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Anyone work from home

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My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Anyone work from home

With the pandemic, DH and I have been working from home (I am slowly transitioning back into the office 2 days a week). We have 3 kids which is its own set of challenges, but it is extremely difficult with my special needs son. He doesn’t understand mommy and daddy are working and he verbal stims super loud all day long! Makes it very difficult to get work done or be on conference calls, etc. Just looking to commiserate with any one else in the same boat!

Posted 8/22/20 2:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/14

1014 total posts


Re: Anyone work from home

Hi there, I am in a very similar situation. Are you in D75? Are they going back 5 days? If not, what was a game changer to me was getting an ABA therapist to come to the house - some agencies are only doing teletherapy but there are definitely agencies coming in person. Our therapist wears a mask and gloves and goes outside when possible. We have been healthy. Good luck!

Posted 9/3/20 2:36 PM

My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Re: Anyone work from home

We were in D75 but not anymore (he is in a private special needs school as we had a lot of issues and regression his first year in his old school, it was really bad). Anyway his current school follows the D75 schedule so they are doing one week in person and one week remote. Thankful for the one week in person. Yes we had a therapist come for outdoor sessions in our backyard but he was just so excited to be outside he was all over the place. Lol. He has been saying school and bus so he really misses school. Can’t wait for him to go back and get some sense of normalcy back (even though it will look totally different-masks, etc.).

Posted 9/5/20 11:34 AM

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