asking for some good vibes/prayers/happy thoughts! UPDATE 5/31!!
tomorrow is our monitoring appt to see how my follies are looking. i've had bloating and pain in my lower abdomen since last night so i'm hoping all looks good tomorrow and we can trigger! this will be our first IUI. i'll take any good vibes you girls can spare! i only have a left tube and need at least some of the follies to be on the left side in order for dr. b to move forward. thanks!!!!!
UPDATE: thanks SOOOOOO much for all the good vibes girls!!! dr. b said my ovaries are "cookin" right now i have 4 follies on my left side with the largest being around 17mm and 4 on my right side with the largest being around 18mm. since the right ones are sorta useless b/c i don't have a tube there, he wants me to do one more night of follistim to grow the left ones a little more and then we'll most likely trigger tomorrow night! i'm so insanely grateful i have some follies on the left side! thanks again everyone! you guys are the BEST!!
Re: asking for some good vibes/prayers/happy thoughts!
Good Luck! I will pray for you tonight. I hope you have tons of follicles ready, but it can take time so don't get upset if you need another few days!!! Keep us updated!