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Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

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Member since 5/05

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Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

or a little of both?

I have such a hard time parting with things. I don't know why. DH and I are trying to pack up our apartment and I am finally going to be able to use my nice new china and shower curtain and other things we got for the wedding. And yet I don't want to get rid of my single girl china (it's really cute) or the GAJILLION other things I have that serve little to no purpose.

Posted 5/12/05 7:51 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

Pack rat. Good thing Kev's a minimalist, we'll balance each other out.

It's like pulling teeth trying to get me to toss things. Though, I have recently gotten rid of about 5 trash bags of stuff in the last week - it's barely made a dent, however. Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 7:53 AM

You Live, You Learn

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

minimalist.....!!!!!! I hate clutter. Just drives me crazy

My sister the COMPLETE opposite

Posted 5/12/05 8:00 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

I am a little bit of both. Pack rat when it comes to the kids' things, minimalist for almost everything else.

Posted 5/12/05 8:18 AM

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

we are a little bit of both. We have a room or two that has a lot of the shiat that we cant seem to throw away but don't want cluttering up the rest of the house.

Posted 5/12/05 8:39 AM


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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

dh is a pack rat ! i can't stand it half the time! when he is not home that is when i start thowing it all out. i wish i can get a dumpster but then he will know! lol

Posted 5/12/05 8:53 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

Pack Rat! And I hate it - I just can't seem to help myself.Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 8:54 AM

My Heart and Soul

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

I'm such a pack rat!!Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 9:04 AM

LIF Adult

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

def. a pack rat

Posted 5/12/05 9:15 AM

LIF Infant

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

i have a lot of $hit, so i guess a pack rat, but i need more space!!! it is a lot of clothing and stuff!

Posted 5/12/05 9:42 AM

Family is Complete!

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

I used to be a packrat and now I throw more out. I guess it depends on the significance.

Posted 5/12/05 9:43 AM

Fall Is Here

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

I throw everything out!!! I am so not a pack rat. DH gets bad but oh well too bad so sad. I think I'm going to throw him out too Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 9:44 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

We're both pack rats, but DH is so much worse than me.

Posted 5/12/05 9:46 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

Minimalist. Hate clutter.

Posted 5/12/05 10:15 AM

Becoming a different woman

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

I have a lot of clutter but when it comes time to move, I just throw away what I don't need.

Posted 5/12/05 10:15 AM

can hardly wait

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

Iam such a pack rat....I have shoes and skirts from 7th grade.....pathetic.

Posted 5/12/05 10:20 AM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

minimalist. I don't keep anything. DH is opposite, he can't even part with old shoelaces.Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 10:44 AM

Making big changes

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

I used to be the worst pack rat EVER, but there came a day when I decided "this is absolutely ridiculous" and threw pretty much everything away. DH still is a pack rat and it makes things a little difficult, especially since we have limited storage space, but I try to deal with it the best I can. I do have urges though to toss some of his things in garbage bags though and even though he probably wouldn't even notice that stuff was missing, I'd feel too guilty. Chat Icon

Posted 5/12/05 10:47 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Are you a pack rat or a minimalist...

Posted by SoinLove

I used to be the worst pack rat EVER, but there came a day when I decided "this is absolutely ridiculous" and threw pretty much everything away. DH still is a pack rat and it makes things a little difficult, especially since we have limited storage space, but I try to deal with it the best I can. I do have urges though to toss some of his things in garbage bags though and even though he probably wouldn't even notice that stuff was missing, I'd feel too guilty. Chat Icon

I think that is kinda how I am . At this point I don't even want pictures on the walls, b/c it will look too cluttered!

I feel a little bad, b/c MIL offered us stuff from DH's grandma's house, since she is in a nursing home, and honestly I don't want any dusty old lady crap in my little apartment, but I do have my great grandmothers' dishes that I never use , so I can't deny DH the ugly wall hangings he has sentimental attachments too.

Message edited 5/12/2005 11:54:06 AM.

Posted 5/12/05 11:53 AM

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