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BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

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BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

Ok this may be long:

I have a 2 month old, when he was born I had to be in my sisters wedding 2.5 weeks later. Ideally I would have loved to just breastfeed him and no bottle, no paci for awhile. Since I would be leaving him at home for her wedding I had to pump and give him bottles. This has caused me so many problems b/c it turned into me pumping a lot more. I also have an over supply and had a latching issue. My 2 "goals" were to give birth vaginally and BF for at least 6 months. I did the first and am trying SOO hard to accomplish the second.

I was pumping more and giving bottles rather than just nursing due to my sisters wedding and all of the things that came along with it. I am also in my friends wedding had her shower in the first month of his life. I WISH I stopped pumping or just reduced it to one time a day.

I thought my supply was low and started eating oatmeal, taking fenugreek, etc. That was around 1 month, I have a HUGE over supply now Chat Icon

My DS takes the boob 75% of the time, the other 25% he is fussy, he is choking or it is at the end of the session and its not enough for him. He is used to fast flow from the bottle or my oversupply so he gets annoyed when he has to struggle at all.

About a week ago I said I would not be pumping anymore no matter the circumstance I would just nurse unless I wasn't with it. So he is getting better but my oversupply is still in full swing. I have had 4 clogged ducts in the past week or so Chat Icon and I am ALWAYS engorged unless its right after I nurse.

I have read Kellymom over and over about the topic and have been trying to block feed for the most part. When I wake up in the morning I HAVE to pump (they r ROCK hard) then nurse or I feel like I am going to explode, so I have been pumping in the morning and before bed after I nurse him (or I can't sleep) The rest of the day I just deal with the pressure and try to nurse him as frequently as possible.

I guess my main issue is the oversupply, besides block feeding and not really pumping like I used to and nursing him a ton what can I do to lessen it??

My fear is that DS will not nurse when my supply has been regulated down to normal b/c it will be more difficult for him. Right now he is either choking on boob or straining to get milk out (I know there is some) ALSO we have been using a nipple shield!!!! Its just another freakin issue that I want to eventually get rid of but he was NOT latching and I wanted to give up BFing.

My plan was just to stop the bottles almost all together and nurse but between my DS screaming bloody murder or he is choking and my breasts are constantly throbbing from being so engorged and the clogged ducts I am getting very discouraged.

I guess I am just asking for advice or words of encouragement, my DH has no clue how hard this has been for me and I don't know really any people that can help me with this.

Should I continue to try and steer DS back to the boob (my ideal option) and just hope the engorgement and clogged ducts go away or should I just exclusively pump b/c I have SOO much milk and I know it would work??

I hope this makes sense, I am so tired right now, lol!

TIA Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/10 4:39 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help


Message edited 7/27/2010 4:41:20 PM.

Posted 7/27/10 4:40 PM

Blessed with 2blue/2pink

Member since 12/05

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Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

Can you just manually express a bit out before you nurse? Not sure how much that will help but at least he won't be choking.
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ETS: I see what you're saying about exclusively pumping but if you prefer to put him to the breast then I would focus on that goal . If you're main goal is to just make sure he gets the BM, then pumping is def. an option.

Chat Icon

Message edited 7/27/2010 4:44:05 PM.

Posted 7/27/10 4:43 PM

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

I would really try to reduce the pumping sessions as much as possible and just let him nurse on demand. The more you are pumping, the more you are making! He will adjust to you as time goes on. Let him empty a breast and them go on the other. If he doesn't empty it, manually express for comfort them go to that breast next time.
He will also be going through a growth spurt soon and will want all that extra supply Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/10 4:43 PM


Member since 10/09

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Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

Posted by FelAndJon

I would really try to reduce the pumping sessions as much as possible and just let him nurse on demand. The more you are pumping, the more you are making! He will adjust to you as time goes on. Let him empty a breast and them go on the other. If he doesn't empty it, manually express for comfort them go to that breast next time.
He will also be going through a growth spurt soon and will want all that extra supply Chat Icon Chat Icon

Ok so you think twice a day is too much? Maybe just in the morning? The thing is I keep getting painful clogged ducts from them being SOO engorged Chat Icon

I HATE that it is like this and feel like I created such a problem, uggh. Next child I will definitely not pump at all for a long time!!

Posted 7/27/10 4:47 PM

Back for baby #3

Member since 5/09

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Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

I would seek the help of a lactation consultant. There sounds to be several things your having a hard time w/ and they will be able to help you with achieving your goals. Also you might want to attend a local la leache meeting, you can find one near your zip, and even call the group leaders for help/advice. I am sorry your having such a hard time, but keep up the great work. Your doing awesome!!!!! Don't give up!!! You can do it!!!

Posted 7/27/10 4:54 PM

needs to update her avatar pic

Member since 6/05

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

Posted by MangoMama

Ok so you think twice a day is too much? Maybe just in the morning? The thing is I keep getting painful clogged ducts from them being SOO engorged Chat Icon

I HATE that it is like this and feel like I created such a problem, uggh. Next child I will definitely not pump at all for a long time!!

Do you mean pump 2x a day or manually express 2x a day?
As a pp said too, if you main goal is to BF (without pumping), then no need to pump at all. If you are just looking for him to get your breast milk, then you should pump as needed. Problem is going to be that it won't help you to adjust your supply. Your breasts create milk as needed. By continuously pumping, they are going to think you need to create more and they will.
If it is just for comfort (I was that way too with DS2), I would manually express a little for comfort then feed him. I EBF for 15 months and it evened out after a couple of weeks in the beginning)

Posted 7/27/10 4:56 PM


Member since 10/09

4594 total posts


Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

Posted by FelAndJon

Posted by MangoMama

Ok so you think twice a day is too much? Maybe just in the morning? The thing is I keep getting painful clogged ducts from them being SOO engorged Chat Icon

I HATE that it is like this and feel like I created such a problem, uggh. Next child I will definitely not pump at all for a long time!!

Do you mean pump 2x a day or manually express 2x a day?
As a pp said too, if you main goal is to BF (without pumping), then no need to pump at all. If you are just looking for him to get your breast milk, then you should pump as needed. Problem is going to be that it won't help you to adjust your supply. Your breasts create milk as needed. By continuously pumping, they are going to think you need to create more and they will.
If it is just for comfort (I was that way too with DS2), I would manually express a little for comfort then feed him. I EBF for 15 months and it evened out after a couple of weeks in the beginning)

Ok I have never manually expressed, I will try that instead to get comfortable before feeding. I did want to pump once a day to store in freezer for when/if I go back. I think I am just in the thick of it as far are transitioning and it is frustrating. I looked into an LC but it was too expensive for me right now.

No matter what I will continue b/c I really want him to have breastmilk!

Thanks Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/10 5:04 PM

needs to update her avatar pic

Member since 6/05

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

Best of luck to you! You are doing so great Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/10 5:05 PM

Back for baby #3

Member since 5/09

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Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

Since the LC was Chat Icon Try a meeting for sure:

Posted 7/27/10 5:16 PM

My 3 little loves <3<3<3

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Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

Posted by MrsB0118

I would seek the help of a lactation consultant. There sounds to be several things your having a hard time w/ and they will be able to help you with achieving your goals. Also you might want to attend a local la leache meeting, you can find one near your zip, and even call the group leaders for help/advice. I am sorry your having such a hard time, but keep up the great work. Your doing awesome!!!!! Don't give up!!! You can do it!!!

I agree with this word for word!!!

ETS: Sorry, after I posted this I read what you said about the LC being too expensive! I definitely would recommend going to a LLL meeting. I've never been but my SIL used to go when she was BF and she RAVES about them! Or if you don't want to/can't go to a meeting, they have a help forum on their website that you can use to fill out any question, and then it goes into their system and any LLL volunteer can respond to you. I used that once and got a really fast and really helpful response. GL and hang in there- you're doing a great job!! Chat Icon

Message edited 7/27/2010 5:29:32 PM.

Posted 7/27/10 5:26 PM


Member since 10/09

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Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

Posted by MrsB0118

Since the LC was Chat Icon Try a meeting for sure:

thanks Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/10 5:34 PM

Mommy of 3!

Member since 5/05

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Mommy to two boys and a girl

Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

Try putting cold cabbage leaves on your boobs after you nurse- this helped me with over engorgement a bit.

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Posted 7/27/10 5:50 PM

Back for baby #3

Member since 5/09

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Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

check this out Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/10 5:53 PM


Member since 10/09

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Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

Posted by MrsB0118

check this out Chat Icon

Awesome, thanks!! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/27/10 10:29 PM

Ultimate Expression of LOVE

Member since 6/08

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Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

hand express a little before and when you go to nurse LEAN BACK.... like kinda slouch back and almost have the baby laying on your belly to nurse, this helps TREMENDOUSLY to slow the flow down!

Posted 7/28/10 12:47 AM


Member since 10/09

4594 total posts


Re: BFing Mamas- I need some advice/help

Posted by Blissful

hand express a little before and when you go to nurse LEAN BACK.... like kinda slouch back and almost have the baby laying on your belly to nurse, this helps TREMENDOUSLY to slow the flow down!

Thanks, yeah I have been doing that, leaning back, and it makes it much easier for him. I hoping to see a change in my supply in the next few weeks Chat Icon even if just slightly less!

Posted 7/28/10 2:05 PM

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