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Love my little girls <3

Member since 8/10 1418 total posts
been to L&D? - long vent
This is my second pregnancy. DD1 is 3.5 years old and when pregnant with her NOTHNG happened. I never dilated, never had BH, nothing. I went to L&D 1x and they ended up inducing me b/c my fluid was low on a sono. I was 39 weeks.
I have 18 days left of this pregnancy. I was in L&D 2x this week! First time (Thursday night) was decreased fetal movement and while there they had trouble getting a consistent trace HR on the baby b/c of her position so I was there for 4 hours. Sent home. Told to come back Sunday for another round of monitoring.
Last night, I woke up at 3:30am with a ton of consistent contractions, bad back pain, feeling like I needed to poop (TMI), intense pressure down below etc. I wanted to wait and see how long it was going to last. In the meantime, DH got his mother to come here to watch DD and off we went (I think he was nervous!). By the time we got to L&D (35 miles away) it pretty much stopped.
Got checked. 1 cm. They sent me home.
I am so bummed. I am ready! I feel so silly with all this back and forth to the hospital.
I don't know why I care, but I feel so silly that I go and get sent home. I imagine it happens all the time, but still.
Anyone else comiserate?
ETA: spelling
Message edited 8/30/2014 1:10:57 PM.
Posted 8/30/14 12:53 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 1/12 2338 total posts
Re: been to L&D? - long vent
I've been twice, too. Due in 18 days.
I think they (l n d staff) are used to it.
I'm so ready!!!!
Posted 8/30/14 2:14 PM |
Love my little girls <3

Member since 8/10 1418 total posts
been to L&D? - long vent
thank you for your response!!
I'm due 9/18. Same as you?
Posted 8/30/14 9:12 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 11/10 751 total posts
Re: been to L&D? - long vent
I wouldn't worry about it at all! They are used to it and probably see other women way more! One of my friends was sent home 4 times in 3 days when she was in early labor! You are doing the right thing by going to be checked. They won't remember how many times you were there
Posted 8/31/14 4:13 AM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
been to L&D? - long vent
With DS I didnt do the hospital but I was at my doctors on the contraction monitor like 4 times lol I felt silly everytime I was sent home also but better safe than sorry!
Posted 8/31/14 7:33 AM |
Love my little girls <3

Member since 8/10 1418 total posts
been to L&D? - long vent
thanks ladies!
Posted 8/31/14 8:32 AM |
Our miracle is here

Member since 12/12 2507 total posts
Re: been to L&D? - long vent
I've been back and fourth 5 Times lol
I've sent myself, and my doctor
It's all insurance bull lol.
Posted 9/1/14 10:22 AM |
My family is complete
Member since 1/12 2338 total posts
Re: been to L&D? - long vent
Posted by whoababy1
thank you for your response!!
I'm due 9/18. Same as you?
Yes!! And ready as anything! Lol
Posted 9/1/14 11:01 AM |