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BBB, BRU, Behr's for furniture. What are your thoughts?

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Happy Mommy

Member since 9/06

4074 total posts


BBB, BRU, Behr's for furniture. What are your thoughts?

We saw a crib at BBB that DH really liked, but have had nothing but a hard time since Monday w/ BBB because it has not shown up on our registry and the Huntington store does not even have it all. We are considering going to Behr's for the crib and maybe BRU for the dresser. Don't love the idea of mixing and matching and would prefer a set, but my parent's have only commited to buying the crib regardless of the price. Not sure if we could really do an expensive dresser right now on top of all of the other expenses we will be accruing (did I mention we are moving into a new apartment in September and need to put down a deposit?). Basicly has anyone else mixed and matched? What do you all think about the quality of Behr's (I saw a Munire - Newport Cherry crib I kinda like sight-unseen)? How about BRU? How about the service at both stores (furniture wise)? Has anyone had any major issues I should know about? Should I suck it up and dish out lots of money for a dresser to keep it a pretty set?

Posted 6/25/09 9:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 5/09

215 total posts


Re: BBB, BRU, Behr's for furniture. What are your thoughts?

as long as everything is the same color, i think it's fine to mix and match. we got a crib, dresser and changing table from 3 difference places, the crib and the changing table are the same style and the dresser is different, but plain so it "goes."

i would have preferred to have everthing the same style but we tried to save as much money as possible.

Posted 6/25/09 9:05 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/05

752 total posts


Re: BBB, BRU, Behr's for furniture. What are your thoughts?

I have a Bassett crib now full bed, dresser and other piece from BRU and love it. I also have a Bonavita crib and dresser from Behrs and love it too. I have had no problems with both but please make sure if you order a convertible crib to order the rails to turn it into a full bed in the future. My DDs crib from bonavita has been dicontinued and I had to order rails that do not match exactely and hope that it looks okay.

Posted 6/25/09 9:09 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: BBB, BRU, Behr's for furniture. What are your thoughts?

honestly, you do not need to spend a lot of $$ to get a solid and pretty set. we got ours from walmart! Crib was $300, and the dresser was $250, I believe. (baby mod) yep, walmart... and 9 months later, the set is still in perfect condition dispite continual use and a kid who likes to kick the crib....

For budget shopping, you only need to see a good deal of very good customer reviews, and then you know you're getting quality pieces.

So, unless you fell in love with one particular crib, you could consider shopping around for something more affordable, since $ are an issue.......

HTH Chat Icon

Message edited 6/25/2009 9:11:38 PM.

Posted 6/25/09 9:10 PM


Member since 6/08

3195 total posts


Re: BBB, BRU, Behr's for furniture. What are your thoughts?

i got my furniture for both dc's at behrs, but both were pretty expensive, thankfully my parents splurged for it..but i will say, if youre going to go somewhere else to try and save some money, i think you can get something beautiful, but i WOULDNT mix and match NEVER really matches..and if youre like me, itll bother you endlessly..
the colors arent ever the same..unless you did something like white, or black...even then, may be go somewhere less expensive if youre worried about price (behrs is higher then bbb or bru for most of their stuff) but id def buy the set from the same place!!
good luck!!

Posted 6/25/09 10:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/09

972 total posts

Anna Maria

Re: BBB, BRU, Behr's for furniture. What are your thoughts?

I got my set at Bellini's in Manhassat -- they were having a sale and had a floor model in perfect condition.

I got the crib, changing table/bureau, bookshelf and endtable for $1400. I also splurged and got the armoire and that was 20%. The furniture is gorgeous and except for the crib it will last him for years. BTW the crib turns into a toddler bed.

Posted 6/26/09 8:23 AM


Member since 1/08

12702 total posts


Re: BBB, BRU, Behr's for furniture. What are your thoughts?

I got my set from BRU- a crib, a tall dresser and a long dresser/changer plus the mattress all for less than $1500. The quality is excellent.

The quality at Behr's is great, but much more expensive.

The quality at BBB stinks, IMO. The dressers I tried out Had bad drawer construction and the cribs didn't feel sturdy. Plus, they were more expensive than both other places for some pieces.

Of course, this is JMO and everyone has to draw their own conclusion.Chat Icon

Posted 6/26/09 8:54 AM

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