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At my wits end with BF - Now, Pain/Inflammation from pumping? Please Help!

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

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At my wits end with BF - Now, Pain/Inflammation from pumping? Please Help!

For those of you who have followed my numerous (and probably very annoying posts) I have been having the worst time with BF - first it was the cracked bleeding nips that killed, then I ended up getting mastitis. I did not want to BF while on antibiotics so I have been pumping for this past week and feeding DS formula. Per my lactation consultants advice I have been pumping 6-8 times per day - 20 minutes both sides (at once).

Well even this seems to be a problem for me. Now my left side is hurting every time I pump and for a while after. The nipple gets inflamed while on the pump and stayes that way for about an hour after. It feels like a painful tugging sensation the whole time I pump which, I know is not normal. Also, I do not feel like I am getting the drainage I should and am worried that I am going to end up with Mastitis on the other side. Each time I pump I get only 2 oz on one side and 1 oz on the other. I am worrying I am losing my supply as well.

If anyone has any input on these issues PLEASE HELP. Also, if you have any advice as to where to turn for help - the lactation consultant has been ok but who else can i talk to? My OB? The Ped?

I am at my wits end with this. DS will be 3 wks tomorrow and I have been in some sort of pain relating to BF every day since his birth. I am trying soooooo hard to stick this out but it is just getting too too much Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/07 1:50 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: At my wits end with BF - Now, Pain/Inflammation from pumping? Please Help!

i am soooo sorry you are having such a difficult experience. it must be so stressful. major props to you for sticking it out, despite all the difficulty. many women wouldn't have hung on this long. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

not sure where you are located, but i went to a lactation consultant in manhasset and i thought she was really good. i also spoke with a la leche league leader a couple of times and she really helped too.

i found the pediatricians weren't pro-breastfeeding enough to support me and i didn't think my ob knew enough, so i found them not really worth asking.

here's the lc in manhassetbeverly

here's all the local la leche leaders info:

many la leche league leaders have reputations of being really hardcore. that was not my experience with 2 different ones, so i would keep trying until you find a personality you feel comfortable with.

good luck!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/07 3:59 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

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Re: At my wits end with BF - Now, Pain/Inflammation from pumping? Please Help!

Talk to your ob. She/He will probably refer you to a lactation consultant.

My breasts were sore while bfing & pumping until I got used to it. It would start with a slight burning from the base to the sides as the milk was draining.

If the baby is still eaiting & producing diapers, I'd say your milk supply is fine.Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/07 6:29 AM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

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Re: At my wits end with BF - Now, Pain/Inflammation from pumping? Please Help!

Is the flange from the pump too small? I had to get a bigger size.

Posted 9/19/07 8:40 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/06

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Re: At my wits end with BF - Now, Pain/Inflammation from pumping? Please Help!

Definitely call a lactation consultant. I wound up getting thrush from taking an antibiotic. It made nursing excruciatingly painful for me. I have a lactation consultant that I used in Hauppague if you would like her info.

Posted 9/19/07 8:51 AM

Beyond Compare

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Re: At my wits end with BF - Now, Pain/Inflammation from pumping? Please Help!

I'm not sure what the other posters suggested (sorry if I repeat something) but here are some things that come to mind:

- Get larger breast shields (I learned by trial and error that I needed the 30m large)

- Get Lansolin cream for your nipples

- Reduce the speed on the pump (if possible - my medela pump allows me to regulate the speed - there's a dial on the face plate)

My supply went from 25oz a day to about 15oz matter how often I pump. My doctor seems to think that my supply is decreasing and has told me that while I can try everything to increase it...sometimes it just doesn't happen. Not comforting but I guess the reality is that our supplies are not unlimited.

My most important advice to you is to not get too stressed over it. It is what it is. Be proud of whatever amount you make and don't be hard on yourself. Any BM that your baby gets will be beneficial. Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/07 8:58 AM

My girls

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Re: At my wits end with BF - Now, Pain/Inflammation from pumping? Please Help!

Posted by dawnie

Is the flange from the pump too small? I had to get a bigger size.

I was going to ask the same question. Find someone to watch you pump who knows their stuff -- you may need a different size.

Posted 9/19/07 8:58 AM

Big Sister to Be!

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Re: At my wits end with BF - Now, Pain/Inflammation from pumping? Please Help!

Do you have Lansinoh cream? I find that when I pump I need to put that on-where as if I just BF I didn't need it. I would try contacting another LC if you don't feel the one you have been talking to is helping enough.

Posted 9/19/07 9:34 AM

Mommy of 3!

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Re: At my wits end with BF - Now, Pain/Inflammation from pumping? Please Help!

I had terrible nipple pain for weeks-

Matty wouldn't latch on until he was 6 weeks old! I pumped until then and kept putting the poor boy on my boob until he learned.

I had to have the largest shields and I used lansinoh cream and warm compresses. It was awful- those 6 weeks. Eventually, the pain went away and we fell into a nice BF routine and he was almost EBF except for a formula bottle at night. I HATED pumping.

I don't know what made the pain go away- I think my breasts just adjusted. It was only in my left breast mostly too. Chat Icon I HATED my left boob and wished it evil thoughts. Chat Icon

I used halisa's lc too- she was great. I wish I had more advice- for me it just took time.

You are doing a great job- 3 weeks of BM for your baby is great! If it is too much and overwhelming there is nothing wrong with stopping. for me I just took it one day at a time. Be proud, you seem like such a dedicated mommy! Chat Icon

Posted 9/19/07 10:19 AM

Happy Little Girl

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Thia (Cynthia)

Re: At my wits end with BF - Now, Pain/Inflammation from pumping? Please Help!

Posted by Calla

Posted by dawnie

Is the flange from the pump too small? I had to get a bigger size.

I was going to ask the same question. Find someone to watch you pump who knows their stuff -- you may need a different size.

I agree. I needed a 30m large.

Also, you can loob them with olive oil for more comfort.

Posted 9/19/07 10:27 AM

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