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Anyone see the Daily News Article-The Great NY BFing Test

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My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Anyone see the Daily News Article-The Great NY BFing Test

New York Daily News -


The great New York breast-feeding test
Sunday, October 8th, 2006

When a Brooklyn mom claimed she was harassed for breast-feeding her baby at
the Toys "R" Us store in Times Square, her story brought forth complaints
from other mothers with similar tales of woe.

A state law, enacted in 2002, says that any mother can breast-feed a child
in any place, public or privately owned, where she is otherwise authorized
to be.

But to hear some mothers tell it, there are still stores and restaurants
hostile to women who nurse in public - or NIP, the shorthand used on
breast-feeding Web sites.

The Daily News put the issue to a test by dispatching reporter Tracy Connor
and her 3-month-old daughter, Charlie, to nurse at humble and posh locations
around town. Here's her account of who is hip to NIP and, perhaps
surprisingly, who is not.

The Apple Store - Inside the gleaming white Mac mecca on Fifth Ave. and 59th
St., where workers in identical T-shirts rush to straighten iPods knocked
askew, I'm certain my baby and I will be a spectacle.

On a low circular concrete bench facing a busy bank of computers, I pick a
spot between two guys - a businessman and a hipster glued to their laptops -
and in full view of a dozen sales associates.

Out comes the nursing pillow, down goes the baby, up comes the shirt and I
toss a coverup over my shoulder. Twenty minutes, we're done - and no one has
said a peep. My benchmates never look up.

All in all, I would have created more of a stir if I'd announced my home
computer is a Dell.

"I don't know if we have a policy that you can or can't do it, but
breast-feeding is natural," one employee tells me. "Now, we do have people
who come in and log onto certain sites on the Internet and take out certain
body parts - that we don't allow."

Crosstown bus: We board a M79 at midday, taking a seat opposite the driver.
At the next stop, the bus starts to fill up and we get down to business.

The baby wriggles around, exposing a few inches of skin - and all around me,
riders develop the kind of glazed-eye look usually reserved for panhandlers
and the mentally ill.

Finally, one passenger pipes up, "Can you do that someplace else?" But she's
not talking to me - she's barking at a man talking loudly on his cell phone.

When we get to the end of the line, the driver tells me I'm his first
breast-feeder passenger. He's not sure what the Transit Authority's policy
on nursing is, but he has his own. "I don't see no objections to it," he

Babies "R" Us: After Toys "R" Us was the target of a high-profile "nurse-in"
protest and warned by the New York Civil Liberties Union, I expect that
employees at its corporate partner will politely ignore my breast-feeding.
In the back of an aisle at the chain's Bay Parkway, Brooklyn, store, I feed
my child quietly for five minutes - until a worker spots me.

"Excuse me, ma'am," she bellows. "We have a room where you can do that."

I explain that I had checked out the "mother's room" and found the sofa
dirty, but she's undeterred.

"It's not good in the open like this...for the other people who can see,"
she presses.

When I remind her that I can legally breast-feed wherever I want, she
changes her tune. "I just think you would be more comfortable," she says.
"If you're comfortable here, that's fine."

Moments later, another clerk sees us and says, "Oh Lord!" She scurries off,
perhaps to speak to a manager, and I brace for a new confrontation. But when
she returns it's with the offer of a chair to use in the aisle and when I
refuse it, she leaves us in peace.

Corporate spokeswoman Kathleen Waugh said the first worker broke store
policy. An internal review is under way, and the chain may revamp its

"Any mother may breast-feed her child in the place of her choice in any of
our stores," Waugh says.

Metropolitan Museum of Art - The airy wing that houses the Temple of Dendur
looks like it would make an artful lactation lounge, so we settle on a stone
wall right across from the ancient Nubian monument.

Throngs of tourists, mostly foreign, pay us no mind. A security guard issues
stern warnings to every visitor using a video camera or cell phone, yet
somehow misses the baby at my bosom.

But later he says that if he had seen us, he would have thrown us out. Why?
"There's no eating or drinking in the galleries," he explains.

When I raise an eyebrow, he tells me to check with the information desk,
where a woman consults a supervisor and confirms the guard was incorrect:
"This is New York City, and a mother may feed her baby wherever she feels

Le Cirque - A slightly chilly reception at the restaurant's front desk - an
admonition about crying babies - makes me think nursing in the lap of luxury
will turn some stomachs. But it's quite the opposite.

There is a little buzz among the wait staff and a few older diners as
Charlie noisily tries to latch on several times from an awkward position on
the banquette next to the kitchen.

But then everyone acts as though the suckling is as natural as a $100 lunch
tab. Servers smile as they deliver bread, and one acknowledges the
breast-feeding when I pull the baby off as my appetizer arrives.

"She's saying, 'Mommy, I want some more,'" the server says.

General manager Benito Sevarin tells me I'm hardly the first woman to
breast-feed over four-star cuisine.

"In fact, a few days ago we had a woman - a very famous woman, I won't tell
you her name - nursing her baby," he says. "There's nothing wrong with it."

Posted 10/11/06 7:01 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Anyone see the Daily News Article-The Great NY BFing Test

I think it's funny that Babies R Us (affiliated with Toys R Us) screwed up again and they're a baby store.

Posted 10/11/06 7:02 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Anyone see the Daily News Article-The Great NY BFing Test

Posted by monkeybride

I think it's funny that Babies R Us (affiliated with Toys R Us) screwed up again and they're a baby store.

Hmmm but consider who the employees are...probably not well-paid or for that matter quite as well-educated or up-to-date on these issues. They need to train them better basically..

Posted 10/11/06 7:07 PM

My Everything

Member since 5/05

20541 total posts


Re: Anyone see the Daily News Article-The Great NY BFing Test

Posted by karacg

Posted by monkeybride

I think it's funny that Babies R Us (affiliated with Toys R Us) screwed up again and they're a baby store.

Hmmm but consider who the employees are...probably not well-paid or for that matter quite as well-educated or up-to-date on these issues. They need to train them better basically..

True. I just found it funny that they were the ones that stood out again in this matter of all the places she went to.

Posted 10/11/06 8:31 PM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Anyone see the Daily News Article-The Great NY BFing Test

I live in NYC- and I breastfeed everywhere!! Barnes & Nobles, the MOMA, restaurants, central park- anywhere. I have never had a problem. I do always use a blanket to cover up. I almost never see a woman breastfeed without a blanket or towel or something to cover up.

ETA: I asked a worker at Toys R Us what their policy was and he says that what the worker did was 100% wrong, but it happens over and over. There is no nursing room, just chairs near the managers office where the wrap the gifts.

Message edited 10/11/2006 8:38:39 PM.

Posted 10/11/06 8:37 PM

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