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Article:Friendship Survival for Childfree Women

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Member since 5/08

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Article:Friendship Survival for Childfree Women

Interesting read
I don't necessarily agree with her when she says she took time away from her friends when they were new mothers. I certainly have been able to find a nice balance with my Mom-friends. Sometimes we spend time at their houses with the kids, but they also make time to do grown-up dinners, minus the kids.

Message edited 1/12/2012 9:18:42 AM.

Posted 1/12/12 9:05 AM


Member since 10/06

15979 total posts


Re: Article:Friendship Survival for Childfree Women

I think it depends on the friendship...I have some friends, who even though have children make time to do "grown up" things in addition to hanging with the kiddies.

As with all friendships and relationships, I think there's a fine balance that needs to be achieved otherwise you're just a nuisance.

I feel like with the author it had to be black or white - either the women who had children HAD to maintain the friendship the way it had always been (hour long convos and dinner sans kids) otherwise she cut them out until they could.

That doesn't sound like being a very good friend to me. Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/12 4:00 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/11

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Re: Article:Friendship Survival for Childfree Women

90% of my female friends are already moms or preggers. I dont really consider ending the friendship just because of that - I know they are at a different stage in their life but I still make time to talk to them online or email..We just dont see each other as much, but we still keep in touch.
I agree that friendships do change and of course having kids is a life altering event - I know new moms have all sorts of pressures to deal with and that there is a lot more roles to play..But I think if one makes the effort to keep the friendship going, its really not that big a deal.

The biggest change I think is my friendship with guys when they become dads. A lot of the cool guys I was friends with distanced themselves from me once they got engaged/married or had kids - no longer do we meet up for happy hour or just dinner for the sake of hanging out. Now its all about being there 24/7 for their wives/kids, etc and I think it kinda sucks (esp for me since I always had more guy friends than girl friends). Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/12 4:55 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/07

858 total posts


Re: Article:Friendship Survival for Childfree Women

good article. thank you.

Posted 1/12/12 6:50 PM

Too blessed to be stressed

Member since 4/09

6691 total posts


Re: Article:Friendship Survival for Childfree Women

I couldve written it.

I'm in the 'separation' phase with my bff right now. She's just too busy for me so i'm letting her be, so i don't get irked when she doesnt reply to emails, calls, texts, etc.

Posted 1/12/12 7:52 PM

I'm a PANK!!!

Member since 5/05

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Professional Aunts No Kids

Re: Article:Friendship Survival for Childfree Women

Great article

Posted 1/12/12 9:44 PM

Love my Furbaby

Member since 10/07

1140 total posts


Re: Article:Friendship Survival for Childfree Women

I definitely see my friends with kids a lot less. I don't mind hanging-out with their kids too but they are always so distracted that its not as much fun.

Posted 1/13/12 4:27 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

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Re: Article:Friendship Survival for Childfree Women

There are some friends with kids who I don't see as often but I attribute that to life just getting in the way.. .them getting preoccupied with the baby.. etc..

For my friend who does have a kid and I do see somewhat regularly, I the last time we got together JUST US was before she had the baby! Chat Icon

Posted 1/15/12 8:12 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/11

703 total posts


Re: Article:Friendship Survival for Childfree Women

Nice article.
As I get older, some of my friends have come out of mommy hibernation and are ready to pick up where they left us all those years ago. It's nice to reconnect but, really, the core group of us are those who didn't have kids and the mothers who fought to keep a little of their pre-mother identity by still socializing and keeping up their own interests.

Posted 1/17/12 5:02 PM

My angel has a baby brother!

Member since 7/10

1050 total posts


Re: Article:Friendship Survival for Childfree Women

I have a friend that constantly says to me that she is "so tired" and "so busy" as if because I do not have a child I have no responsibilities.

Posted 2/1/12 3:15 PM

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