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Are men just plain stupid

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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Are men just plain stupid

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I feel like killing my ******* husband right now...I am a SAHM to our nearly 5mth old AS WELL as working full tiime from home. Most days I get about 4 hours work done which means after DD goes to bed I try to play catch up. Sometimes I am working until past 10.00pm.

I just asked my husband if he thinks I have a pretty tough time at the moment and he said that he thinks I give my employers too much of my timeChat Icon ***..they are paying me to work for them...I chose to work from home and if I wasnt he would be responsible for ALL the bills.....

I knew he had no clue as to how busy my day is but this really brings it home....

I am not looking for sympathy just maybe a bit of" I know you are working two jobs right now and I appreciate must be tired etc etc....especially seen as you havent had a full nights sleep in 5 mths"aaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh

Oh I could throttle him right now.

Why is he so clueless??

I asked him if he knew how demanding taking care of a baby was and he yells of course I do I take her every evening dont I.....which he does for max one hour broken up into "shes crying can you take her back, she likes you better anyway"..

Sorry...vent over...had to let steam off somewhere before I throw the computer across the room at him.

Thanks for listening.....

Posted 6/28/06 9:31 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

3416 total posts


Re: Are men just plain stupid

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Wow you really do have your hands full. Men..Chat Icon They just DONT GET IT!! No matter how hard you try.. hang in there sweetie.. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/28/06 9:40 PM

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