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Anyone's babies not want to eat table food

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LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1494 total posts


Anyone's babies not want to eat table food

My son is 11 months old, has no desire to eat table food really. I can't make him eat it. My doctor had said to try some things, pastina, mashed potatoes. Pastina he'll eat a little mixed in with jar food, mashed potatoes, he threw them up. He still gags a lot on things. Loves Dannon plain and vanilla yogurt.

My questions: How old were your kids when they started wanting to eat table food? Should I just wait to give it to him? Any late eaters like mine?

ETA: He has 6 teeth so far!

Message edited 4/3/2007 9:47:23 AM.

Posted 4/3/07 9:32 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Anyone's babies not want to eat table food

Jake was also a late eater. It wasn't until 16 months or so that he started to take a real interest in table food. Shortly after that he started completely refusing jarred baby food (except for the fruits - he still loves those).

I never pushed him because he was also a VERY late teether. He didn't cut his first tooth until 10 months and his molars just came in last month. So I really could push table food on him since he couldn't really chew it well with no teeth. That made me fear that he could choke too.

Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it if your DS isn't into table food yet. Just continue to try to introduce new foods to him everyday, but don't push him too hard. He'll go for it when he's ready.

I also found that eating together (though it's very hard for us to do this on weeknights) helps alot.

Posted 4/3/07 9:37 AM

I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06

2100 total posts


Re: Anyone's babies not want to eat table food

DS is 18 months and won't go near ANY table food. Has nothing to do with teeth though he was an early teether ( first two were at 19 weeks!) and has 16 teeth now. He should be eating steak with all those teeth!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 4/3/07 10:21 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1494 total posts


Re: Anyone's babies not want to eat table food

Posted by luvmiboy

DS is 18 months and won't go near ANY table food. Has nothing to do with teeth though he was an early teether ( first two were at 19 weeks!) and has 16 teeth now. He should be eating steak with all those teeth!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Okay good! He closes his mouth like no way, I am not eating that! No matter what it is....I even tried to give him a taste of an italian ice...not interested! Does your son's pediatrician say anything? Just curious for my son's next checkup.

Posted 4/3/07 10:31 AM

I love my sister!!!!!!

Member since 3/06

2100 total posts


Re: Anyone's babies not want to eat table food

If you put food near his mouth his head keeps going back and back to get away from it!!!

The last DR visit he just said we had to keep trying to get him to eat it but I'm not sure what he will say next week when he finds out that at 18 months it's No tablefood at all.

Posted 4/3/07 11:02 AM


Member since 5/05

19403 total posts


Re: Anyone's babies not want to eat table food

For the past couple of weeks Andy has been refusing both baby food and table food. So he's been pretty much on only formula. He's 9 months. It's very frustrating.

Posted 4/3/07 11:06 AM

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