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Anyone’s kid won’t wear a mask?

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My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Anyone’s kid won’t wear a mask?

My youngest who has ASD won’t wear a mask. We are working on it. He puts it on it (huge step from a month ago) but doesn’t tolerate more than 3 minutes. This limits the things we can do as a family. Was going to go to Aquarium or Zoo but masks needed for both. So far we have done beach days. Any other ideas on places to go?

I know because of his disability he would not be legally required to wear one. I would still feel bad having to go to a place and potentially have him expose others.

When I read that article about Hershey making the woman with her son with autism leave because he wouldn’t wear a mask and they had to for his safety, the employees, and other park patrons safety. I felt for her but also understand from the point of the park. You don’t have to go to Hershey. I wouldn’t put my son in that situation. It would be a huge meltdown if we had to all of a sudden leave a place that he wasn’t prepared to.

Message edited 7/26/2020 2:47:10 PM.

Posted 7/25/20 8:05 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


Anyone’s kid won’t wear a mask?

We have been working with my son on mask wearing. I honestly just used my BCBA skills and had to remove the mom/ emotional component to have mask compliance. We only went 1 place- an outdoor empty farm yesterday but he wore the mask. He also wore it once to go to his end of the year school parade. He didn’t go near anyone but I still made him wear it if he wanted to leave the car. My son is VERY sensory defensive. I used a social story on mask wearing, let him pick a choice of mask pattern, and then when it came to applying that’s when it was the worse. I had him hold the mask in his hand then gave an m&m (I NEVER use edibles if I can help it but this was effective for him). Then if he let me hold it to his face, he got the m&m, then touching, then on, then one for 5 sec. it took many trials and shaping but he was able to do it. He wore a mask no problem or fight for an hour at the farm yesterday. I’m very proud of him! Hang in there it’s tough. Does he have a BCBA that can work on training sessions with the mask for him?
I would say if he continues to struggle try open area farms/ parks etc for now until he’s able to increase his tolerance.
I also read, and you may need to look into more that some people may qualify for medical exemptions- ex someone with ASD. I’ll see if I can find where I saw that! You should be so proud of the progress he’s made! Keep it up and hang in there!

Posted 7/25/20 9:32 PM

My 3 little guys!

Member since 12/10

2943 total posts


Re: Anyone’s kid won’t wear a mask?

Thank you. I can’t take credit for it all. This has been a huge team effort. They are working on it constantly over summer via Zoom (his school is still remote). So it is practiced during morning meeting, in OT, PT, Speech, etc. These are huge steps for him. A couple months ago he would scream when DH and I would wear them and try to rip them off our face. So you can see really how far this is for him. Yes, social stories, you name it. Normally he is not bribed. But we do whatever we can to tolerate the mask wearing for longer and longer since it will be a necessary skill. But it’s so tough and exhausting honestly! We are taking it one day at a time.

Forgot to say yes we have a BCBA working on this with him (hence the reason we’ve come this far).

Message edited 7/25/2020 10:50:05 PM.

Posted 7/25/20 10:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/09

15659 total posts


Re: Anyone’s kid won’t wear a mask?

He isn't required to wear it because he has a medical issue. Now if **you* want him to wear it because you think he might get other people sick without it, that's another story.

Posted 7/26/20 11:12 AM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Anyone’s kid won’t wear a mask?

My older one who has the most severe needs, wears one no problem. I think it is actually helping her OCD as she thinks she protecting herself from germs. At her camp, because they are older, they are required to wear masks unless they absolutely can't. She wears it for 5 hours no problem. Of course we needed to train her on switching out her mask if she sneezes (gross) and how to properly store it when she needs a drink or to eat.

My younger daughter, also ID, has a much harder time. She does not like it on her face, she forgets to breathe, etc. etc. We are working with her at home a bit at a time and they are also working with her on it at ESY. When school starts, she won't need it in the classroom but should wear it in the halls and walking into school. Her classroom has a door to the green space so we are talking with them on allowing her class to come in through that door to keep them away from the masses.

Posted 7/26/20 1:16 PM

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