Anyone have TMJ? What type of doctor/dentist do you see?
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Member since 5/09 5751 total posts
Name: Mommy
Anyone have TMJ? What type of doctor/dentist do you see?
I have had TMJ since I was an adolescent but it never really bothered me. My jaw clicks sometimes when I eat. Once in a while I'd feel that my jaw popped out of place but then quickly snapped back.
Well, a little over a month ago while on a flight eating a sandwich, I felt my jaw pop out but it HURT and it didn't fall back into it's correct place. I could feel something was off. Since then I've had days where I thought it was back in its normal place and others (like the last 2 days) where I have some jaw pain, even radiating towards my ear.
I need to see someone for this but who do I see? A special ortho surgeon, special dentist, who?
I have no idea what they would even do but I can't stay like this. Ouch!
Posted 10/24/11 2:49 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 9/11 142 total posts
Re: Anyone have TMJ? What type of doctor/dentist do you see?
My regular dentist took care of it and gave me a mouthguard and muscle relaxers. Mouthguard didn't work out for me, I ended up having a friend who is a PT tell me how to fix it when the pain hits by massaging my jaw in a certain area. I only use that method now, hurts for a second and then pain is usually gone.
Posted 10/24/11 7:59 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 9/11 1284 total posts
Re: Anyone have TMJ? What type of doctor/dentist do you see?
my regular dentist helped me out ALOT. he also sent me to a PT to teach me a couple exercises and i got some kind of sonogram thingy on my jaw too.
I also had a retainer for a couple months to try and change the bite of my mouth and align my teeth better.
Posted 10/26/11 2:06 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: Anyone have TMJ? What type of doctor/dentist do you see?
I saw an oral surgoeon.
Posted 10/26/11 8:20 PM |
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