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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 7967 total posts
Name: sara
B.Feeding and Co Sleeping.
For the past few weeks DD has ended up in bed with us every night usually no later than midnight....She is 7 1/2mths and still feeds through the night. Thank god she has no teeth so I have no decay issues.
I think that the co sleeping is making it worse as she just latches on whenever she wants during the night.
I have tried to stop her by wearing a shirt to bed, giving her the paci etc but she just fights me on it and roars until she gets what she wants
The co sleeping thing started as I was just so tired I needed to get some sleep but I feel like I have made an even bigger hole for myself now as not only is she sleeping with us but she can rock up to the nursing snack bar whenever she wants!
I cannot do CIO although when she didnt go to bed last night until 10.30 I was contemplating it.
Any advice? Thanks
Posted 9/26/06 11:30 AM |
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My girls

Member since 7/05 4303 total posts
Re: B.Feeding and Co Sleeping.
My advice is to stop worrying about what you "should" be doing and decide what you really want. You may realize that you don't mind the current situation but are just worried you have created a "problem." Its only a problem if you are unhappy. Sure we'd all prefer to have babies that slept peacefully from 7 pm - 7 am in their own crib, but that simply isn't possible for all babies.
Even if she had teeth you wouldn't have to worry about decay with breastfeeding. There is nothing wrong with continuing the co-sleep if it works for you.
What do you want?
Posted 9/26/06 12:35 PM |
Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05 3932 total posts
Re: B.Feeding and Co Sleeping.
Posted by Calla
My advice is to stop worrying about what you "should" be doing and decide what you really want. You may realize that you don't mind the current situation but are just worried you have created a "problem." Its only a problem if you are unhappy. Sure we'd all prefer to have babies that slept peacefully from 7 pm - 7 am in their own crib, but that simply isn't possible for all babies.
Even if she had teeth you wouldn't have to worry about decay with breastfeeding. There is nothing wrong with continuing the co-sleep if it works for you.
What do you want?
I agree! Even if you weren't co-sleeping she might be getting up during the night. My son would wake up a few times a night to nurse and he was in the crib!
Posted 9/26/06 1:03 PM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: B.Feeding and Co Sleeping.
We Co Sleep and nurse, it's the only way we can all get some sleep besides I love her with me DD wakes on average every 3 - 4 hours to eat and more often during a growth spurt. I don't mind because I know these precious moments won't last forever
Posted 9/26/06 1:10 PM |
I love my DS!!!
Member since 5/05 9340 total posts
Name: Blank
Re: B.Feeding and Co Sleeping.
Posted by MicheleMaBelle
We Co Sleep and nurse, it's the only way we can all get some sleep besides I love her with me DD wakes on average every 3 - 4 hours to eat and more often during a growth spurt. I don't mind because I know these precious moments won't last forever
When do they end?
Posted 9/26/06 1:14 PM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: B.Feeding and Co Sleeping.
Posted by bedda26
Posted by MicheleMaBelle
We Co Sleep and nurse, it's the only way we can all get some sleep besides I love her with me DD wakes on average every 3 - 4 hours to eat and more often during a growth spurt. I don't mind because I know these precious moments won't last forever
When do they end?
I meant it as the nursing and Co Sleeping won't last forever...
Posted 9/26/06 1:27 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 7967 total posts
Name: sara
Re: B.Feeding and Co Sleeping.
I think "calla" you hit the nail on the head about what do I want V what do I think is the right thing to do!
I really dont mind DD sleeping with us although I do worry since DH told me he had the duvet over her head the other night
I worry because I think it might be harder for her to give up the night feedings when I am right there with the boobs every night. She does this thing where she latches on, pulls away with her eyes closed, turns her head and I think she is done, but then she latches on again, sucks a little and pullls off again. This can go on for 20 mins all the while I cannot sleep as I am afraid I will smother her etc.
I really dont think she is hungry just using it as a comfort measure. If she was hungry I wouldnt mind so much. How will I ever wean her if she is still feeding through the night at this stage?
Posted 9/26/06 1:28 PM |
My girls

Member since 7/05 4303 total posts
Re: B.Feeding and Co Sleeping.
Well, you'll wean her because her college roommate will complain that the dorm room isn't big for all three of you.
Or you'll wean her because either she'll outgrow the need, or because you get fed up and decide something has to change. Either way, that is later. No point in making yourself miserable now trying to figure it out. What you are doing now works now. Your baby will constantly change and you'll find a point that it is right and comfortable for you to do something different.
(Disclaimer: My 18 month old daughter sleeps in her crib, but still nurses once every night. If that sounds awful to you, then you may not want to follow my advice!)
Posted 9/26/06 1:33 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 7967 total posts
Name: sara
Re: B.Feeding and Co Sleeping.
Well, you'll wean her because her college roommate will complain that the dorm room isn't big for all three of you.
I think you are right...I will stop stressing out and just take her as she is.
I guess the biggest shock to me is that I thought I would be a mom with a schedule and would not let my DC be ruling the house but alas she is the ringmaster! Just as well I love her to bits!
Posted 9/26/06 1:58 PM |
The man of my dreams...

Member since 5/05 1706 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: B.Feeding and Co Sleeping.
I nursed and co-sleep. Since he was born actually. And he woke continuously every 2 hrs or so. Once I weaned him to a cup during the day, introducing the cup at nighttime got easier and at 11 mos HE stopped nursing completely. NOW finally, he sleeps thru the night!
I was never worried about creating a problem. I know when the time we'll move him into his crib or a toddler bed. I enjoy my time with him at night and completely feel it is a beautiful bonding experience!
Posted 9/26/06 2:53 PM |
boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
Re: B.Feeding and Co Sleeping.
I nursed for the first 7 months and we co slept for the first 12-13 months. I can say that he didnt stop nursing at night until I weaned him from the breast completly. It really wasnt out of hunger to nurse at night but out of comfort. When we switched to formula and my milk dried up there was no choice but to take the pacifier. A few nights I would give him the bottle but pretty soon he got used to the idea that there was no more boob and stopped looking for it- he would just take the paci.
Posted 9/26/06 4:14 PM |