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Anyone work for their family business??

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Member since 6/06

16494 total posts


Anyone work for their family business??

DH and I need to make some decisions about me (or maybe even him) working for his father. The pay, benefits and perks would be great, but I don't want to jeopordize our relationship (which is surprisingly good).

Anyone have any pros/cons or advise about this sort of situation? I appreciate any feeback I can get!


Posted 1/25/07 8:15 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 5/05

6530 total posts


Re: Anyone work for their family business??

I have a business with my father. Its been 3 years now, and works for us. But it hasn't always been easy.

I don't technically work for him, since we're partners and everything is split 50-50, but since he's my father, he's perceived as my boss (which is annoying).

eta: its going to depend a lot of your personalities and how closely you'll be working together. My father and I get along great, and I know how to work with him. My sister worked with us for awhile and couldn't handle it...

Its a small business - only the two of us, so we work very closely together. But its a home office in my parents house, so I get a lot of free food and babysitting (I take Ella to work with me daily) - so the perks are definitely worth it!

Message edited 1/25/2007 8:27:05 PM.

Posted 1/25/07 8:20 PM


Member since 3/06

4749 total posts


Re: Anyone work for their family business??

I do...I have since I graduated college 3 years ago....honestly it has been amazing. Me and my dad have a wonderful relationship and it has only made our relationship stronger....On the other hand I can see how it could put a strain on some family relationships, depending on the personalities that would be working together. The pay isn't that great but like you said the perks and the flexibility are awesome. I couldn't be happier than where I am right now...good luck in making your decision..any other questions just FM me Chat Icon

Posted 1/25/07 8:23 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/06

856 total posts


Re: Anyone work for their family business??

My sister does. She said that it was hard in the beginning, but it got easier after the first year.

Message edited 3/10/2007 9:30:11 PM.

Posted 1/25/07 8:28 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: Anyone work for their family business??

DH works with both his dad and uncle running the family business. I think what makes it work for them is that they separate the business part from the family part. At work, DH will call his dad by his first name, they argue a lot because they both come from different schools of thought, and its easier for DH to ask for more $$, certain perks, etc. if he views him as an employee/boss rather than his dad.

DH came home from work one Saturday steaming. Said he got in a huge arguement with his dad over the orders that were placed. We went to his parents house for dinner and it was all laughter. They easily switched to family mode and I thought that was great!

Posted 1/25/07 9:30 PM

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