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Baby not eating enough?

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Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06

3164 total posts


Baby not eating enough?

DD is almost 5 weeks old and will only take about 3 or 3.5 oz every 3 hours. I am concerned because I see others posting that their baby around the same time is taking about 5oz - I am worried that she is not eating enough.

She has AR and is on axid and was just put on Nutramigen yesterday for milk allergy so maybe this is the reason she won't eat more.

She also falls asleep half way through every bottle. She has gained 2 lbs since birth.

Does any one have any suggestions or experience with this? Do you think a different size nipple or different bottle would help.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Posted 1/18/07 2:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Baby not eating enough?

Try increasing the nipple size. I had to change Steven's at 2 weeks old. he was falling asleep and getting frustrated with each bottle. Once I switched to Med. flow, things were much better.

Posted 1/18/07 2:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3380 total posts


Re: Baby not eating enough?

3 - 3.5 sounds okay. At 5 weeks I was making 4 ounce bottles for DD but she would not always eat that - it was usually between 3-4 ounces.

Posted 1/18/07 2:28 PM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Baby not eating enough?

what does your ped say??? i think its fine, dc learn when they are hungry and if they are, you prob know....Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 2:34 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/06

614 total posts


Re: Baby not eating enough?

Try not to worry. DD is 7 months old and I'm lucky to get her to drink 5 ounces. She usually drinks 3.5 to 4 oz every 3 hours during the day. She eats food in addition now. Her ped calls her a peanut and says she will eat as much as she needs and not to worry. We switched her to Nutramigen at around 4 months old and she didn't eat more, she just stopped screaming. I say not to worry but I still do and continue to keep track of her formula and food intake daily even though DH and Ped have told me repeatedly to throw the log book away.

Posted 1/18/07 6:00 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Baby not eating enough?

Every baby is different. Mine takes about 5 ounces. But he has solids too. On bad days he will not even have 3 ounces. DS is 7.5 months old and there are babies out there that are his age and are having 8 ounces and eating solids. Mine does 4, sometimes 5, and sometimes he may even surprise me with 6 ounces. I always prepare 7 ounces no matter what because I never know what he'll have. Last night he had 7 ounces. I almost Chat Icon

How many feedings does get in a 24 hour period. 24 ounces within a 24 hour period is good...

Message edited 1/18/2007 6:09:21 PM.

Posted 1/18/07 6:09 PM

Soccer Baseball Lax Mom

Member since 10/05

11240 total posts


Re: Baby not eating enough?

jiavana never drank more than 4 oz till she was about 4 1/2 mths (2 weeks ago). She always drank between 3-4 oz.

Posted 1/18/07 7:48 PM

Now a mommy of 2!!!

Member since 4/06

3164 total posts


Re: Baby not eating enough?

Sorry - don't mean to bump this. I just wanted to thank everyone for your responses - it helps to know that DD isn't necessary falling behind and that others have not so big eaters!!

Posted 1/19/07 12:35 PM

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