, but that was in my 2nd trimester. Call your OBGYN and see what they say.

Feel betterChat Icon

Message edited 6/30/2006 7:08:55 AM.

Posted 6/30/06 7:08 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

Member since 5/05

4381 total posts


Re: Anyone have a sinus infection while pregnant?

I had one. My dr wouldn't give me the strong stuff - he is conservative (I know many people who were on the Zithro while preggo) but gave me amoxicyilian (sp?) for 10 days. I was in my 7th month then. But early in my 2nd month - I had this funky ear infectin (reaction to a sting/bug bite maybe - never figured it out) and i was also on antibiotic then.

Go to your regular primary care and have any antibiotic approved by your ob before taking it.

Posted 6/30/06 8:02 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/05

1480 total posts


Re: Anyone have a sinus infection while pregnant?

I did too.. go to your dr. and get a z-pac

Posted 6/30/06 8:30 AM

My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05

5777 total posts


Re: Anyone have a sinus infection while pregnant?

I got them a lot. The only thing I could take was Sudafed. (plain) It really helped surprising! Hope you feel better! I feel one coming on myself this morning!

Oh... when I was PG with Caiden I was REALLY sick and couldn't stop coughing. They did give me the Zpack but it was for a chest congestion. I don't think it was for a sinus congestion? Chat Icon I could be wrong?

Message edited 6/30/2006 8:56:00 AM.

Posted 6/30/06 8:55 AM

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