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Member since 5/06 1462 total posts
babies born in or around July are they sleeping?
Maya is 14 months old, almost 15, and has never slept through the night.
I put her in her crib at 8pm and she usually sleeps until midnight or a little later. Then she wakes, and screams and cries and will ONLY go back to sleep in MY bed. Of course I was one of those mothers who said I would NEVER do that, but hey, you do what you have to do to get some sleep, ya know?
Anyone else having issues?
We've tried CIO and honestly, it doesn't work for her. She does NOT give up! Relentless I tell ya... She's also obsessed with me and my hair and once she is in my bed she stroked my hair to fall asleep. She's been doing that since three weeks old if you can believe that.
I am sooooo ready to get a full nights sleep.
Posted 10/9/06 9:18 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16541 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: babies born in or around July are they sleeping?
I'm so sorry you're having problems! Christopher is the same age (almost 15 months), but he's slept through the night since he was a month old, so I'm not much of a help now. He's been having issues lately, but that's only because he's teething. I hope you find a solution soon
Posted 10/9/06 9:25 PM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: babies born in or around July are they sleeping?
Miranda is sleeping through the night as well so I can't be of much help but what about just letting her sleep in your bed from the start so you don't have to wake up and get her. I mean if she's ending up there anyway at least everyone will get a full night's sleep that way.
Posted 10/9/06 9:26 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: babies born in or around July are they sleeping?
Julia is 15 months old and still sleeps with us. I tried to put her in the crib but she will scream and cry, and I dont want my child to fall asleep that way. She goes to bed at like 10pm ( I know late) but she takes a late nap, and she has always been a great sleeper, she wakes up at like 9:30am. I'm Julia's blanket--lol Yes she has to smell my clothes when she is tired, and sucks on her bottom lip, I even tried to put one of my shirts in the crib with her and she looks at me like "do I look stupid"--lol I really dont have a problem with her sleeping with us, I'm so use to it and I feel I would just miss her so much.
Posted 10/9/06 9:27 PM |
Member since 5/06 1462 total posts
Re: babies born in or around July are they sleeping?
Posted by monkeybride
Miranda is sleeping through the night as well so I can't be of much help but what about just letting her sleep in your bed from the start so you don't have to wake up and get her. I mean if she's ending up there anyway at least everyone will get a full night's sleep that way.
I would totally do that but I go to bed late and I would be scared that she would roll off the bed...
Actually, a lot of the time, she wakes up as soon as my head hits the pillow. It's like she KNOWS.
Posted 10/9/06 9:30 PM |
Member since 5/06 1462 total posts
Re: babies born in or around July are they sleeping?
Posted by MelTodd604
Julia is 15 months old and still sleeps with us. I tried to put her in the crib but she will scream and cry, and I dont want my child to fall asleep that way. She goes to bed at like 10pm ( I know late) but she takes a late nap, and she has always been a great sleeper, she wakes up at like 9:30am. I'm Julia's blanket--lol Yes she has to smell my clothes when she is tired, and sucks on her bottom lip, I even tried to put one of my shirts in the crib with her and she looks at me like "do I look stupid"--lol I really dont have a problem with her sleeping with us, I'm so use to it and I feel I would just miss her so much.
LOL about "Julia's blanket", that is just like Maya. I tried to put one of my shirts in her crib but it didn't work.
One thing I've been doing to get her to sleep faster is to let her sleep on my pillow in her crib. She LOVES it. It's cute. =)
I wouldn't mind sleeping with her if she didn't wake me up a bajillion times a night by wrapping her tiny fingers around my hair and pulling it out. There are chunks of my hair all over the bed my morning, and I am starting to get a bald spot. The kid is obsessed with my hair.
Posted 10/9/06 9:32 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: babies born in or around July are they sleeping?
Also how is her feeding schedule? Maybe she is waking cause shes hungry? I wish I could help you. Sorry!
Posted 10/9/06 9:41 PM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: babies born in or around July are they sleeping?
I'm sorry, I'm not much help...Jared is almost 16 months and goes to sleep at 8pm and wakes at 8:30am. Sometimes he wakes up at night but I'm thinking it's because of his teeth.
Maybe your little one is hungry?
Posted 10/9/06 11:25 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/05 759 total posts
Name: Claudine
Re: babies born in or around July are they sleeping?
Sending you giant HUGS, my friend!
Funny you should post this...b/c Maya's friend Elena is NO DIFFERENT. It is amazing to me how alike our girls are!
Jeff just said to me a very exasperated tone, mind you...WHEN IS SHE GOING TO SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT?????
I wish I knew. Unfortunately, cry it out isn't working here either. She will cry for a bit and fall asleep...but still wakes in the night for bottles. We are sooo done with the night waking!!!
Posted 10/10/06 11:16 AM |
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Member since 11/05 3932 total posts
Re: babies born in or around July are they sleeping?
OMG!! I swear I could have written this post. My son is 18 months old and does the same exact thing. He takes my hair and strokes it against his ear. He has now been sleeping with us since 9 months old because that is the only way he will sleep through the night.
He falls asleep on a Bob the Bulider sleeping bag and then I try to out him in the crib. A few hours later he is up and screaming for me. I do not believe in crying it out so I guess he will be sleeping with us for a while.
Posted 10/10/06 11:41 AM |
My Ray of sunshine

Member since 5/05 1101 total posts
Name: Sarah
Re: babies born in or around July are they sleeping?
Kaylee is 13months old and has slept a few nights through here and there but she has been teething for what feels like an eternity. I don't know why some nights she sleeps and others she's up 1-2Xs a night. Sending hugs. Good luck.
I have found that days Kaylee is outside a lot she sleeps longer and through the night. Also if she eats a lot at dinner she will sleep better too.
Posted 10/10/06 2:50 PM |