Auditory Processing Disorder
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06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07 9537 total posts
Name: The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)
Auditory Processing Disorder
Can someone recommend a location to have this testing done? I know HEARS Audiology does it, but they don't take any insurance.
Posted 1/2/18 12:31 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 10/09 929 total posts
Re: Auditory Processing Disorder
Humanistic Consultants in Mineola use to.
Posted 1/2/18 9:55 PM |
Re: Auditory Processing Disorder
My son had it done but we live in the city so that doesn't help
Maybe try the Audiology department at Stony Brook?
Posted 1/3/18 3:19 PM |
Auditory Processing Disorder
Does the speech and hearing clinic at cohens take your insurance? I believe they do it
Posted 1/3/18 4:14 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 9511 total posts
Re: Auditory Processing Disorder
I had a woman in Roslyn do it. I forget her name. Can I ask you how old your child is? After I spent $1200 out of pocket at the recommendation of my pediatrician, I was told by the school district that a diagnosis of an auditory processing disorder prior to age 7 may not be accurate. My daughter technically qualified but she was barely 6. The audiologist recommended an FM transmitter but the school, while completely willing to give it to my daughter, went thru the pros and cons and really discouraged me from using it that early. Her speech pathologist (whom I love) explained in great detail how a lot of it is developmental and if they become reliant on things like FM transmitters too early it will hinder their development.
Posted 1/4/18 11:51 AM |
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