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Baby gates in a split level home...

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Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

Member since 10/06

5913 total posts


Baby gates in a split level home...

If you live in a split level home with multiple staircases, how many baby gates do you have and where did you put them? Top, bottom, both, all levels??

We are trying to figure out what we would need without making our house look like an entrance to an amusement park ride!

We're kind of still renovating and not all railings are up so not sure if we should register now or buy ourselves when we are ready.

Obviously we have time before we'd worry about a crawling baby but my concern for the shower registry was dog boundaries.

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Posted 3/24/09 11:43 AM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

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Re: Baby gates in a split level home...

I live with a family member we rent the bottom of their split level and they have a gate at the top as well as a netting that goes around the railing. We have one at the bottom of the steps to keep DS contained when we have the door open. Hope this help

Posted 3/24/09 11:47 AM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Baby gates in a split level home...

We have a split but we never put a gate at the top of the stairs. When they were small enough to need the gate, they were never upstairs alone. I had one at the bottom of the stairs so they couldn't go up when on the main floor. We have a door to the lower level. You are moving your kitchen though IIRC it's upstairs so I would think you'd need a gate at the top and bottom.

Posted 3/24/09 12:59 PM


Member since 3/06

22093 total posts


Re: Baby gates in a split level home...

We have one at the top near all the bedrooms, then one on the main level going down to the den and then one off the kitchen that has deep stairs to the basement (12 steps).

Posted 3/24/09 2:13 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: Baby gates in a split level home...

Ugh, I have them at the top and bottom of all steps (unless there is a door)... i have 3 staircases (a finished attic)...It's insane, i can't wait to get rid of them!

Posted 3/24/09 2:46 PM

This is how I play basketball!

Member since 6/05

1980 total posts


Re: Baby gates in a split level home...

top of stairs only, so two gates. we keep the basement door closed. kids are never in the lower level (den) alone (or with us, for that matter). playroom is on main level with kitchen, etc.

Posted 3/24/09 3:05 PM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Baby gates in a split level home...

We just put them at the top of stairs.

Ale learned to climb stairs early and in my house that is a good thing!! Yes she fell once or twice but onto carpeted floors, and it's only a few steps. I think in a split they need to learn to manage the stairs at an early age.

Posted 3/24/09 3:15 PM


Member since 5/05

13535 total posts


Re: Baby gates in a split level home...

Posted by BnBdreamin

We are trying to figure out what we would need without making our house look like an entrance to an amusement park ride!

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We live in a Splanch and this is exactly what our house looks like!

Posted 3/24/09 3:30 PM

Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

Member since 10/06

5913 total posts


Re: Baby gates in a split level home...

Okay, lots of great help. Thanks ladies! And I totally agree with the baby/kids getting adjusted to the stairs early on. I don't recall having gates growing up and I never tumbled down stairs.

So here's what I'm dealing with/thinking of. What do you think?

Now we do not yet, but will have railings soon (which also plays a part on which gate to get).

This is standing in our main level front entry. To the right is our new relocated kitchen (with a full bath, tv sitting area, dining, backyard, doored off basement with laundry). This level will essentially be my SAHM hub. So I'm thinking of putting a gate at the bottom of these stairs 1. to keep the baby down and 2. to keep the dogs up (when I want).

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Posted 3/25/09 8:19 AM

Babygirl is 4!

Member since 5/05

17076 total posts


Re: Baby gates in a split level home...

Personally --- I'd put the gate at the TOP and a nice, cushy throw rug at the bottom...just in case.

You might also consider treads on each step, baby in socks can be very slippery....

Posted 3/25/09 8:23 AM

Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

Member since 10/06

5913 total posts


Re: Baby gates in a split level home...

Then, I'm at a loss here and think this is where I should wait...

This is the stair leading from the mid level, which has the old kitchen but will be opened and combined for a living room and home theatre, to the upper level, which has bedrooms, nursery and full bath.

Again, railings will be added. Should I put a gate at just the top for now to keep dogs down if I want? As it will be a while before I fear baby getting out of crib at night. I plan to exclusively breastfeed so I do not anticipate stumbling down to the kitchen at night.

With renovations going on in the near future (okay with a newborn, I'm holding my breath!) I do not forsee much baby habitating on this level for a bit so should we bother with gates yet?

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Thanks for your input!!! Chat Icon

Posted 3/25/09 8:26 AM

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