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Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

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LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

I am taking my child in to be evaluated for ADHD. Has anyone done this before? What should i expect? They said the evaluation is done over two appointments. Do i get to stay with my child? Just curious how this works.

Message edited 1/8/2020 10:43:24 AM.

Posted 1/2/20 12:23 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist

Yes my son sees a Developmental Pediatrician. First 2 visits were just assessments and a lot of questions and also gave me a questionnaire for my son's teacher to fill out. She gave him official diagnoses. Now we see her every few months because he is on meds.

Posted 1/2/20 12:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist

Thanks for responding. I am wondering what the usual assessments involve. I answered sooo many questions in a 35 page packet and the teacher already filled out all the paperwork. Do they ask me all the questions, ask the child, or both? Do i stay with my child the entire time? Thanks

Posted 1/2/20 12:28 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

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Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist

I think it depends on the age....we had our daughter assessed twice. Once at 3/4 and I stayed with her. Again when she was 7 and she went in alone.

Posted 1/2/20 11:26 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

4474 total posts


Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist

Thanks Karen. Do you remember what they do with the child?

Posted 1/3/20 9:11 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/17

2249 total posts


Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist

Posted by b2b777

Thanks for responding. I am wondering what the usual assessments involve. I answered sooo many questions in a 35 page packet and the teacher already filled out all the paperwork. Do they ask me all the questions, ask the child, or both? Do i stay with my child the entire time? Thanks

Yes I stayed with my son. My situation is a little different because my son is nonverbal so I was asked the questions and she did an observation of him.

ETA he was 4 or 5 when we first started seeing her.

Message edited 1/3/2020 10:56:48 AM.

Posted 1/3/20 10:56 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

4474 total posts


Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist

Bumping this up -- does anyone else have any insight?

Posted 1/8/20 10:43 AM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

My son has dyslexia and was evaluated privately when he was 7 in second grade. It was over two visits for him, and one for my husband and myself without our son. Both times my son went into the testing room alone with the test administrator. It took a few hours for the test so bring something to read or do while you are in the waiting room. At one point the administrator came out of the testing room to confirm my son's age. He was born at that hospital so I told her she could review his birth records. My son tested in the highly gifted range for his IQ, but could not read in second grade. Once he received his official diagnosis of dyslexia we were able to get the services he needed for success. He is now a high honor role student in middle school.

Posted 1/8/20 1:09 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/16

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Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

We see a developmental pediatrician for the management of my son's ADHD meds. He is also on the autism specturm. He was first evaluated at 2, I stayed with him the entire time. He was again evaluated at 4 and I stayed with him. We conduct testing at the office quite frequently and I always stay with him, but stay silent.
I've never had to go for 2 visits for his evals. But we have been followed for problems since birth, so all of his history is well documented. Bring samples of his school work. behavior reports, if he has a BIP, brimg a copy, if there is an IEP, bring that.
The more info they have in advance, the better equipped they will be to diagnose. Once everything has been reviewed Dr will go over everything with you. I always bring someone with me because it is a lot of questions and I like to have someone else to watch my son as well as answer questions that I may forget the answer to. For example, can people understand when your child speaks? For me, yes because I speak to him every day. For someone who sees him every 2 weeks, not at all. Things we take for granted an outsider will see differently. And it helps the Dr get a good overall picture of the child. Having that extra set of hands and ears is always helpful.

Posted 1/8/20 1:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

4474 total posts


Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

Thank you both -- this is so helpful!

Posted 1/8/20 3:12 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

The first test is an IQ test. The tests differ by age. The second test my son had was the Woodcock–Johnson IV test. You should not prepare the child for the tests at all beyond telling them they have a doctor appointment and are going to be asked a bunch of questions. If you prep them beyond that then the test is invalid. In fact, the schools are very strict on how frequent a Child can be tested. it has to be a few years between testing for validity. basically, they test for memory, comprehension, mathematical ability, reading nonessential words, reading, listening to passages and answering questions, sequences. For example, my son can hear 16 different two and three digit numbers out of sequence and put the, all into number order, ascending, descending, they will have a child read a passage and answer questions about what they read. The instructor will read passages and then the child is also able to answer questions. They have to make shapes out of blocks, they have to look at pictures and say what belong or does not belong. But do not prep your child for this test at all. That will impact their results, so I am giving this info to you because you asked, but don’t share it with your kid to influence them in any way.

Posted 1/8/20 5:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

4474 total posts


Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

Interesting. I guess I wasnt expecting him to be tested on his intelligence, but his ability to focus, process, and sit still! So overwhelming!

Posted 1/9/20 10:16 AM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

While they are administering the tests the person conducting the tests also evaluates the child for their ability to sit still, listen, maintain eye contact, respond, comprehend the question, etc. the report for my son was nearly thirty pages long. It goes into all of the kinds of things you are concerned about. They use the tests to really delve into the child. It is quite comprehensive.

Posted 1/11/20 10:21 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

Posted by LSP2005

While they are administering the tests the person conducting the tests also evaluates the child for their ability to sit still, listen, maintain eye contact, respond, comprehend the question, etc. the report for my son was nearly thirty pages long. It goes into all of the kinds of things you are concerned about. They use the tests to really delve into the child. It is quite comprehensive.

Ugh this kind of makes me sick!!! So many things I wouldnt know if i wasnt having him tested. I dont want the test to bias me in any way. :(

Posted 1/13/20 12:46 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

Oh, no, I did not mean it that way, and I am sorry you took it that way. The report basically say this is what we tested, and this is how we tested your child. This was the result of what we tested. Each item tested is a long paragraph. It will say something like this is within the expected standard deviation, or how many deviations difference. It can also say your kid is 7.9 ie. seven years nine months old, and tested as 8.2, or 21.0, or 3.4 . That is what the average age of those other kids who also took the test at the same age of your kid and others at different ages and then can say this is what is expected. I tried to look at it as this is the baseline, and we can only go up from here. So there were some areas where a child will excel, others where they are average, and others where they might need improvement. Even those kids who excel, don’t do it evenly in every subject. But please, don’t look at your child differently because they are still the same person, results or not.


Posted 1/13/20 7:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

4474 total posts


Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

Posted by LSP2005

Oh, no, I did not mean it that way, and I am sorry you took it that way. The report basically say this is what we tested, and this is how we tested your child. This was the result of what we tested. Each item tested is a long paragraph. It will say something like this is within the expected standard deviation, or how many deviations difference. It can also say your kid is 7.9 ie. seven years nine months old, and tested as 8.2, or 21.0, or 3.4 . That is what the average age of those other kids who also took the test at the same age of your kid and others at different ages and then can say this is what is expected. I tried to look at it as this is the baseline, and we can only go up from here. So there were some areas where a child will excel, others where they are average, and others where they might need improvement. Even those kids who excel, don’t do it evenly in every subject. But please, don’t look at your child differently because they are still the same person, results or not.


Thank you so very much for your insight and support. I have been struggling with the decision to test my child and at this point I am counting down the days to "get it over with" so I dont have the decision hanging over my head anymore. In the end i just want him to be happy, and to help him feel more confident. Thank you again for everything. I will let you know how it goes.

Posted 1/14/20 8:57 AM

Brighter days ahead

Member since 4/07

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Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

Your child may or may not undergo a full psychological/educational evaluation. It depends on the type of professional you are seeing and how in depth they are going. ADHD evaluations can include observations, interviews, behavioral screenings, psychoeducational evaluation, neurological and neuropsychological evaluations.

You will need to give informed consent to any formal testing, so you will know exactly what they are doing.

Posted 1/14/20 1:37 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/10

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Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

How did the appt go? I'll be taking my LO soon.

Posted 1/29/20 5:31 PM


Member since 6/06

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Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

Who do you schedule initial appointment with?

Posted 1/31/20 2:14 PM

Our miracle is here

Member since 12/12

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Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

I am bumping this again

Who do you go to?
I was ref to Dr. Gutman at Northwell in Manhassett and cannot see us until October

Posted 2/3/20 11:56 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/16

989 total posts


Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

Posted by JWG421

I am bumping this again

Who do you go to?
I was ref to Dr. Gutman at Northwell in Manhassett and cannot see us until October

That's actually not too bad. My son is an established patient at Northwell and has to wait almost 7 months to see his Dr that has to write meds every 3 months.
They all have waits. Even the "bad" ones have waits. There just aren't enough of these drs for the kids that need them.

Posted 2/3/20 1:08 PM

Bunny kisses are so cute!

Member since 5/05

19461 total posts


Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

Posted by JWG421

I am bumping this again

Who do you go to?
I was ref to Dr. Gutman at Northwell in Manhassett and cannot see us until October

so it took 6 months for my son to actually get an appointment the first time he was tested. If you want it sooner, will the school offer testing? Alternatively, call a lot to see if there are last minute cancellations. I called a lot, and we were able to move some parts up, and completed all testing within six months, but there is a lack of doctors who are qualified to do this test.

Posted 2/3/20 2:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

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Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

When i called Northwell they asked if my child had an IEP or an existing issue and I said no -- they then told me i could see a behavioral psychologist for the testing the following month. If he found that my child had ADHD they would have to refer me to the Developmental Ped to write prescriptions. That DR has a 6 month wait.

Posted 2/4/20 9:25 AM


Member since 2/09

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Re: Behavioral Pediatrician / Psychologist -- Has anyone been to one?

Posted by JWG421

I am bumping this again

Who do you go to?
I was ref to Dr. Gutman at Northwell in Manhassett and cannot see us until October

We also had a 9 month wait for the developmental pediatricians at Northwell, but our appointment is in Riverhead. My son has an appointment in June. From what I hear the waitlists for any developmental pediatrician is very longChat Icon

Posted 2/14/20 9:38 AM

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