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Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

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My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

5759 total posts


Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

Or a place to send one for training? TIA!

Posted 11/28/06 7:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

True love

Member since 6/05

12653 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

Sorry to hear that you or someone you know is dealing with an aggressive dogChat Icon Try Bark Busters -- 1-877-500-BARK.

Posted 11/28/06 7:51 PM

My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

5759 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?


Posted 11/29/06 12:54 PM

My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

5759 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?


Posted 12/2/06 10:34 PM

My bunny

Member since 5/06

8777 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

Frank at Best Friends dog training

they work with a lot of agressive dogs - they do private then group classes - we had a few dogs at group that wore muzzles to class - but after a few months they don't even need them.

good luck!

Posted 12/3/06 9:23 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/06

184 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

Posted by Meaghan729

Frank at Best Friends dog training

they work with a lot of agressive dogs - they do private then group classes - we had a few dogs at group that wore muzzles to class - but after a few months they don't even need them.

good luck!

I second that!
Frank is great...all the trainers at Best Friends dog training is great.
They have really helped with my boys

Posted 12/3/06 4:24 PM

My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

5759 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

Thanks... we had actually met with Frank but I dont agree with using an electric collar on our dog. JMO. But thank you!!

Posted 12/3/06 4:58 PM

My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

Posted by Cookiegobbler

Thanks... we had actually met with Frank but I dont agree with using an electric collar on our dog. JMO. But thank you!!

I also used Frank for our first dog...and I was against the electric collar as well, but it does have two settings, either the vibrations or the electic shock...for our dog we only used the vibrations and she responded really well to it. It was really worth it b/c now she can be outside in the front or back of the house with no collar....
also I don't think you HAVE to do off the leash training, its up to you...and honestly Frank is great.

Posted 12/3/06 5:44 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/06

184 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

At first I was dead set against the collar too, until I felt it...

Its not a shock collar like the electric fence types its a once second impulse that I honestly dont even feel until its on 20 and even then it feels like the electo stim machine at the chiropractors office.

The key is it is not to be used as a punishment but as a training tool and in time you use it less and less.

When we first contacted them the doberman was only 6 months old and getting very aggressive and nasty with the husky. It was really starting to scare me having such large naturally dominate dogs (in a small place) starting to go at it. I was terrified that they were going to kill each other or hurt someone.
As their owner it is my responsibility to make sure I can completely control them. I could never take them for a walk by myself and if I took them one at a time they would pull me down the street. I can honestly say I walk both of them off leash & on leash at a perfect heel now. The dobi still can be a pain in the a** sometime but he's only 18 months so he's still a baby. The husky we really never use the collar on him anymore, we just put it on him as a precaution when we go out off leash...just incase

(I was trying to add a picture but it wont let me Chat Icon )

Message edited 12/3/2006 7:50:20 PM.

Posted 12/3/06 7:48 PM

My bunny

Member since 5/06

8777 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

I too was hesitant about the collar.

I use the vibration button, it gets his attention enough.

my puppy is VERY hyper, and after 4 training sessions he was fine, i just put his collar on and he behaves. i dont even need to use the remote anymore.

Posted 12/3/06 7:57 PM

My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

5759 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

Thanks ladies!! Maybe we will reconsider... because I am pregnant and my American Bulldog is very POSSESSIVE... HATES STRANGERS<OTHER DOGS... she even gets testy and snaps at my DH. She is so big that I am afraid that she could really do some damage. But she is my "child" and I could never give her up... but I told DH that if this keeps up, we'll have to build her her own house outside complete with heat and AC! LOL... no seriously though,... it really is a problem.

Posted 12/4/06 12:56 PM

Best Friends

Member since 6/05

10228 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

Posted by Cookiegobbler

Thanks ladies!! Maybe we will reconsider... because I am pregnant and my American Bulldog is very POSSESSIVE... HATES STRANGERS<OTHER DOGS... she even gets testy and snaps at my DH. She is so big that I am afraid that she could really do some damage. But she is my "child" and I could never give her up... but I told DH that if this keeps up, we'll have to build her her own house outside complete with heat and AC! LOL... no seriously though,... it really is a problem.

My Dad is having the same problem with his dalmation. Thanks for posting this, I called Frank and he is going to come for an evaluation. My parents tried the collar already and it seemed to work, but now they cant get it on him anymore...

Posted 12/4/06 10:48 PM

My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

5759 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

I have an appt with Best Friends Training tomorrow... please wish me luck!

Posted 12/14/06 12:57 PM


Member since 2/06

1827 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

Good Luck. If this trainer doesn't work, I can recommend who I used for my lab, Spencer. I recently had a incident when my Spencer (have him for 5 years) bit me which required a visit to the emergency room. I have a 20 month old son and another baby on the way SO all my family tried their best to convince me to get rid of him. Spencer has never been aggressive towards my son but you can't always predict dog behavior. I love Spencer and would do anything for him. The trainer I used was expensive because he is a PhD but I feel much more comfortable after his evaluation.

Let me know if you need his info.

Posted 12/14/06 10:49 PM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Anyone know of a trainer for aggressive dogs?

I agree with all the above tips. We were very strict with our AB the moment we found out I was preggo. I bothered her constantly while she was eating, pulled her tail, really tortured the poor thing. But I have a 9 mos old now that can do anything to her. We also used to put baby lotion on our hands before going to bed everynight(our dog sleeps with us) to get her used to the smell. Good Luck AB's are very smart easy to train dogs. Just be consistant Chat Icon

Posted 12/15/06 6:48 AM

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