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(Birthday) Gifts for siblings of birthday child

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LIF Adolescent

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(Birthday) Gifts for siblings of birthday child

I went to a party this weekend for my 3-year old godson.

I was a little surprised to see that his 4-year old sister (her birthday is coming up soon) received quite a few gifts from doting grandparents.

I personally disagree with this on so many levels. I didn't really say anything because they were very adament --defensive even! Saying things like: '...when you have two children this is a MUST!!!'

I was just curious about what other folks think about this.

Posted 11/26/07 10:54 AM
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Re: (Birthday) Gifts for siblings of birthday child

I think that is silly

I never got gifts on my sisters b-day Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/26/07 10:55 AM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

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Re: (Birthday) Gifts for siblings of birthday child

I actually disagree.
I have always gotten the sibling a gift as well if they are little kids. But you are saying grandparents specifically? Yes, I think they should give both children. I dont have a specific rhyme or reason but its just what I do.

Posted 11/26/07 11:03 AM

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Re: (Birthday) Gifts for siblings of birthday child

I have two DC, and the non-birthday DC helps open some presents, but they don't get things just because it's someone else's b-day. It lessens the focus on the b-day child, in my mind.

I never got presents for my sibs b-days. My sis got presents on our bros b-day, though..... they were twins, so I guess it doesn't really count.... Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/26/07 11:06 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

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Re: (Birthday) Gifts for siblings of birthday child

Well, everyone got Kate a gift when Abby was born, but Abby's 1st b-day is not until May, so I don't know what's going to happen...I don't really mind though, I guess.

I have never/will never bought a gift for the sibling of the birthday child, and I don't ever recall getting a gift on my sister's b-day.

Posted 11/26/07 11:12 AM

10 years on LIF!

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Re: (Birthday) Gifts for siblings of birthday child

Posted by Eireann

Well, everyone got Kate a gift when Abby was born, but Abby's 1st b-day is not until May, so I don't know what's going to happen...I don't really mind though, I guess.

I have never/will never bought a gift for the sibling of the birthday child, and I don't ever recall getting a gift on my sister's b-day.

An actual birth day is different. At that point, DC is now a big brother/sister, so it is an actual event to celebrate. After that, though, it's all about the b-day child, not about the siblings being the big sib of a 1 yo....

DS did get some gifts when DD was born, but not after that.

Posted 11/26/07 11:22 AM

too excited for words

Member since 10/05

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Re: (Birthday) Gifts for siblings of birthday child

I thikn only the b-day child should recieve gifts- it's their special day. If you want to get something little for the other child like a coloring book, then I think that's fine, but I don't thikn they should get toys or anything like that. They'll get gift son their own b-day.

Posted 11/26/07 11:32 AM

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Re: (Birthday) Gifts for siblings of birthday child

Only the birthday child gets a gift. I know it's hard for them to understand at a young age that they don't get a gift, but I think I'm better off starting earlier.

Posted 11/26/07 11:36 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

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Re: (Birthday) Gifts for siblings of birthday child

It depends on the age. When a sibling is under 3, I tend to get the sibling a gift.

Posted 11/26/07 12:04 PM

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