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Anyone have teenagers? Or advice on this situation?

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Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Anyone have teenagers? Or advice on this situation?

DH has a brother, he is 14.

Currently (like right this minute, my SIL who is 19 is texting me) Billy is refusing to go to school. He is on scholarship to private school, so his attendance and grades are important.

This has been going on for about a month or so, but it has been getting progressively worse, he is currently locked outsideChat Icon

We are moving closer to them soon, but in hte meantime, SMIL is nervous he is going to lose his scholarship.

Obviously something else is going on, but no one knows whatChat Icon


Posted 5/24/10 8:19 AM

Baby #1 is here!

Member since 11/08

13903 total posts


Re: Anyone have teenagers? Or advice on this situation?

Can you all stage some sort of intervention like at least find out what's going on? If not all of you, just some key people in his life?

Posted 5/24/10 8:32 AM

Love my baby girls

Member since 6/07

2281 total posts


Re: Anyone have teenagers? Or advice on this situation?

Did anyone ask him why he won't go? Maybe he is afraid. Maybe he is being bullied.

Posted 5/24/10 10:58 AM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Anyone have teenagers? Or advice on this situation?

Posted by sugar-magnolia

Did anyone ask him why he won't go? Maybe he is afraid. Maybe he is being bullied.

Yes, we asked himChat Icon

He's not a talker, he doesn't really answer questions (he is a big kid though, and very athletic....of course that doesn't mean he isn't being bullied)

Posted 5/24/10 11:13 AM

It's a boy!!!

Member since 10/07

6453 total posts


Re: Anyone have teenagers? Or advice on this situation?

Someone has to find a way to talk to him, because something is going on. If he won't talk to a family member maybe try a therapist. My SS is 14 and he has just started seeing a therapist because he won't talk about what is bothering him to any of us. We get hints and clues, but nothing really. He will open up to the therapist though.

I had a similar thing happen when I was in high school, I had a teacher who was very mean to me, he was an alcoholic and would constantly be yelling at me, calling me stupid. This was math class and I had perfect scores on my Math regents the two previous years and was in all honors courses, I am not stupid; what I was was afraid of this man. I started going to school late so I could miss the class, after a week my mother caught on. I was embarrassed to talk to her at first but I eventually did. She went to the principal who removed me from the class. Looking back on this the strangest part was they didn't put me in another class, I was just told to teach myself Course III math.

I am sorry you guys are going through this, hopefully they can find someone he trusts quickly.Chat Icon

Posted 5/24/10 11:54 AM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

4018 total posts


Re: Anyone have teenagers? Or advice on this situation?

I would try doing something with the brother to get him to ry and open up. If that doens't work then I would try a therapist. Something is going on at school and it is really bohering him.

Good Luck, teenagers are really hard.

Posted 5/25/10 8:00 AM

My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08

9702 total posts


Re: Anyone have teenagers? Or advice on this situation?

Does he have a friend that someone can talk to?

Posted 5/25/10 10:14 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Anyone have teenagers? Or advice on this situation?

Has anyone called the school to see if they know what's going on? Maybe someone there can give a little insight as to why he might not want to go? I mean, I know the likelihood of them really knowing the problem is slim, but if you can get SMIL to talk to his teachers and guidance counselor, you might be able to piece some of it together first.

Posted 5/25/10 10:26 AM


Member since 6/08

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fka LIW Smara

Re: Anyone have teenagers? Or advice on this situation?

I would call the school and also maybe take him to a therapist.

My stepson isnt much of a talker but when he is in therapy with his parents, he opens up about stuff going on in school. They found out he was being bullied by a girl and he didnt know how to deal with is since it was a girl.

For some reason at the time he was able to open up with his parents when the therapist was around. Now he talks to DH more.

Posted 5/25/10 1:13 PM

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