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Applying for a position for which you're over-qualified

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LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

4675 total posts


Applying for a position for which you're over-qualified

Do you explain your reasons in the cover letter? I haven't applied for a new job in over 10 years!

Posted 11/19/13 12:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Applying for a position for which you're over-qualified

Depends. What are the reasons you are looking for a part-time job?

How overqualified are you?

Posted 11/19/13 12:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/05

4675 total posts


Re: Applying for a position for which you're over-qualified

I currently work pt but the commute is about an hour-an hour and 15 minutes. I leave my house at 8:20 and I'm home at 6:20 3 days per week. I have a master's and this requires a hs diploma. About 15-20 minutes from home and 4 hours per day 5 days per week.

I have a child entering K next year (and a baby at home) and the idea of being closer to home and not out of the house for that long is appealing. The down side is pay cut and having 2 full days off is nice. I don't know about the benefits of the ne wposition though so I can't take that into account yet.

Thanks for taking the time to respond!

Posted 11/19/13 12:26 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Re: Applying for a position for which you're over-qualified

I would put it in my cover letter. the thing I would consider though is child care for 5 days. I used to work PT (3 full day) and am looking now to potentially go back after 5 years as a SAHM and honestly unless all your kids are in school during hte day I find that 3 full days would be easier than 5 partial days!

For me by the time I would be done working, I would simply be coming home to put DS2 in for a nap and hten get DS1 off the bus etc. I really wouldnt gain any time with them or to get all my stuff done.

Posted 11/19/13 3:39 PM

Christine Braun - Signature Premier Properties
LIFamilies Business

Member since 2/11

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Re: Applying for a position for which you're over-qualified

I think people hesitate to interview and/or hire "overqualified" applicants because either (i) they think they will want more money than the position pays, (ii) they think that the person will come in with a bad attitude and think they are above the position, and be possibly hard to manage, and (iii) they think the person may only be interested in the job because they are desperate for a job, any job, and will be gone when a better, higher level position comes about.

It's hard to comment here because I don't know what type of job it is or what field it is in. But I would try to emphasize all of the reasons the job would be a good fit for you (from a career standpoint, not just because of your family/commute situation), and express genuine enthusiasm for the job. I would also let them know you are aware of and accepting of the salary range.

If there are skills/things you can learn from the job, then I would highlight the fact that the job can be a learning opportunity and help you to acquire new skills. And that you are open to learning them from more experienced people at this job.

Education is always an asset, but in most fields, there is a lot more required/entailed. I currently work as a real estate agent/consultant, which requires no formal higher education (beyond the licensing course), but I have a law degree from an Ivy League school. So some might say I am "overqualified" for the work I do now. Still, when I started out, I had a lot to learn (and I am always continuing to learn in my position). Some of my skills from practicing law were transferrable, but I've developed and acquired new skill sets as a real estate agent that I didn't use when practicing law.

I think it is always challenging and exciting to start something new, whatever it is, and if you go in to any job (or interview) with humility and some degree of interest in that new position, it really helps!

Posted 11/19/13 9:39 PM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Applying for a position for which you're over-qualified

I agree with the above's so hard to answer this question.

I've known people to apply for "lessor" positions for a variety of reasons.

One who stands out was able to speak to the hiring manager to explain his reasons in advance.

I know generally that is not an option though.

It's interesting too because I am probably over-qualified for my current role, but it's amazing how much I have learned that I did NOT know, so you can never judge by titles ;).

I also had bigger picture reasons for wanting to work where I do, like amazing benefits, great opportunities for advancement, psychologically healthy working place, etc.

Posted 11/20/13 5:31 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Applying for a position for which you're over-qualified

I would not put anything about child care in your letter.

I would say something along the lines of you are looking for a part-time position and would like to scale back on commuting hours

Posted 11/22/13 4:56 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

Member since 5/05

9306 total posts


Re: Applying for a position for which you're over-qualified

Posted by nrthshgrl

I would not put anything about child care in your letter.

I agree with this, I was not suggesting she put child care in her letter. I was simply giving her something to consider, because I have been in her shoes, and IMO unless you have family to help out, getting child care for 5 days but only a few hours can sometimes be more pricey than say 2 full days of daycare or a babysitter.

I have done it all since having DS1, FTWM, PTWM, SAHM, I have babysat friends kids, etc. I have been ignored for interviews bc I was over qualified and the HR person told a friend who worked for hte company that they didnt call me bc they felt I would be bored. And I have been in interviews explaining my desire for downsizing my career....

Its hit and miss honestly, all depends on the company and who is doing the hiring/interviewing.


Posted 11/24/13 9:20 PM


Member since 12/07

16353 total posts


Re: Applying for a position for which you're over-qualified

I totally agree with you Kelly about it coming down to who is doing the hiring.

I also have interviewed in the past and it's so interesting to me that most people present so differently in person than they do on paper.

Sometimes for the better, sometimes they have made me want to run far away. Chat Icon

I also think this is why networking is so, so important.

Posted 11/25/13 5:44 AM

Bored Esq.

Member since 10/10

2156 total posts


Re: Applying for a position for which you're over-qualified

I know someone who "dumbed" down their resume to get a job they were overqualified for because they just werent getting interviews or job offers..,,he had a JD from a lower ranked law school and couldnt find a law firm job, so he deleted his JD from the resume so he could get interviews for paralegal jobs...i wouldnt recommend this since background checks are so easy to do, but when one is desperate, sometimes ethics go out the window,,Chat Icon i know others who also deleted work experiences or omitted grad degrees so they could get jobs..,,

Posted 12/6/13 12:24 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/11

7391 total posts


Applying for a position for which you're over-qualified

Use the words work/life balance in your cover letter instead of childcare. Mention the commute time. Its hard I know when I got laid off I was overqualified but I changed fields and was able to work myself back up. Many jobs wouldn't let me through the job for an interview.

Posted 12/30/13 11:04 AM

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