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I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

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I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

Jake has only had really big dogs and we don't think a large dog that will weigh more then me is the best way for me to start out as a dog owner

plus we are buying a condo- so a small dog would be better

he doesn't like really hairy dogs-

any suggestions???


Posted 11/6/06 12:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

I love my shih tzu- my MIL has one, and my mother dog-sits for one. I know quite a few people who have them- they seem to be a nice breed.

ETA: this is Fergus. He's about 17 pounds, which is actually big for the breed. We wonder if he's got some beagle in him, because he has a long neck and he howls like a hound.

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Message edited 11/6/2006 12:07:00 PM.

Posted 11/6/06 12:05 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

I was in the same position. MY DH always had huge dogs - I never had a dog ever - and really didn't like any dogs - big or small. I didn't want a dog that was going to shed either because that grosses me out. I bought our maltese/shihtzu as a surprise Christmas gift for DH last year - I was so worried that he wouldn't like it because she was going to be tiny. HE loves Molly so much and says that he has never had a dog that he has loved more.

While she can be a definate terror at times - she is also the sweetest little puppy ever.

ETA: I would recommend our breeder if that's the way you wanted to go. She was truly wonderful.

Message edited 11/6/2006 12:09:53 PM.

Posted 11/6/06 12:09 PM

Skinny jeans are in my future

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Baby Momma

Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

Get a Pug!! My vet says they are the best for a family pet. They do require more exercise than your normal smaller animal! But if you like a big dog attitude in a small size dog, the Pug is the way to go. My new pug is fabulous except some difficulty crate training him at night, which he is getting much better at! He is so friendly and playful!! Our other dog, is a Pekingnese, who is your typical ankle biter! Not recommended!!

Posted 11/6/06 12:14 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

my sister has a small yorkshire terrior that is only about 10 pounds... so cute, and doesnt' really shed too much.
although, jake seems like he would like a more "masculine" looking dog- LOL i think jack russels are cute and not too big, and my uncle has a boston terrier that is a nice size and not "froo-froo" looking...

Posted 11/6/06 12:16 PM

Eva Luna
Be's hard!

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Boston Terriers. There's a bunch of gorgeous pups on a thread here. There's pics of my Brooklyn on my album.

Seriously, DH was obsessed with bulldogs and wanted one badly...because of the many stairs in our home and the fact that DH can't really be running after a stubbornly loving dog right now, a co-worker suggested we get a Boston Terrier.

I can't say enough great things about ours...and the fact that so many of the girls on here have Bostons too proves my point that Bostons rock!! Chat Icon

Posted 11/6/06 12:21 PM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

You could do a search for a small breed on Also check out your local shelters.

DOn't buy while others die. Adopt a shelter dog today.

Posted 11/6/06 12:38 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

We have an italian greyhound mix and she is a GREAT dog, she is 25 pounds and short hair, virtually no shedding

Posted 11/6/06 1:16 PM


Member since 5/05

28602 total posts


Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

Here are a few good prospects on
Jiff - Cocker Spaniel

Emma - Jack Russel/Italian Greyhound Mix

Bagel - Beagle

Nick - Cavalier/ cocker spaniel mix

Posted 11/6/06 1:20 PM


Member since 9/06

9532 total posts


Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

I'm partial to Boston Terriers myself. They're very smart, we housebroke Cooper in 1 weekend. They will play when you want to play but will relax and be a lap dog when you're ready to relax. They can range in weight anywhere from 15-25 lbs (Cooper is 15 soaking wet).
Good luck!!!

Posted 11/6/06 1:31 PM

I'm a mom!

Member since 5/05

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

I second shih boogie is amazing! he was housebroken quickly, he is such a mush, good with children, loves to play but doesnt need a ton of really content just hanging out with everyone, doesnt shed either he is 14.31 pounds (we were at the vet yesterday)

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Message edited 11/14/2006 10:59:11 AM.

Posted 11/6/06 2:01 PM

1000 posts...FINALLY

Member since 11/06

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

ok i love my maltese...he is such a good dog, doesn't shed and is not an ankle biter!!!

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Posted 11/6/06 2:22 PM

My little loves!

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

Whatever you do...make sure you get a dog that is low maintenance. By that I mean one that does not require a tremendous amount of excercise. I made the mistake of getting a Miniature Pincher when I lived in an apartment. Great dog--if I had a back yard for him to run in. It really was not fair of me to get that kind a breed for my lifestyle--which was working alot.

I always said that the next dog I would get would be a Corgie or a Norfolk Terrier. They aren't as active and are good for apartments/condos/townhouses.

DO YOUR RESEARCH. That's all I can say.

Posted 11/6/06 3:59 PM

My little loves!

Member since 1/06

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

Those are all very "active" breeds. They require a lot of attention. They are great if you have a back yard.

Posted 11/6/06 4:01 PM

Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

Posted by babybug631

Those are all very "active" breeds. They require a lot of attention. They are great if you have a back yard.[/QUOTE

Well I want to add, that my italian greyhound mix is also active, but she was content in our apartment for almost 2 years before we got a house. She would do laps around our apartment and we would take her for long walks.

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Posted 11/6/06 4:11 PM

HELLO Manolo !!

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

What about a French Bulldog ? They're small, short haired and a bit more "manly" .....DH wanted one SO badly but I'm allergic, he ended up walking a 7 lb Yorkie down 2nd Ave !! Chat Icon

Posted 11/6/06 7:07 PM

I love my boys!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

Also, no matter what type of breed you get. Spay/neuter him/her. It is much healthier for the dog.

Posted 11/6/06 8:22 PM


Member since 9/06

11483 total posts


Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

It sounds funny too, but there are "dummies" books for a lot of dog types. We have the Labrador Retrievers for Dummies book, and it's quite good! Chat Icon

Posted 11/6/06 8:49 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

I have a small dog, a dachshund. He is a standard size, not a mini. They are lots of fun but not always easy. I like the fact that he is small but not wimpy. I have had dogs my whiole life. The big dogs were always easier. It was like they didn't have something to prove.

Posted 11/8/06 5:17 PM

True love

Member since 6/05

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

We have 2 Havanese and love them. They are small, hypoallergenic, non shedding dogs. They are about 15 pounds each. They do require grooming but are not high energy and are apartment suitable. If you want more info, feel free to FM. Check out the following:



Posted 11/8/06 7:32 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

Posted by babybug631

Those are all very "active" breeds. They require a lot of attention. They are great if you have a back yard.

I would not consider a Spaniel an "Active" breed in the sense that they cannot be a good apartment dog. Actually I think they can be great apartment dogs. I would agree, however, that a Jack Russel needs plenty of exercise.

Posted 11/9/06 9:57 AM

Don't Worry...Be Happy

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

Posted by Eva Luna

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Boston Terriers. There's a bunch of gorgeous pups on a thread here. There's pics of my Brooklyn on my album.

Seriously, DH was obsessed with bulldogs and wanted one badly...because of the many stairs in our home and the fact that DH can't really be running after a stubbornly loving dog right now, a co-worker suggested we get a Boston Terrier.

I can't say enough great things about ours...and the fact that so many of the girls on here have Bostons too proves my point that Bostons rock!! Chat Icon

I totally agree...they are sooo cute!

Posted 11/12/06 12:22 PM

Big brother to be!

Member since 9/06

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

don't forget your local shelter!!! there are SO many homeless dogs who will be euthanized if they don't find a home. it may take a little longer to find a smaller dog, but they are out there.

both of my pooches are small mixed-breeds from the shelter. sophie looks like a mini-schnauzer mixed with...well, who knows... Chat Icon owen looks like a "schnoodle", but not really sure about him either Chat Icon

don't know how to insert a link, but my album is called "my babies" if you wanna look Chat Icon

Posted 11/12/06 3:53 PM

My new 71 Super Beetle

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

Don't get a Chihuahua if you dont have a yard or plan on taking them out for many many walks. Our Chihuahua is so energetic. We have a really big yard for him to run around in so that is great, and I also try to take him for long walks a few times a day around the block....and also play with him in the house...but he is still so energized.

If you do get a Chihuahua try to get one of the tea cups....Or small versions because they are usually less energetic.

How about just a mutt. They are usually pretty easy to train...

Posted 11/13/06 10:08 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I need help- I know nothing about dogs!

Posted by danielleandscott

Don't get a Chihuahua if you dont have a yard or plan on taking them out for many many walks. Our Chihuahua is so energetic. We have a really big yard for him to run around in so that is great, and I also try to take him for long walks a few times a day around the block....and also play with him in the house...but he is still so energized.

If you do get a Chihuahua try to get one of the tea cups....Or small versions because they are usually less energetic.

How about just a mutt. They are usually pretty easy to train...

"Tea cups" = defect. I would not recommend getting a tea cup anything, especially if you are a first time pet owner. Anything that is "Tea Cup" is more likely to have health issues. Chat Icon

Posted 11/13/06 10:20 AM
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