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Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

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Member since 12/09

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Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Does da have any clue she's going up (assuming the plan sticks)

Posted 8/1/16 1:21 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

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Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

So Davonne and Bridgette are up. Not sure who's going home. I hate that they vote with the house and no one ever votes who they want to.

Looks like Z and paulie are fighting. Not that I think their relationship was that big. They don't show it on the show.

Posted 8/3/16 1:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

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Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Michelle is insane. I mean legally she is insane. I cannot take that cry.

Also, is it me or does Bridgette have a normal voice is the DR. That cutesy voice is annoying.

I don't even know who I'm rooting for. I think they're all nuts. LOL

I guess James. Paul is growing on me though.

Posted 8/4/16 7:18 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/13

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Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by EricaAlt

Michelle is insane. I mean legally she is insane. I cannot take that cry.

Also, is it me or does Bridgette have a normal voice is the DR. That cutesy voice is annoying.

I don't even know who I'm rooting for. I think they're all nuts. LOL

I guess James. Paul is growing on me though.

I was laughing so much during last nights show. Michelle is really insane.

Yeah, Bridgette def plays up the baby voice when she's talking to the other house guests. It's beyond annoying.

I think I'm kinda rooting for James... right now anyway lol. None of them have really won me over this season.

Posted 8/4/16 11:48 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

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Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Victor won HOH
Michelle cried more... that she threw up, that she didn't have gum. cried bc Devon didn't hug her when she left... Chat Icon

Last I read it was something about Paulie and Z going on a date.
I think Z is there just to hook up and has no clue it's a game.
After the show Paulie will dump Z or even before when he evicts her... LOL
Corey will come out of the closet and I think James and Natalie will have a close friendship.

Posted 8/5/16 7:30 AM


Member since 5/05

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Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

FYI, BB wont be on CBS tomorrow, it will be on WLNY10 or whatever it is called.

Posted 8/10/16 9:29 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

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Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by Blazesyth

FYI, BB wont be on CBS tomorrow, it will be on WLNY10 or whatever it is called.


FYI - Z is the worst player and love struck. She's totally being played by Paulie and it's pathetic to watch. Natalie tried to help her and tell her the truth and of course she goes back to Paulie and tells him everything. Ugh!

I hope James uses his power wisely.

When is the double eviction? I hope James or Natalie gets HOH next and turns the house around. Hate to watch the guys have all the power. Especially Corey and Nicole who don't do anything. I used to like her.

I read she was super jealous when James and Natalie got the package. She thinks America loves her.

Posted 8/11/16 9:14 AM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

What did Paulie say about Natalie (that Bridget referred to)? What went on in the house before elimination? And why does anyone think they kept Michelle?

So annoyed Corey one. Hasn't done a thing and yet he won this one. Can't stand Nicole!! She has been sitting pretty and I can't take it. She has to go.

Posted 8/12/16 11:07 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Paulie didn't like that Natalie told Z that Paulie was using her.

Check out this video of him being an azzhole

And, this is very interesting.

Paulie is engaged while screwing Z - and the old girlfriend said he was cheating with 5 girls at the same time.

Posted 8/12/16 12:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

I can't stand Paulie and wish he gets screwed after this. Z looks so pathetic now. Everything Natalie told her was to help her and she just went right back and told Paulie everything.

I hate Victor, Cory and especially Paulie. I actually like Paul a lot now. Can't believe the girls didn't even see how Cory took the guys in the room to pick the nominations. Especially Nicole! Her own boyfriend didn't go to her and he went to the guys. Too bad Bridgette left bc I was finally starting to like her. The "franky" comments and baby talk was annoying, but I liked that she stuck up for the girls.

Now I'm just rooting for Natalie or James to win. Michele is too emotional and the crying is annoying. I like Paul, but he really doesn't need the money. LOL

Posted 8/12/16 12:22 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by EricaAlt

I can't stand Paulie and wish he gets screwed after this. Z looks so pathetic now. Everything Natalie told her was to help her and she just went right back and told Paulie everything.

I hate Victor, Cory and especially Paulie. I actually like Paul a lot now. Can't believe the girls didn't even see how Cory took the guys in the room to pick the nominations. Especially Nicole! Her own boyfriend didn't go to her and he went to the guys. Too bad Bridgette left bc I was finally starting to like her. The "franky" comments and baby talk was annoying, but I liked that she stuck up for the girls.

Now I'm just rooting for Natalie or James to win. Michele is too emotional and the crying is annoying. I like Paul, but he really doesn't need the money. LOL

Yeah, it seems that the girls don't care to win or forget winning - they aren't even there to TRY. They're just using it to be with the boys and lay out in the sun.

As you said, the way they let the guys just chat in the open during the double? If they cared about the game, they would be all over Corey. But no, they just stand there passively. Or sorry, they straighten their hair passively.

Posted 8/12/16 2:20 PM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Nicole won the next care package. Why is America so STUPID!!!!!!!!

Posted 8/12/16 5:59 PM

Dream big

Member since 1/06

2486 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS victor won the HOH. He's nominated PAULIE AND COREY!!!!

Victor also won the VETO comp.

I have no idea how all this went down, but clearly the guy's alliance has disintegrated.

And i know a lot of people hate Paulie, but he's one of my faves and I hope he doesn't go home. Paulie makes this game fun to watch. Imagine a house full of Z's, Corey's, or Nicole's. What a snoozefest!!!

That being said, I hope they backdoor Meech or Natalie. Guess we'll see tonight.

Posted 8/14/16 11:18 AM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by SpiceGirl victor won the HOH. He's nominated PAULIE AND COREY!!!!

Victor also won the VETO comp.

I have no idea how all this went down, but clearly the guy's alliance has disintegrated.

And i know a lot of people hate Paulie, but he's one of my faves and I hope he doesn't go home. Paulie makes this game fun to watch. Imagine a house full of Z's, Corey's, or Nicole's. What a snoozefest!!!

That being said, I hope they backdoor Meech or Natalie. Guess we'll see tonight.

Victor is going to leave the nominations the same so Paulie will be going home.
Paulie is really a piece of work. Of course he gets the good edit on TV but the truth on the feeds and everywhere else - oofah.

Posted 8/14/16 4:02 PM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

While I think Paulie is a jerk for what he is said, I do think people are forgetting what scumbags they all are lol

Maybe with the exception of Vic,they are all unlikeable

And I loved James on his previous season

Posted 8/14/16 8:41 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by SpiceGirl victor won the HOH. He's nominated PAULIE AND COREY!!!!

Victor also won the VETO comp.

I have no idea how all this went down, but clearly the guy's alliance has disintegrated.

And i know a lot of people hate Paulie, but he's one of my faves and I hope he doesn't go home. Paulie makes this game fun to watch. Imagine a house full of Z's, Corey's, or Nicole's. What a snoozefest!!!

That being said, I hope they backdoor Meech or Natalie. Guess we'll see tonight.

I liked Paulie in the beginning but he's really turned into an arrogant a$$hole, I hope he goes home. It will serve him right for being such a douche.

Paul has really grown on me, I didn't like him initially but I have to say, he's really playing a very clever, we'll thought out game. I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the final 2 at this point. The girls are all bobbleheads, hope they all get bounced soon, none of them deserve to win.

Message edited 8/15/2016 7:53:16 AM.

Posted 8/15/16 7:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by SpiceGirl victor won the HOH. He's nominated PAULIE AND COREY!!!!

Victor also won the VETO comp.

I have no idea how all this went down, but clearly the guy's alliance has disintegrated.

And i know a lot of people hate Paulie, but he's one of my faves and I hope he doesn't go home. Paulie makes this game fun to watch. Imagine a house full of Z's, Corey's, or Nicole's. What a snoozefest!!!

That being said, I hope they backdoor Meech or Natalie. Guess we'll see tonight.

I liked Paulie in the beginning but he's really turned into an arrogant a$$hole, I hope he goes home. It will serve him right for being such a douche.

Paul has really grown on me, I didn't like him initially but I have to say, he's really playing a very clever, we'll thought out game. I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the final 2 at this point. The girls are all bobbleheads, hope they all get bounced soon, none of them deserve to win.

ITA about Paul. I really like him and he's playing a smart game. He's also fun to watch too and not so dramatic.
Paulie is a d-bag. I actually liked Bridgette.
I hope James and Natalie become a thing. I still like him, but not as much as I did on his last season. Oh, and Victor is growing on me too. Corey is just an idiot and I can't stand Nicole.

Posted 8/15/16 8:05 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Gotta add also that last night was the first good episode in a while

Posted 8/15/16 8:07 AM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by EricaAlt

I hope James and Natalie become a thing.

Yesterday they were having a mini-spat, he told someone (I forget who) that he would date other people when they left the house. She got pissed.

I was surprised he said that. Even if you were going to, he should be smart enough to know not to say that outloud!

Posted 8/15/16 10:36 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/08

22665 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by Blazesyth

Posted by EricaAlt

I hope James and Natalie become a thing.

Yesterday they were having a mini-spat, he told someone (I forget who) that he would date other people when they left the house. She got pissed.

I was surprised he said that. Even if you were going to, he should be smart enough to know not to say that outloud!

Boo! That was stupid to say. He's getting an ego!

Posted 8/15/16 11:39 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by EricaAlt

Posted by Blazesyth

Posted by EricaAlt

I hope James and Natalie become a thing.

Yesterday they were having a mini-spat, he told someone (I forget who) that he would date other people when they left the house. She got pissed.

I was surprised he said that. Even if you were going to, he should be smart enough to know not to say that outloud!

Boo! That was stupid to say. He's getting an ego!

Are they just friends or more than that?? I cannot tell! They never really show them kissing and being all over each other, I just though they were good friends. If they are an actual couple I'd be surprised, they seem so mismatched.

Posted 8/15/16 4:12 PM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by EricaAlt

Posted by Blazesyth

Posted by EricaAlt

I hope James and Natalie become a thing.

Yesterday they were having a mini-spat, he told someone (I forget who) that he would date other people when they left the house. She got pissed.

I was surprised he said that. Even if you were going to, he should be smart enough to know not to say that outloud!

Boo! That was stupid to say. He's getting an ego!

Are they just friends or more than that?? I cannot tell! They never really show them kissing and being all over each other, I just though they were good friends. If they are an actual couple I'd be surprised, they seem so mismatched.

She said something like
"I know we're just friends and all and I have no right over you but it really hurt my feelings when you said you would date other people."

So she seems more interested in him then he does in her.

Posted 8/15/16 4:16 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by Blazesyth

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by EricaAlt

Posted by Blazesyth

Posted by EricaAlt

I hope James and Natalie become a thing.

Yesterday they were having a mini-spat, he told someone (I forget who) that he would date other people when they left the house. She got pissed.

I was surprised he said that. Even if you were going to, he should be smart enough to know not to say that outloud!

Boo! That was stupid to say. He's getting an ego!

Are they just friends or more than that?? I cannot tell! They never really show them kissing and being all over each other, I just though they were good friends. If they are an actual couple I'd be surprised, they seem so mismatched.

She said something like
"I know we're just friends and all and I have no right over you but it really hurt my feelings when you said you would date other people."

So she seems more interested in him then he does in her.

I honestly don't think they are in a relationship. I would bet it will not become one either. Maybe they are holding out due to the "game" but sheesh, James is throwing it away now to defend her.

I am so glad Paulie is up. He really disgusted me the last few weeks as the truth of his personality came out. Played way too selfish, too aggressive and he screwed himself.

Posted 8/15/16 5:02 PM

Dream big

Member since 1/06

2486 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by Goobster

Posted by Blazesyth

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by EricaAlt

Posted by Blazesyth

Posted by EricaAlt

I hope James and Natalie become a thing.

Yesterday they were having a mini-spat, he told someone (I forget who) that he would date other people when they left the house. She got pissed.

I was surprised he said that. Even if you were going to, he should be smart enough to know not to say that outloud!

Boo! That was stupid to say. He's getting an ego!

Are they just friends or more than that?? I cannot tell! They never really show them kissing and being all over each other, I just though they were good friends. If they are an actual couple I'd be surprised, they seem so mismatched.

She said something like
"I know we're just friends and all and I have no right over you but it really hurt my feelings when you said you would date other people."

So she seems more interested in him then he does in her.

I honestly don't think they are in a relationship. I would bet it will not become one either. Maybe they are holding out due to the "game" but sheesh, James is throwing it away now to defend her.

I am so glad Paulie is up. He really disgusted me the last few weeks as the truth of his personality came out. Played way too selfish, too aggressive and he screwed himself.

It seems like he's more into her, than she is into him. Romantically anyway. I think this season was a good lesson for future contestants...NO SHOWMANCES. It messes up your game.

Posted 8/15/16 11:02 PM

Dream big

Member since 1/06

2486 total posts


Re: Big Brother 18 Official Thread SPOILERS

Posted by Blazesyth

Posted by SpiceGirl victor won the HOH. He's nominated PAULIE AND COREY!!!!

Victor also won the VETO comp.

I have no idea how all this went down, but clearly the guy's alliance has disintegrated.

And i know a lot of people hate Paulie, but he's one of my faves and I hope he doesn't go home. Paulie makes this game fun to watch. Imagine a house full of Z's, Corey's, or Nicole's. What a snoozefest!!!

That being said, I hope they backdoor Meech or Natalie. Guess we'll see tonight.

Victor is going to leave the nominations the same so Paulie will be going home.
Paulie is really a piece of work. Of course he gets the good edit on TV but the truth on the feeds and everywhere else - oofah.

I don't watch the feeds, so I can only go by what I see. I watch this show and other reality shows for entertainment. So, I take all involved with a grain of salt. I try not to judge them by their behavior on the show, because it is a game to win money.

I feel like most reality shows always come down to who the audience this is the nicest. We kinda need the Paulie's of world to spice these shows up. So, on that note, I'll be sad to see him go.

Posted 8/15/16 11:05 PM
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