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Bay Shore School District

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/06

834 total posts


Bay Shore School District

We fell in love with a few houses in Lawrance Farms and Brightwaters. Does anyone have any experiences (good or bad) to share with me about the school district? Please FM me.

I really appreciate it!!


Posted 2/20/11 5:41 PM


Member since 8/06

13803 total posts


Re: Bay Shore School District

I went to Bay Shore.

I liked it a lot. Bay Shore was one of the first districts to have learning disabled children be mainstreamed and they also had a very robust AP course of programs. The school was racially and ethically diverse - and the student body was large enough to find a group that you really clicked with.. but there wasn't that 'division' among classes and cliques that you see in movies about high school. Jocks, cheerleaders, burnouts, punks.. whatever.. everyone kind of just hung out together. I never really saw a lot of bullying or cruelty come from any group... probably because of the diversity.

We also had great arts programs, wonderful athletic programs and a lot of legacy families that were invested in being a part of keeping the school at the top of it's game.

Bay Shore also has an exceptional Spanish Immersion program that starts in Kindergarten.

I would have no problem with my children going to BSHS - my nephew went there and several of my friend's children are in the district. But we don't live in that town. So my boys will likely go to Sayville HS. Which will hopefully give them as good of an experience as I had.

And as a town - Bay Shore is great. Yes.. there are 'bad' areas. There are also fabulous areas. It's a legacy town - people who live there seem to want to stay there. You sometimes hear a lot of negatives from folks who have never lived there or who have limited experience.. but it is a great place to live.

Message edited 2/20/2011 6:00:14 PM.

Posted 2/20/11 5:57 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/06

834 total posts


Re: Bay Shore School District

Thanks for the info!!!

Posted 2/20/11 8:32 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

11767 total posts


Re: Bay Shore School District

I have 2 coworkers in brightwaters. They both love it and are happy with the schools. Although one pays $30 k in taxes Chat Icon

Posted 2/21/11 2:07 PM

My Girls

Member since 11/06

9543 total posts


Re: Bay Shore School District

I have a few friends that live in Brightwaters, they all send their kids to private school. They did not want their kids to go to Bayshore schools.

Posted 2/21/11 5:11 PM


Member since 11/07

7344 total posts


Re: Bay Shore School District

For what it's worth:
I grew up in Bay Shore.

I went to Bay Shore schools - in 7th and 8th grade, my parents asked me if I wanted to go to a private high school and I declined. I didn't want to miss out on the musical theater program - which is the reason I still dance today.

If I had kids, I'd send them to Bay Shore schools.

Posted 2/21/11 8:34 PM


Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


Re: Bay Shore School District

I'm a 7th generation Bay Shore graduate.
I still live in Bay Shore school district.
We really do stay here forever. Chat Icon

ETA: Lawrence Farms and Brightwaters are both really nice areas.

Message edited 2/21/2011 9:17:16 PM.

Posted 2/21/11 9:15 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/06

834 total posts


Re: Bay Shore School District

Thank you all again for your opinions!! Chat Icon

Posted 2/22/11 7:00 AM

Life is Good!

Member since 7/07

7979 total posts


Re: Bay Shore School District

I am a product of the Bay Shore School District and had a FANTASTIC education there. They hold their students to a high standard and promote diversity. I had the opportunity to be a member of several activities and their music program is wonderful.

Posted 2/23/11 2:30 PM

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