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Which type of doctor - maybe TMI

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Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Which type of doctor - maybe TMI

What kind of doctor would you goto if you had a boil that is painful, huge and has been bothering you for over a week?

Would your PCP do anything, or should I go straight to the dermatologist, or is the dermatologist the wrong doctor too? I'm confused about this one.

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Posted 9/10/08 9:44 PM

That's all I got.

Member since 7/06

1452 total posts


Re: Which type of doctor - maybe TMI

I had one on my breast years ago while DH and I drove to Florida. I ended up having to go to the ER, b/c it was so painful.

I would definitely just go to your PCP. All I got was antibiotics and they told me to keep a warm compress on it and it would open up on its own and relieve the pressure. And it did...boy did it ever. After it opened up, I just kept it clean and wrapped and it healed up well. Feel better!

Posted 9/10/08 10:07 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3944 total posts


Re: Which type of doctor - maybe TMI


Posted 9/11/08 9:47 AM

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

32475 total posts


Re: Which type of doctor - maybe TMI

if you have a derm go there. If not go to your PCP. Maybe your PCP could recommend a derm.

Posted 9/11/08 9:58 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/08

129 total posts


Re: Which type of doctor - maybe TMI

Call your pcp - they will give you an anti-biotic and if necessary lance the boil or have you use hot compresses to help it pop on its own. If a derm. is necessary you rpcp will refer real reason for that though.

Message edited 9/11/2008 10:27:46 AM.

Posted 9/11/08 10:27 AM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: Which type of doctor - maybe TMI

I just always feel that my PCP doesnt do anything except for take my temp and blood pressure. Anything past that is always a referral to another doctor. I can't see him lancing it. Chat Icon

Since I dont need a referral on my plan I was just thinking of cutting out the middleman.

I think I'll try the hot compresses for a couple more days. It's already been a week, and its huge... 2-3 inches across. Annoying because its in a spot where there's a lot of rubbing.

Posted 9/11/08 11:32 AM

That's all I got.

Member since 7/06

1452 total posts


Re: Which type of doctor - maybe TMI

I wouldn't wait, b/c the weekend is coming up...if only for the antibiotics.

Posted 9/11/08 4:18 PM

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