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Anyone recommend a good sitter in Suffolk?

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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

13060 total posts


Anyone recommend a good sitter in Suffolk?

I am going to have to find someone next year to watch the kids when there is no school and maybe when my dh and I want to go out.
Don't know where to look as ANYONE can advertise in the paper or online.

Posted 12/14/07 10:42 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

3071 total posts


Re: Anyone recommend a good sitter in Suffolk?

I don't have a sitter to recommend, but I know that during school breaks the Y offers great programs for kids. In addition, a lot of daycare centers do winter break programs (for kids up to 12) and in Smithtown The Sweetbirar Nature Center runs great break programs. I'm not sure where you are in Suffolk, but if your town has a parent's resource room, scope program or even the school itself, they should be able to fill you in.

Posted 12/14/07 1:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

13060 total posts


Re: Anyone recommend a good sitter in Suffolk?

Posted by 2girlsforme

I don't have a sitter to recommend, but I know that during school breaks the Y offers great programs for kids. In addition, a lot of daycare centers do winter break programs (for kids up to 12) and in Smithtown The Sweetbirar Nature Center runs great break programs. I'm not sure where you are in Suffolk, but if your town has a parent's resource room, scope program or even the school itself, they should be able to fill you in.

Thanks. Yes, I put my dd in my son's daycare now but really was looking into maybe someone coming into my home starting next year.

Posted 12/14/07 1:49 PM

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